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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. I thought you would get hit for sure, looking at the radar The storm must have known it was Petunia’s birthday and decided not to bother her Happy Birthday Petunia I hope you get fries and ice cream and anything else you want!
  2. I am so sorry, such a terrible shock
  3. I wish the results had been better
  4. I think maybe some of the flat toys don’t squeak? Not sure, but, yeah, after listening to a screaming monkey at 3 a.m. you will be glad to put up with the squeaking edited to add, some people go to Goodwill and buy stuffed children’s toys. No squeakers, but be careful of eyes and things that can come off and be swallowed
  5. Gee, I am sorry the Campers didn’t like their frys
  6. Val is a “take it or leave it” kind of girl with the fry’s, so we may wait until later in the week when it cools down to 110. Conner would have already started drooling. I miss that boy.
  7. Please don’t take it personally! He is still very new to you and your household, so there will be some adjustments. It does not sound like the bite was serious, or really even aggressive, more like a startle reaction. You are doing a good job training him. I don’t see any need to report the bite to anyone. Just clean the wound (I expect you have already done this), put some antibiotic cream on it, and keep an eye on it for a few days, it will likely be fine. Oh, and I would not give him that particular toy back. If he starts acting protective with his other toys, try trading up. It always worked well with my possessive boy
  8. Glad to hear she is healing well! With their boney feet and thin skin some of them can seen accident prone
  9. Greyhounds have long, boney feet And long boney toes, so yes, minor foot problems aren’t that unusual. I would watch the one who lost a toenail, the nail shouldn’t come off that easily and he may have SLO, an auto immune condition. I’ve had several who dislocated a toe and as you found, it usually pops back into place. If the same toe keeps re-dislocating (is that a word ) you may have to treat it, but this only happened once for me, and I never had to remove the toe, although that happens too. As for your girl, I think a vet check is a good idea, she may still have some slivers imbedded in her foot. If not, it may just be sore. So, bottom line, toe woes aren’t that uncommon, but usually minor.
  10. I was going to ask if you had checked her nails as well. Val doesn’t have an extra nail (that’s weird!) but a couple of her nails are brittle and they were causing her to limp. She doesn’t have SLO, but her vet thinks it is some kind of mild auto immune condition. My other thought was a corn that hadn’t come out yet.
  11. Bea was the quintessential broodie How lucky you were that she worked her magic on you! Run wild Bea, no limp, no corn, no pain. Jan
  12. Your comment about control is interesting because I felt like I had much more control of Fletcher with the harness. He was very leash aggressive with stranger dogs (fine with his “girls”) and I thought the harness worked better than the collar. I was also afraid he would hurt his neck when he went batsh*t crazy.
  13. Oh Bea, happy, happy 13th I hope this is a wonderful day for you For your mom
  14. That diet looks fine (great, in fact!) but a bit of work. Personally, I have fed mine raw for years, but if you don’t want, or can’t do, the extra work and expense, most dogs do fine with a good kibble. In my opinion adding some raw meat, and/or things like raw chicken (raw! Not cooked) with bones will greatly improve the kibble. Ask five greyhound owners what the best food/ diet is, you will get ten different opinions
  15. You did the right thing, correcting her and making her get down. If it only happened in that one spot, it was probably the chair, but it could have been you. Hopefully it was the chair, much easier to manage. I would make the chair off limits for now, and see how she does. Fletcher was not allowed to sleep with me because he did not share well, but he learned to share the couch just fine.
  16. We used for Sallie. I didn’t notice that it helped much, but at that point, not much was helping . Maybe if given earlier, or with less pain? As Jen said, it is supposed to enhance the other pain meds, not relieve pain itself.
  17. It did seem to help, along with his gabapentin. He was only on it for about 6 months before he passed though.
  18. Excellent update! Conner was on Galliprant, it didn't give him any problems, but hardly anything did
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