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Higgins (Higby) 2005-05-18 To 2017-03-20


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I haven't written about Higgins Passing until now because it has been hard but we are getting ready to possibly welcome another soul into our family. I think Higgins would have liked to have known that.


Higgins came to our family as a "foster" in 2009 as a very quiet almost aloof young man. We had Adora for a couple of years at this point and since we were done having skin kids my husband thought a male dog was his way of getting some testosterone in the house of all girls...even the cat we had at the time was a girl. So, he convinced me that Adora needed a "friend" and we brought home Higgins to "foster" and see how a second dog fit into our lives.


Higgins certainly in the first few months gave hubby a test of just how much he wanted a boy dog because like some guys he liked to PEE in my house! But he soon learned that it was not accepted but not get on the couch? Why that was not even considered in his mind...as far as he was concerned the couch was his domain and that was the one thing in his life he ruled. If you were still on "his" couch past bedtime he would NOSEWHINE. He was a grand champion at nosewhining much to our dismay some days but the times that he would slowly crawl up the couch between your leg and the back of the couch and oh soooo subtly inch you off of the couch so he would have it was cause for much amusement. I miss that...and how he would stare up at you in innocence as he was hefting you off. I miss him deeply and his sweet soul. He was such a sweet boy who never complained even when his eye had to be removed over a year ago. He was such a trooper through that..


Just before my oldest was leaving, to represent Canada as part of Team Canada for Special Olympics Worlds held in Austria, Higgins stopped eating. We didn't panic initially because as i am sure a lot of us can attest these guys can have an off day but Higgins was a world champion eater. If he could have had a second career I swear he would have won every time as Hoover the vacuum cleaner. So, we took him to the vet once it was longer than a day and a half. They poked him and prodded him and told us to try other food to see if that worked. Then he started throwing up and having bad diarrhea so we rushed him on a Sunday to the E-Vet and we were given a bunch of pain and anti nausea meds and told to see our own vet the next day. In the meantime, my husband left to go to Austria with our daughter not realizing that it would be the last time he would see Higgins alive.


I took him to see the vet twice more and in the end it was determined that he had most likely cancer in the stomach and a large lump on one of his back legs cancer of the bone. He lost over 10lbs in 9 days. I took the Monday off from work on the day that he was scheduled to be set free and just loved on him as much as I could. I cleaned diaherreah and tried to syringe water and food into him as much as I could and try and keep him pain free and comfortable. That evening my other 2 daughters and I loaded him into the car and took him for one last car ride before his appointment and told him we loved him and let him look out the window. I think he liked the ride and my heart wanted to keep driving but I knew that I had to be strong and do it for him and for my girls. We were with him until the bitter end and as he let out his last sigh we cried that we loved him and that he was the best boy always. He was my bunny boy and I will never forget how much he meant.


We have Higgins on a shelf in our living room and we often talk about some of his goof times. He was an airhead at times and just a loveable guy who just allowed his 60lb sister to rule him with an iron paw. Adora I think misses him terribly and has become quite a barker which she never has been. I hope he knows wherever he is over that rainbow bridge that he was loved and is deeply deeply missed. I am so thankful that we took the chance and he allowed us to be his family until the end.


Thank you.






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I'm so very sorry.


Godspeed Higgins.

Standard Poodle Daisy (12/13)
Missing Cora (RL Nevada 5/99-10/09), Piper (Cee Bar Easy 2/99-1/10), Tally (Thunder La La 9/99-3/10), Edie (Daring Reva 9/99-10/12), Dixie (Kiowa Secret Sue 11/01-1/13), Jessie (P's Real Time 11/98-3/13), token boy Graham (Zydeco Dancer 9/00-5/13), Cal (Back Already 12/99-11/13), Betsy (Back Kick Beth 11/98-12/13), Standard Poodles Minnie (1/99-1/14) + Perry (9/98-2/14), Annie (Do Marcia 9/03-10/14), Pink (Miss Pinky Baker 1/02-6/15), Poppy (Cmon Err Not 8/05-1/16), Kat (Jax Candy 5/05-5/17), Ivy (Jax Isis 10/07-7/21), Hildy (Braska Hildy 7/10-12/22), Opal (Jax Opal 7/08-4/23). Toodles (BL Toodles 7/09-4/24)

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Thank you and he was a truly special boy. I know everyone saids that there's is special but he was the dog that would be at a meet and greet and people would try to just walk off with him! We had one kid literally do that thinking he was up for adoption and us having to explain that he was the "floor model" <giggle> He looked at us like "save me..." but would happily trot along like a show pony goofy as ever with them. I like to think that because of him a few greyhounds found their forever homes.


He was the mascot for my middle daughter's team (Team Greyhound) for 3 years on the "Walk So Kids Will Talk" campaign. He and a few other greys walked to raise funds for this special cause.

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Kendra, I have added Higgins name to the list of Bridge Angels for March.


Freshy (Droopys Fresh), NoAh the podenco orito, Howie the portuguese podengo maneto
Angels: Rita the podenco maneta, Lila, the podenco, Mr X aka Denali, Lulu the podenco andaluz, Hada the podenco maneta, Georgie Girl (UMR Cordella),  Charlie the iggy,  Mazy (CBR Crazy Girl), Potato, my mystery ibizan girl, Allen (M's Pretty Boy), Percy (Fast But True), Mikey (Doray's Patuti), Pudge le mutt, Tessa the iggy, Possum (Apostle), Gracie (Dusty Lady), Harold (Slatex Harold), "Cousin" Simon our step-iggy, Little Dude the iggy ,Bandit (Bb Blue Jay), Niña the galgo, Wally (Allen Hogg), Thane (Pog Mo Thoine), Oliver (JJ Special Agent), Comet, & Rosie our original mutt.

tiny hada siggy.png

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Kendra, I have added Higgins name to the list of Bridge Angels for March.

Thank you for doing that considering it's months passed now but I just couldn't post before now. It's still hard for me to "talk" about it but not about him...kwim?

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What a wonderful life you shared together. Higgins will always be in your hearts, and I am quite sure he would pleased to know that you are considering welcoming a new friend into your lives. It is indeed the best way to honor our loves. I'm so sorry for your loss, I understand how much you miss him :grouphug


Godspeed special boy.

Old Dogs are the Best Dogs. :heartThank you, campers. Current enrollees:  Punkin. AnnIE Oooh M, Ebbie, HollyBeeBop (Betty Crocker).

Angels: Pal :heart. Segugio. Sorella (TPGIT). LadyBug. Zeke-aroni. MiMi Sizzle Pants. Gracie. Seamie :heart:brokenheart. (Foster)Sweet. Andy. PaddyALVIN!Mayhem. Bosco. Bruno. Dottie B. Trevor Double-Heart. Bea. Cletus, KLTO. Aiden 1-4.

:paw Upon reflection, our lives are often referenced in parts defined by the all-too-short lives of our dogs.

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You wrote a beautiful tribute to a real special boy. It brought tears to my Eyes. Thank you for sharing.

Sorry for butchering the english language. I try to keep the mistakes to a minimum.


Nadine with Paddy (Zippy Mullane), Saoirse (Lizzie Be Nice), Abu (Cillowen Abu) and bridge angels Colin (Dessies Hero) and Andy (Riot Officer).

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Higgins sounds like a swell fellow & I am sorry he has made his journey across the bridge. I guess he has sent you a message that he wants his couch to be used :bighug



Caroline, Mom to Daphne (49B-50215) and Penny (41D-55779)
Remembering Bridge Angels Margo and Sabrina

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I'm so sorry for your loss. Rest well, good boy.

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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So very sorry for the loss of your wonderful Higgins.

What wonderful memories you have. Remember them and smile.....


Nancy...Mom to Sid (Peteles Tiger), Kibo (112 Carlota Galgos) and Joshi.  Missing Casey, Gomer, Mona, Penelope, BillieJean, Bandit, Nixon (Starz Sammie),  Ruby (Watch Me Dash) Nigel (Nigel), and especially little Mario, waiting at the Bridge.




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They are all special; some just a little more. I am so very sorry for your loss.

Irene Ullmann w/Flying Odin and Mama Mia in Lower Delaware
Angels Brandy, John E, American Idol, Paul, Fuzzy and Shine
Handcrafted Greyhound and Custom Clocks http://www.houndtime.com
Zoom Doggies-Racing Coats for Racing Greyhounds

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Od6oVPnm.jpgThe day I took him for his final vet visit, his last car ride. He just looked so happy and I think at peace, that's what I keep focusing on. I miss him so much.

0ia2E6vm.jpgOne year that he was the mascot for "Team Greyhound" with my daughter on the Walk So Kids Can Talk, he was a great ambassahound.qic054mm.pngWhen he was first with us so about 4 years old.

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Oh, he was beautiful! Your couch and food loving boy was truly exceptional. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Higgins.

Nancy, Mom to Evangelina and Kiva
Missing Lacey, Patsy, Buster, my heart dog Nick, Winnie, Pollyanna, Tess, my precious Lydia, Calvin Lee, my angel butterfly Laila, and kitties Lily, Sam and Simon
My Etsy shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/Catsburgandhoundtown

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Thank you, it means a lot to know that others can see how special and handsome he was.


We brought home last night a "foster" to see how he works into the family with our grey girl. I have a feeling we may "foster" like we did with Higgins and just fail miserably...but a part of me is so torn. I know life goes on and we can provide love and a good/crazy home for another grey so why not?

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