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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. Looks like a wonderful get away! Beautiful place, and beautiful dog
  2. I am so very sorry. It never gets any easier, but the first time you have to make that call is gut wrenching. Nearly everyone here has been through it, many of us multiple times. I can only tell you the pain does ease with time, and you will start to remember the good times. You can come here and talk as much as you need to, GT people will listen and understand.
  3. Looks like everyone had a great time! You sure can tell those guys were athletes, look at those muscles!
  4. Great video for anyone who has had a whiner I have to agree, annoying as whining can be, a barker is worse!
  5. Sounds fairly typical! It is always hard to relax with the first one, soon you’ll be a pro
  6. When Rocket was visiting me, I gave him his carrots with each meal. I know I made up a days worth the night before and kept it in the frig, but I don’t recall how much. I am sure Don remembers.
  7. Happy Birthday! No way do you look 11! (nice drive by Momo )
  8. Took me a minute to realize that was a toy she was playing with Poor Abu, sisters!
  9. Might just be puppy enthusiasm Fletcher pulled me off my feet more times than I can remember!
  10. Is he young? Fletcher was quite the klutz when he was younger, he did get better as he got older, but he never quite nailed the “graceful greyhound” thing I don’t mean a puppy, exactly. He was 2 when I got him, a 90lb racing school drop out.
  11. I have never had a trancer but I remember a picture of the old lady, Susie? trancing in the citrus trees
  12. Yes, even though I had a man accuse me of not picking up after my dogs when I had two full poop bags to wave at him!
  13. The lying down in the grass and rolling on her back sounds like she is pretty relaxed already I would take her out (or let her out if you have a fenced yard) after she eats and on whatever schedule you want her to be on. They are very flexible dogs in adjusting to your routine, but they do like a routine. If you don’t want her on the bed or furniture now is the time to start that. If you don’t care, well, I let mine sleep wherever they want. Usually in my room on one of their beds (yes, I have multiple dog beds ) It sounds like she is doing fine, try to relax!
  14. I used to follow that thread even though I knew I’d never have one of the dogs. It was fun to see how they all developed.
  15. I agree, when mine are restless at night I have found they usually are cold. This could be new because she is getting older.
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