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About Time4ANap

  • Birthday 04/01/1961

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    Phoenix, AZ

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Greyaholic (9/9)

  1. I'm so sorry, Ducky. This one made me tear up. Rita was gorgeous and she definitely landed in the home where she needed to be. Run-free, Rita.
  2. I do carry a small rug gripper mat when we go to the vet and throw under the bed. I just have to remember to take it. It's really the only place we've had an issue with the floor being too slippery for the bed. Hotels etc are usually carpeted and no problem with slipping. Thanks!
  3. Awesome report! Long ago I bought a travel bed for Rocket and it got more use at the vet than anywhere else. It still does. Every one of our dogs has used that travel bed at the vet including Mark and Gracie. They make them stand way too long and greyhounds just aren't up for that. I'd suggest a travel bed or cushion for Milo at vet visits. We have the Chuck It Travel bed. https://www.amazon.com/Chuckit-Travel-Bed-Comfort-Blue/dp/B00027466A The only issue with this bed is that it is not non-slip and on the floors at our vet it will slide somewhat which sometimes freaks out the dog using it. There are now other travel beds on Amazon that are advertised as non-slip so I may have to check those out. If anyone has a non-slip travel bed that they like please post it. The Chuck It bed is fine on carpet, but our vet's exam room has some kind of shiny floor because it's easy to clean. Hang in there, Milo. You're doing great!
  4. What Rachel said above. You'll see in our signatures that most of us have had multiple, multiple greyhounds. No matter how well-behaved they may be, I've always kept a death grip on the leash of every one when out and about. We typically don't do off leash parks or dog parks, but relied on a few friends with large fenced yards for play time. You'll find that the dogs will often follow your lead and sit on a blanket when you do. The issue is that there are lots of triggers in parks like kids, other dogs, wildlife(LOOK - SQUIRREL!!!!), and you don't wantto be chasing a dog that runs 45 mph. We always carry a squawker or rabbit call when out walking. Dogs who raced are used to coming back to their trainer when the squawker is sounded. Our first dog got out of a secure fenced yard one day when he found a very tricky escape route. I used the squawker and he came right back through that escape route and sat at my side. Don't let all of the "rules" deter you. Dealing with a greyhound becomes second nature quickly. Good luck!
  5. After reading this I guess there is a reason we take the seniors in.
  6. Happy Gotcha Day, Face!
  7. She is gorgeous. If we get to Denver Poppy is going to have a visitor.
  8. I hope you are in good with the plow guy! There's something about black dogs and the sun. All of ours have waited until the hotest part of the day to go out and sunbathe.
  9. I thought for sure the last line was going to be to throw away the peep or feed it to the dog.
  10. Good to hear that all went well at the vet. Those seizures are scary when they happen. We had what I will call "episodes" which could have been seizures or could have been other things with several of the seniors that have come through here. It's always scary. Getting it on video was the right move. I hope that was a one-time thing for Miss AnnIE. Ear rubs to both of those girls!
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