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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. I am glad to hear y’all have some more quality time together.
  2. I think he is probably trying to train you I have always fed mine twice a day. If they didn’t want to eat, I would leave it out for a little while, then pick it up until the next meal time and didn’t buy into the “but I am starving” It wouldn’t hurt to give him more at lunch, or you can give him a biscuit when he starts to whine, but that could create a monster! I think he will settle over time. The exception is my seniors. I do three meals a day and make other changes as necessary.
  3. Some spooks actually make very good racers. Their life as racers is very routine and they mostly only deal with familiar people and surroundings, so they do fine.
  4. “Tasty Kitty” one of the best names ever
  5. Well, they may not each need their own, but they shouldn’t be sharing yours
  6. I think the hardest part is when the spirit is still willing but the body just can’t anymore. Add in someone who doesn’t like a change in routine, or to be helped, and you do have the perfect storm this is where I remind myself about “a day too soon is better than a day too late”, because I waited too long with a cat who was still very much present, but whose body was giving out. Whenever I start worrying about it being too soon, I remember Richard, and remember it is my job to be the adult. The gabapentin is worth a try, it might help for awhile, can’t hurt. Jan and Jerilyn have it right, make a plan, so you aren’t faced with a crisis. Conner had his episode (still not really sure what it was) on a Friday night, and being able to talk to my vet that evening and over the weekend before she came to let him go on Monday was a huge help. If you can, letting him go at home is such a blessing for you and him. Whatever you decide, it will be right for him.
  7. I can’t think of a better place
  8. Cletus you are right up there with the super special ones
  9. I am so sorry for your loss. She lived to a venerable age and had many wonderful years with you, but as you said, it is never enough. Love those girls who insist on living life on their own terms
  10. I have had pets (usually cats) that want to get up when it starts getting light out. Great in the winter, no so much in the summer I am sorry to say I never had much luck convincing them to sleep in.
  11. I just wanted add, this morning it was cold so *I* refused to go for our walk until it warmed up a bit I knew she could go out into the yard if she needed to pee. She didn’t, so it was from around 5 yesterday afternoon until around 8 this morning between pees I’m used long times between outs, especially overnight, but this was, I think, a new record for my dogs!
  12. Other than mealtime and morning walk we don’t have much of a routine because I am home most of the time and she has a dog door into a fenced yard, so she can come and go as she pleases. Many greys don’t need or want a mid day walk. When I was working and before the dog door I tried coming home at lunch to let them out, and they would be annoyed with me for interrupting their nap
  13. It sounds like that is just his personality. My heart dog Fletcher had many quirks, including him being a Velcro dog that followed me from room to room, but he didn’t share space well. He was allowed on my bed when I wasn’t in it, but he wasn’t allowed to sleep with me. He did reach the point where if he was uncomfortable he would get up and move rather than growl, but I tried hard not to push his boundaries as well. I often said he was “special” but I loved him dearly and I know he loved me. It sounds like you have adjusted to this, I am sure it was nothing you did or anything that happened to him before you got him. He is lucky he ended up with you.
  14. It is always good to get your vet’s opinion, but ultimately it is your decision. Many vet’s over here don’t get much (if any) education about raw feeding. Also, they worry that people won’t do the work to get it right. Unless you buy a commercial blend, it’s is on you to get the balance of nutrition right. A lot more work than pouring out some kibble from a bag. The “grain free causes DCM” is still being investigated which may be why you haven’t heard anything. Many people feel like there is enough evidence to not make it worth taking a chance. The latest thinking that I have seen is that the alternative items being used as binders, in place of grains, may be the cause. According to their website, Acana makes a kibble with grain (oatmeal). personally, I would go with a mix of kibble and raw for a puppy, but I have never raised a puppy.
  15. I think I agree with your DH, I wouldn’t worry too much about one tick. Is Petey on any kind of tick preventative?
  16. I defrost the raw enough to separate it into about two days worth of food and re-freeze what I am not using right away. I thaw smaller amounts in the frig, but when I was buying duck or turkey necks by the case they got defrosted in the bathtub
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