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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. Willa, keep kicking butt and taking names!
  2. That might work for Gracie, but I doubt Mark would even move his head
  3. Sid I hope this drains quickly, the TA helps, and this all gets put behind you soon! Good boy for not fussing with the ice wrap
  4. The look on Punkin’s face says it all and yes, it is always the black dogs lying in the hot sun
  5. I am just devastated to hear this, I hope she can stay for a good long time, but I know you will do what is best for her
  6. I love the pictures of her bouncing through the high grass!
  7. She does have the most expressive eyes
  8. Live in the present, for the present is all that is real. (I think that’s a quote, but I don’t remember from where) A good lesson from the animals
  9. Congratulations Mr Odin!
  10. She looks like she is so much fun! You can call her a long term foster or permanent foster if that is what it takes
  11. I used this on a couple of my dogs, and it was such a help with Val at the end when she fell in the yard and couldn’t get up or stand on her own.
  12. That is exactly what would happen to me!
  13. They never truly leave But it is hard to snuggle energy.
  14. All of my seniors, at some point, basically quit eating breakfast. I hope the chemo pill gives him a little bump
  15. Hoping for a rebound Milo. For your mom, this is so hard
  16. I am so sorry He knew he was loved and had the best life with you
  17. My experience with Adequan was that it worked great at first, but gradually became less effective. When that happened I stopped the injections, I don’t recall at this point how many she had had. I would check with your vet, of course, but I know of no reason not to continue if they are still helping
  18. So glad she is home and recovering! She’ll feel so much better without those nasty old molars
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