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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. Glad Peggy is feeling better! Bad teeth can cause all kinds of problems, including systemic infections. If she can’t have a dental, you may need to talk to her vet about keeping her on low dose antibiotics on a regular schedule. That, of course, might be bad for her kidneys, and you would need to put her on daily Pepcid or something similar. See what her Dr thinks.
  2. Conner was on Gabapentin and Tramadol together, it shouldn’t be a problem for her as long as she is ok with the Tramadol. Most of my dogs have been fine with it, but one wasn’t and it was pretty upsetting to see. for Peggy
  3. I am so sorry Shine will always be with you, but I know you are missing him now
  4. I don’t turn Val’s food bowl (she is a little squirrelly about you watching her while she eats) but if necessary I stir the last bits around with a spoon :). She is too heavy for me to carry, but I expect I could pick her up if I had to. She pretty much gets whatever she wants, if I can figure what it is
  5. She’ll roach when she feels like it
  6. This is why I have resorted to stacking beds! The nice new bed with the solid supportive innards on the bottom, then the thin, flat, ratty bed on the top
  7. Ooo Tiger, a goat's foot what a lucky boy you are!
  8. I used the Springtime supplements (Fresh Factors and Joint chewables) For years until the Picky Princess decided she didn’t like them anymore One thing I noticed with my own arthritis was the MSM really made a difference.
  9. so, do you think this has anything to do with the small tip she left you on the slumberball the other day?
  10. well, I don’t see any feathers sticking out of his mouth, so I’d have to say, innocent until proven guilty!
  11. I am far from being an expert, but sounds to me very much like resource guarding. In the first case, the treat, and in the second case, you It sounds like NILIF that Chris mentioned would be a big help. Good luck!
  12. I know the Home Depot nearest me doesn’t allow dogs, although, as I think on it, I see people with their little yappers everywhere, even the grocery store! But I bet if I tried to take my 70 lb black dog in, it would be a different story . I had forgotten about PetSmart/Petco, that’s an option.
  13. She was still able to get in the car (Luckily I have a minivan, about a foot off the ground ) in March when we were still going to meet & greets. I think she probably would still be willing, but I am not aware of any indoor places around here that let dogs in. Although, most of the indoor malls are half empty and dying, maybe they would be less picky these days.
  14. She is getting treatments and meds, the acupuncture and Assisi loop really helped a lot at first, but less so now. I am concerned that soon it will be too hot to walk and 3 months of no walking could really set her back. She just doesn't handle heat well. The chiropractor Conner went to has an underwater treadmill, we might have to try that. Jan, I am so sorry that Aiden is now dealing with this
  15. Poor girls! Those little critters can be dangerous
  16. I realize this is a “depends” question, depends on the dog, the situation, the treatment, etc. but I am wondering how fast this condition progresses. Is there an average time once the diagnosis is made until it gets too bad? I had thought (hoped) it was a slowly advancing disease, but I am not so sure anymore. Any experiences would be helpful, thanks.
  17. I am so sorry, I too hate cancer in all it’s forms
  18. There was racing in Phoenix up until about 10 years ago, and several farms that raised and trained them here, so yes, you can certainly have greyhounds in Phoenix. However, they are pretty heat sensitive, and you have to be careful not to let them get overheated in the summer, or really any time of year. As Don said, walk early in the morning, stay on grass or dirt as much as possible, keep walks short and in the shade as much as possible. I have noticed that as they get older the heat seems to bother them more. Some people use cool coats although I never have. Many of mine have enjoyed laying out in the sun in 100+ temperatures I just go out and make them come in after a few minutes
  19. I think she is starting a party fund for when the lockdown is over
  20. There was already a dog door installed in the back door, but the previous owner “only” had Goldens, so it wasn’t tall enough, Fletcher was a big boy. I upgraded to the giant, or Wolfhound size, and all my greys but one have loved having it. Especially as they got older.
  21. If possible, get him on a schedule, so you go let him out a certain times rather than waiting for him to ask. One of my greys was like this, his “ask” was to go to the back door and whine very, very quietly. Like, you had to be standing right next to him to hear Getting him on a schedule, worked around feeding times is best, helped, but I admit I eventually just got a dog door to make things easier on me.
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