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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. We have been getting dogs from some of the farms in the Midwest, and are expecting some Fla dogs in the next few months. Other than a transportation problem, I don’t think there will be a shortage in the immediate future. Long term, who knows
  2. What a beautiful girl! I am so sorry she couldn’t stay longer
  3. Glad you got to go! I've been to a few local shows, always interesting to talk to the people. I felt sorry for the dog that acted out (Irish Water Spaniel. I think?) but as they said, given the pressure it is surprising it doesn't happen more often, even at an event with experienced dogs.
  4. When Molly wanted an occupied bed, she would lie down on another bed, then leap up and run towards the dog door. The dog on the bed she wanted leapt up and ran out the door, thinking something exciting was going on. She turned and ran back to the bed she wanted, curled up with her back to the room, and ignored anyone who thought they were coming back to their original bed Worked every time!
  5. Val is afraid of babies and small children. If we meet people pushing babies or walking toddlers on our walk she will hide behind me. I know now to cross the street. I had a cat who was terrified of the smell of smoke. If we grilled outside, she would hide in the closet all evening. Even snuffing a candle would freak her out.
  6. It varies from dog to dog. Pumpkin works for some, does nothing or makes it worse for others, you would just have to try and see. Val only has occasional bouts of diarrhea, the clay works best for her. For Fletcher, who had IBS, pumpkin was what worked, so you could try that first since it is cheaper and easier to find. However, when Rocket stayed with us I made up his carrots each evening for the next day, only took a minute, so the prep time isn't really a big deal.
  7. Remolacha


    I am so sorry, it sounds like Leo was meant for your family.
  8. I was sure one of them would tip the water bowl over or step in it, and sure enough...
  9. Poor Sweep. I do know that a couple of mine have changed their sleeping habits as they got older. I don’t have indoor stairs, but Conner started choosing to sleep in the living room instead of coming into my bedroom. Nothing (that I could see) had changed, he just quit coming to bed when I went. He also started going out more at night, not a lot, just more often than the 12+ hours he went without going out when he was younger. It probably is age related, which is sad, but hopefully not dementia.
  10. I don't need the meds, but wanted to say how sorry I am that you have lost Penny
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