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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. My vet has one, we tried Val on it before I bought the loop. Looks like Violet is enjoying it!
  2. The “don’t mix kibble and raw” is a myth. Racing kennels, at least here in the US, feed a mix of raw meat, cooked veg and/or grain, and kibble. Sounds like the UK kennels do as well. I have fed mostly raw with 7 greyhounds over 17+ years, sometimes mixing raw and kibble, with no problems, even with my IBS dog who could not eat plain kibble at all. If your dog likes his add ins, go right ahead
  3. Those special ones take a lot more work, but are so, so worth it Andy was lucky when he found you, and I know you were lucky to have him
  4. https://helpemup.com/ Help em up harnesses are also good, but I agree, if you can find a vet who will come to your house that would be a lot less stress on her.
  5. I am going to go with critical review I expect the will be fine once they adjust to the change. Greyhounds hate changes in their routine almost as much as cats
  6. Welcome back! I am so sorry you had to say good bye to Andy, I know he was a special boy for you. Abu is gorgeous, and looks like a typical Irish charmer I hope your health is better.
  7. tornados are scary, but it looks like you all handled it well, following Cletus’s lead Glad everyone is safe.
  8. I am not an expert, but he sounds very much like a classic spook to me. The OCD behavior is common. What can seem like random or unpredictable behavior and reactions aren’t really. He just sees/hears and thinks about things in his own way. I know that isn’t very clear, sorry Spook dogs are somewhat like the canine version of a person on the autism spectrum, especially high functioning autistic. Having a calm, confidant dog around can be a big help to them. Calm, patience, letting him move at his own pace will help. I hope others with more experience with spooks will see this and add their advice.
  9. I do, although I can’t post it here. Currently I still have one of Conner on the couch, even though he passed a year ago.
  10. Looking good pretty lady! Congratulations, hope you have a multi day celebration
  11. I am so sorry it is never easy to lose one so loved. I wish you could have had many more years with Danny, but it sounds like you made the most of what you had. Danny
  12. I agree, pills/capsules I will keep about two years past their date, ointments and liquids I would discard sooner if opened. Most drugs aren’t dangerous past their date, just less effective, but I don’t know for sure the few that can be dangerous, so I don’t take chances.
  13. At least Val (another black houndie) lays in the grass. Or on the dirt
  14. She probably gets all excited at your parents because it is different from home. At nine, a typical greyhound will prefer a pretty quiet life, and it sounds like she has a quiet personality. Most of my girls have been that way, currently Val is asleep in the another room Since she doesn’t like toys, many don’t, she is probably just hanging out. As long as you are there, she is fine.
  15. I am glad I am not the only one who keeps seeing bath house Even though I know better
  16. I am so sorry for your loss, Nova sounds like quite a character
  17. That more recent picture of her and Kyria it looks like she is doing the typical adolescent “look at me! Pay attention to me! Me me me” and Kyria saying, I’ve done my time, why do I have to deal with this again! she is a cutie, I am sure she will grow out of it in a couple-three years
  18. You did the right thing. That doesn’t make it any easier
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