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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. The thing about goat’s milk for cats is it has a lot less lactose than cow’s milk, so much less likely to cause diarrhea or upset tummy. I don’t know if the fermenting that makes kefir would have the same result, or not. I do know some people who give it to their dogs, and the dogs love it. Mine didn’t
  2. I am so sorry, it is never easy, and with losing Zeke so recently Run free Larry
  3. I am so sorry you are facing this. I don’t think it really matters whether the mass is caused by hemangiosarcoma or something else, he clearly can not continue like he is. I did have a probable hemangiosarcoma diagnosis for Fletcher through an ultrasound and let him go the next day. I also had a cat with an unidentifiable abdominal tumor that I let go when she stopped eating. The only possible treatment would be surgery to remove the mass, and I can tell you, having done that for another of my dogs, I would not recommend that.
  4. Yes, I used goat’s milk for a kitty who wasn’t eating (not cancer though) All my animals love it and none, even the cats and my IBS dog had any problems with it. It has become a standard “desert”. After they finish eating, they get a splash of goat’s milk for desert oh, and it freezes well
  5. If you have copies of her vet records and vaccines you should not need a travel certificate. Make sure she has ID on her AT ALL TIMES! I assume you are taking her food, some people also take bottled water, but I never did. Give her a nice comfy place to sleep and that is probably what she will do . I took my dogs out to pee anytime I stopped for myself, sometimes they did, sometimes not. If you are staying in a motel on the trip I would not leave her alone in the room. I haven’t done too many long trips with my dogs, but many on here do it all the time, I am sure they will add whatever I have forgotten.
  6. Val has gotten pickier with age (as is her right!) I have found adding a bit of canned food to each meal works great, and it makes a convenient way to give her powdered meds
  7. I know this sounds silly, but maybe he just noticed it? Anyway, I would turn it off for now, give him a chance to get comfortable in the living room again.
  8. The obvious answer is when the max dose of pain meds don’t control the pain. Don’t hesitate to ramp up the dose, BTW, if you see any signs of pain. That said, it isn’t always that clear. My two osteo dogs both broke their legs before I even knew there was anything wrong (and the screaming was the absolute worst thing I have ever heard), but I have had two other dogs with other types of cancer, and I could see they were in pain and tired of fighting and ready to go. I have also had pets, cats and one dog, that never gave me “the sign”, I just had to make the call, best guess. i guess what I am saying is, other than the obvious pain thing, you just have to go with your knowledge of your dog. Sometimes you have to be the grown up and make the hard decision, and that really sucks. edited to add, I have always believed in A day too soon is better than a day too late, and after 20+ pets over the years I have never had cause to not believe this.
  9. Oh yes, "move please" is the first thing they learn, but it often means (to them) walk directly in front of mom and stop
  10. she has forgiven me (for now) but I am sure this will be held in reserve for next time!
  11. How often have you said something similar to your dog? If you have a princess ( of either gender) I’ll bet it is almost daily She is pouting now because I “yelled” at her to move out of my way when I was carrying a heavy bucket of water, and her idea of moving out of my way was two steps directly in front of me, and stopping
  12. You know what messing with routine can do! I am not saying don’t move his dish, just be prepared in case he objects
  13. Conner was on Galliprant for about 6 months, it seemed to work and he didn’t have any issues with it.
  14. As said, panting, difficulty settling, just looking uncomfortable when he moves/walks. It can be very subtle, and especially with older dogs it can be a gradual increase. I’ve also found that while they may give the GSOD over a blade of grass stuck between their toes (yes, really ) this kind of pain, maybe because it increases gradually, doesn’t get an obvious reaction.
  15. I like it! I am sure Cletus would be a lot more popular than Doug.
  16. I am sure they are entertaining, but I don’t think emus are all that bright (unlike Cletus, entertaining and smart )
  17. I am sorry outside things are making this even harder for you Keeping up your spirits for Nova is so important. Remember, she doesn’t know how sick she is, so as long as the pain is under control, she will be happy if you are. Well, you can’t really be happy, of course, but you know what I mean.
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