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Willa (CBJ Villain), 5/12/18-6/22/24


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Willa left us peacefully this afternoon. I wrote this for her this morning.

Never has a racing name been so far off the mark. Willa's only act of villainy was stealing your heart (and maybe a few wooden coasters), with her huge lemur eyes and constantly wagging tail that earned her the nickname Willa Waggles.


Two months after we adopted Doolin (2 years ago next Tuesday), Willa, then called Villa, came up for adoption. Her deer-in-the-headlights photo, straight out of an ASPCA ad, still makes me laugh. Girl was intense. Noticing that she was Doolin's full littermate, we asked about her casually, not sure we were up for two dogs. Despite our telling him not to hold her for us, Adam, the Southland kennel manager/amateur therapist/hound matchmaker, wouldn't let anyone meet her until we did. So we drove back to West Memphis, Arkansas, in September with Doolin. I've heard littermates don't recognize each other, but you can't convince me these two didn't. They were so excited, and Willa was more animated and playful than Adam had ever seen her. She came home with us the next weekend. I don't agree that two is as easy as one (sorry, Ellen!), but we eventually figured out our rhythm.


What a force. Wild Woman Willa. In those early days, she chewed any paper she could find, books, my Kindle case, the aforementioned coasters, and once, an X-acto knife (just the handle, thankfully). She loved egging on her brother in the yard, sounding absolutely vicious but not meaning a word of it. They never had a single argument. She loved to eat but always took treats so daintily from your hand. But best of all, she was a snuggler. Sweep had sleep startle her whole life, so we had to relearn not to brace ourselves when we touched Willa on her bed. She couldn't get enough affection and would have sat in our laps if she could fit. Always my little spoon.



In mid-July, before we'd had her even a year, a lump popped up on her wrist overnight. We thought there was no way, not in a five-year-old, but we were wrong. We got the devastating diagnosis a week after learning our cat Richard had an inoperable fibrosarcoma. After much wrestling with the decision so soon after going through this with Sweep, we had Willa's right front leg amputated on August 1. The next day, just after we brought her home, Richard dropped dead in the living room. He spared us making the tough decision, but let's just say my liver took a serious hit that week.


Willa was not deterred in the least by having three legs. She thrived; she became more Willa. She was remarkably agile, spinning in tight circles in the yard. We took two trips to Cincinnati to get her the Yale vaccine, which she handled like the champ she was. Always so tolerant, she put up with being dressed as a piñata for Halloween (and won the $500 award!). We went to the beach in November around the time she was finishing chemo and she had a blast running in the sand (unlike Doolin, who ran straight into the ocean). I worried how she'd get around in January when we had an unusual amount of snow for Nashville, but she was unfazed. She spun and zoomed and harassed her brother—business as usual. On a playdate in late February, she outran all the four-legged boys.




Around their 6th birthday in May, she started slowing down a bit. We initially attributed it to the warming temperatures, but then she seemed to have more trouble lying down. We figured it was from compensation or maybe she strained a muscle chasing squirrels or jumping into the car. We had our regular follow-up chest x-rays on May 28, so I asked them to check all her legs too. All clear, and I was elated. Still, she struggled. On June 9, I noticed her right hip was swollen. We got her in for more x-rays, which revealed a mass by her pelvis. Dr. Couto thought it was most likely a soft tissue sarcoma, which we hoped we could treat with radiation, but the oncologists here felt pretty strongly that it was the evil OSA back again. We had a CT scan and biopsy done this past Monday to determine next steps. I hate that I put her through the biopsy (I hadn't realized they'd take bone), which was very painful for her, but she seemed to rally Wednesday and was rooing and wagging again. But she fell on her bed overnight, which hurt and panicked her, and an attempt at a short ride and walk on Thursday took everything out of her. She was tired. The light in those amber eyes was starting to dim, and I would not let it be extinguished. John called yesterday to make the appointment with Lap of Love, and hours later, we got the pathology results: OSA confirmed. If we needed a sign, we got it.

I think it's no coincidence that this morning, a transformer blew right outside our house and we were left without power for a few hours. It's like the universe knew the force of energy that was about to hit the atmosphere. That, or Seamie was just firing up the stove and party preparations were getting underway. I took this picture of her shortly before she left us.


Willa, we love you so much and feel completely robbed we had less than two years together. I'm sorry you endured so much in your short life, but I'm grateful we had the privilege of being your people. I know your Aunt Sweep teamed up with Adam to bring you to us because she knew firsthand how hard we'd fight for you and how tough as nails you were. I hope you two are running around on four legs again and swapping stories of our silly human ways. Please send us a sign and be your brother's guardian angel. He will still need you to help him be brave. 


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Rachel with Doolin Doodle Dooooo, boss cat Tootie, and feline squatters Crumpet and Fezziwig.
Missing gentlemen kitties MudHenry, and Richard and our gorgeous, gutsy girlhounds
 Sweep and Willa:heart

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:brokenheart What a beautiful tribute. :brokenheart So not fair. :(


Freshy (Droopys Fresh), NoAh the podenco orito, Howie the portuguese podengo maneto
Angels: Rita the podenco maneta, Lila, the podenco, Mr X aka Denali, Lulu the podenco andaluz, Hada the podenco maneta, Georgie Girl (UMR Cordella),  Charlie the iggy,  Mazy (CBR Crazy Girl), Potato, my mystery ibizan girl, Allen (M's Pretty Boy), Percy (Fast But True), Mikey (Doray's Patuti), Pudge le mutt, Tessa the iggy, Possum (Apostle), Gracie (Dusty Lady), Harold (Slatex Harold), "Cousin" Simon our step-iggy, Little Dude the iggy ,Bandit (Bb Blue Jay), Niña the galgo, Wally (Allen Hogg), Thane (Pog Mo Thoine), Oliver (JJ Special Agent), Comet, & Rosie our original mutt.

tiny hada siggy.png

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I am just so saddened by this.

Life can be so unfair. Willa was a beautiful soul and you were an amazing human for her.

I hope all of your memories bring you comfort during this sad time.

Run free sweet Willa.

Greyhounds: Amelia (Cataloosahatchee 9.10.17) & Carmen (Rebellious Bird 8.23.17)
Kitty: Biggi Paws (7.4.13)
Horse: WC Kharena (2.28.17)
Rainbow Bridge: Raider Kitty (4.1.01 - 8.12.21), Sidney (Kane's Seminole 11.14.08 - 9.26.19 ), June (Potrs June 6.1.09 - 3.1.19) Bella the Rottweiler, Kitties: Spike, DC, Gilda, Killer, Sophie & Nala 

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Rachel, we were deeply honored to be Willa's Secret Santa, she was one of a kind and we were laughing and crying along with you on your journey.

Current Crew: Gino-Gene-Eugene! (Eastnor Rebel: Makeshift x Celtic Dream); Fuzzy the Goo-Goo Girl (BGR Fuzzy Navel: Boc's Blast Off x Superior Peace); Roman the Giant Galoot! (Imark Roman: Crossfire Clyde x Shana Wookie); Kitties Archie and Dixie

Forever Missed: K9 Sasha (2001-2015); Johnny (John Reese--Gable Dodge x O'Jays) (2011-19); the kitties Terry and Bibbi; and all the others I've had the privilege to know


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This is just....not....fair. As happens often here, I'm sitting here typing through wet eyes. 

I was stunned to see this post. I absolutely adore this girl and her brother and had hoped to eventually do a roadtrip so we could meet them. I know that Willa is watching out for Doolin and that Chef Seamie is working overtime for a crazy welcome party at The Bridge.

Rachel, I'm so sorry for your loss, but also know that you unselfishly made the decision that Willa needed. Please give Doolin some snuggles and lots of earrubs from us. 

Run-free Willa. You will be very much missed here. :f_pink



Camp Broodie. The current home of Mark Kay Mark Jack and Gracie Kiowa Safe Joan.  Always missing my boy Rocket Hi Noon Rocket,  Allie  Phoenix Dynamite, Kate Miss Kate, Starz Under Da Starz, Petunia MW Neptunia, Diva Astar Dashindiva, and LaVida I've Got Life


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Beautiful tribute for a stunningly beautiful girl. I am so sorry for your loss.

Mom to Ranger (PB's Long Ranger), Esso (Kiowa Stay Over) and Cookie the rattie mix

Missing Kahn (Gil's Khan) 10-29-03 - 11-7-16  Belle (Regall Belooow) 8-9-07 - 3-12-17  Star (Greyt Star) 1-19-07 - 3-13-2020  Pitch (Emerald Pitch) 4-1-08 - 6-3-2020

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Rachel, I'm so sorry. It's just not fair. 

I love that you can see her tail wagging in that first picture. :heart

Willa's flame went out quickly because it burned so bright. 

Lila Football
Jerilyn, missing Lila (Good Looking), new Mistress to Wiki (PJ Wicked).



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Thank you for sharing your Willa Waggles with us. This is one of the most beautiful tributes ever. Your photos always capture the true subject and today feels as though we've lost one of our own. I am so sorry, Rachel, John, and Dooo. :grouphug

Godspeed Willa :heart I can't begin to tell you how much you are missed. Please send your family a sign, ok? Maybe turn the power back on? Sweet girl.

Old Dogs are the Best Dogs. :heartThank you, campers. Current enrollees:  Punkin. AnnIE Oooh M, Ebbie, HollyBeeBop (Betty Crocker).

Angels: Pal :heart. Segugio. Sorella (TPGIT). LadyBug. Zeke-aroni. MiMi Sizzle Pants. Gracie. Seamie :heart:brokenheart. (Foster)Sweet. Andy. PaddyALVIN!Mayhem. Bosco. Bruno. Dottie B. Trevor Double-Heart. Bea. Cletus, KLTO. Aiden 1-4.

:paw Upon reflection, our lives are often referenced in parts defined by the all-too-short lives of our dogs.

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:cry1 :grouphug :grouphug Willa couldn't have been more loved or better looked after by anyone. She should have been able to stay with you a lot longer - life is utterly, bewilderingly unfair. Yet even in the relative short amount of time you lived and laughed together, she seemed to live life to the full. Her life had to end too soon, but while she was here she was so happy and loved, and completely unstoppable. I heard that song by Sia today actually, and all I could think about was Willa. :beatheart 

Sending a big, big hug. We all know how much this hurts. :cry1 :heart 


Kerry with Lupin in beautiful coastal Maine. Missing Pippin, my best friend and sweet little heart-healer :brokenheart 2013-2023 :brokenheart 
Also missing the best wizard in the world, Merlin, and my sweet 80lb limpet, Sagan, every single day. 

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I am sorry that it was time for Willa to go :brokenheart I will miss all her adventures and her beautiful spirt for living life to the fullest. 
Know you all are in my thoughts hugs and well wishes for your family.  You have been through so much in a short amount of time with grace and the best interest of Sweep, Richard cat and Willa. f_yellow

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I am so, so sorry you had to say goodbye to your girlie.

How can one shed so many tears for a dog and her people that they're never met.....


Nancy...Mom to Sid (Peteles Tiger), Kibo (112 Carlota Galgos) and Joshi.  Missing Casey, Gomer, Mona, Penelope, BillieJean, Bandit, Nixon (Starz Sammie),  Ruby (Watch Me Dash) Nigel (Nigel), and especially little Mario, waiting at the Bridge.




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A beautiful tribute for your beautiful girl. Willa touched the hearts of so many. I am so sorry for this huge loss.  


Cindy with Miss Fancypants, Paris Bueller, Zeke, and Angus 
Dante (Dg's Boyd), Zoe (In a While), Brady (Devilish Effect), Goose (BG Shotgun), Maverick (BG ShoMe), Maggie (All Trades Jax), Sherman (LNB Herman Bad) and Indy (BYB whippet) forever in my heart
The flame that burns the brightest, burns the fastest and leaves the biggest shadow

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Oh no no no! I am so incredibly sorry. Willa was a true star: those amazing eyes, her strength during her treatments, her ability to act as if she had four legs ... I will miss your posts about, and especially your photos of, your magnificent girl.

Godspeed Willa.

Standard Poodle Daisy (12/13)
Missing Cora (RL Nevada 5/99-10/09), Piper (Cee Bar Easy 2/99-1/10), Tally (Thunder La La 9/99-3/10), Edie (Daring Reva 9/99-10/12), Dixie (Kiowa Secret Sue 11/01-1/13), Jessie (P's Real Time 11/98-3/13), token boy Graham (Zydeco Dancer 9/00-5/13), Cal (Back Already 12/99-11/13), Betsy (Back Kick Beth 11/98-12/13), Standard Poodles Minnie (1/99-1/14) + Perry (9/98-2/14), Annie (Do Marcia 9/03-10/14), Pink (Miss Pinky Baker 1/02-6/15), Poppy (Cmon Err Not 8/05-1/16), Kat (Jax Candy 5/05-5/17), Ivy (Jax Isis 10/07-7/21), Hildy (Braska Hildy 7/10-12/22), Opal (Jax Opal 7/08-4/23). Toodles (BL Toodles 7/09-4/24)

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Run in Peace sweet girl.  You'll have so much company up there in heaven.  Those Greytalk barbeques must be completely epic now.

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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We ar so sorree to heer this Miss. Rachel. 

We know that Willa iz running fasst and free atta Raynebow Bridge.

Likky kissis frum Nutmeg and Zavvi and Luv from Mum.

Miss "England" Carol with whippet lurcher Nutmeg & Zavvi the Chihuahua.

R.I.P. Chancey (Goosetree Chance). 24.1.2009 - 14.4.2022. Bluegrass Banjoman. 25.1.2004 - 25.5.2015 and Ch. Sleepyhollow Aida. 30.9.2000 - 10.1.2014.

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Thank you all. I can't reply individually and I'll run out of likes, but please know we feel your love and support and it helps so much. Keep our Doolin in your thoughts. Sweet boy didn't want his breakfast this morning. :cry1

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Rachel with Doolin Doodle Dooooo, boss cat Tootie, and feline squatters Crumpet and Fezziwig.
Missing gentlemen kitties MudHenry, and Richard and our gorgeous, gutsy girlhounds
 Sweep and Willa:heart

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Poor Doolin... It's going to be ok.
Keep your spirits up for your mama.

Greyhounds: Amelia (Cataloosahatchee 9.10.17) & Carmen (Rebellious Bird 8.23.17)
Kitty: Biggi Paws (7.4.13)
Horse: WC Kharena (2.28.17)
Rainbow Bridge: Raider Kitty (4.1.01 - 8.12.21), Sidney (Kane's Seminole 11.14.08 - 9.26.19 ), June (Potrs June 6.1.09 - 3.1.19) Bella the Rottweiler, Kitties: Spike, DC, Gilda, Killer, Sophie & Nala 

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I'm so very sorry the bright light that is Willa needed to say goodbye. :grouphug  What a wonderful girl--every photo shows her full of life and love and spit and vinegar.  :wub:


I know that my MoMo Meany Pants, FTH Chyna Moon, absolutely knew her litter mates when she met them.  She dragged me around a pillar to greet Tiger, one of the 2 boys she'd shared a run with at the puppy farm.  She loved Tiger.  She met litter mate Petey twice and made a point of snarking at him both times.  I suspect there was a reason she and Petey weren't in a puppy run together. :lol:   So, I'm sure Willa and Doolin had a great time reunited as family.  Doolin take care and channel your brave sister when you can. :kiss2

Lucy with Greyhound Nate and OSH Tinker. With loving memories of MoMo (FTH Chyna Moon), Spirit, Miles the slinky kitty (OSH), Piper "The Perfect" (Oneco Chaplin), Winston, Yoda, Hector, and Claire.

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There's nothing I can say.  

We miss Willa, and Sweep, and Richard, and all our beloved animals so much.  

Many, many extra hugs to Doolin.  


Ellen, with brindle Milo and the blonde ballerina, Gelsey

remembering Eve, Baz, Scout, Romie, Nutmeg, and Jeter

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Posted (edited)

Thank you again, everybody. Doolin ate his breakfast closer to the brunch hour and we went for a short (warm) walk, which he was very enthusiastic about. Willa had my thermostat, but her brother is part lizard.

And Willa is home already. Lap of Love has been wonderful about that both times we have used them. Now I have to try to find an urn that captures her spirit.🥲


Edited by ramonaghan
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Rachel with Doolin Doodle Dooooo, boss cat Tootie, and feline squatters Crumpet and Fezziwig.
Missing gentlemen kitties MudHenry, and Richard and our gorgeous, gutsy girlhounds
 Sweep and Willa:heart

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