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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. Very handsome lad! Resource guarding is something you can totally work with, and it often eases over time.
  2. I’ve known Trolley as long as she has been with Carol, and yes, she definitely followed the beat of her own drum. What a beauty she was, and such a sweet girl. She will be greatly missed by all her friends, and of course, most of all by her mom
  3. One measly sardine per dog? As our Brit friends say, Whot a swizz!
  4. Thanks Jan, I think I will try one. My vet's tech was telling me how great it has been for her old cat, so I could use it for Fred and for Val between her acupuncture appointments. Plusalso, the tech said she would buy it from me if I decided it wasn't working, so, no risk
  5. I know some people on GT have used this. What can you tell me about it? Do you think it helped? Any negative aspects?
  6. I am so sorry for your loss, you have painted a wonderful picture of a very special girl.
  7. I am so sorry, he was too young, but I know how it is, dealing with someone with chronic health issues. How lovely that he sent you a sign
  8. Well, my non medical professional opinion is that unless it is specifically a once a day med, spaced out through the day is better.
  9. Yes, ask your vet. As I recall, when Sallie was taking it she was taking it two or three times a day (five years ago, my memory is a little vague), but hers was for osteo pain.
  10. Conner had an old injury that didn’t heal well (although it was treated) It gave him a wonky foot, but he never let that slow him down I did find later in life that the wonky foot threw his gait off, and gave him a limp on his left shoulder (foot was the back right) Regular visits to the chiropractor helped a lot. good luck Carmen!
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