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Everything posted by smurfette

  1. You can help him with some Bach's flowers. I always use gorse (5 drops in the water bowl). My mentor used to say 'gorse is like a bottle of liquid sunshine'.
  2. I'm with you. We only crated puppies (not greyhounds though) during their first time in the house using the crate we also used in the car. This way we never had any problems with car rides.
  3. This year my sister and her husband will be spending New Years Eve (today) with us and of course they will bring Fireworks with them. The greyts will have a greyt time with their little cousin. Fireworks, now called Fibi
  4. Awww - what a sweet pair. You did the right thing. They are adorable.❤
  5. Oh Lila. You need to retrain your lowly hoomans. 😁
  6. Nose to nose approach with an unknown dog is impolite behaviour. It's like staring an Hells Angels guy down at first meeting. 😉 Dogs prefer to be approached from the side.
  7. It is never long enough. But they never leave our side.
  8. Try leaving a little nightlight for her. And if possible one of you sleeping with her. Andy can't sleep alone at night anymore. We always leave a little light on and one of us sleeps on the sofa in the living room. I also add gingko to his food. It helps with the blood flow in the brain. And he is on conium, a homeopathic remedy for everything age related. It helps him deal with his insecurities like slippery floors or just the normal frailness. Acupuncture can also help. Don't get me wrong. It's not about healing but about making life for him a little less scary and difficult.
  9. There are so many greyt advices and I do not have another idea but would like to ask if you perhaps have a picture for us to see.
  10. It's a little cooler than room temperature because the meat needs nearly 24h to defrost from the -18°C deep freeze. And you don't have to worry about salmonella. A healthy dog can deal with it if the problem arises. Dogs are scavengers that would eat meat that is far longer dead when they would live on their own. The warmer the meat the easier it is to digest for older dogs. I feed raw for at least 10 years and the dreaded big D is next to non existent in our home.
  11. I just move the food from the freezer after feeding dinner and let it stand in the cellar until the next day's dinner time.
  12. I'm so sorry for the loss of your canine friends. Always blue skies. Godspeed, Kira and Soleil.
  13. Sounds like blockade or strained neck muscles. A visit to a physiotherapy or a chiropractor might help you. If you are into homeopathy rhus tox is your remedy. Typical for this remedy is pain that lessens after a short time when moving.
  14. I'm so very sorry for your loss. Sending gentle hugs your way.
  15. Perhaps a greyhound might Not be the right dog for you. Greyhound people are a crazy bunch. We are known to stalk other greyhound owners - stopping our cars or at least waving crazily, chasing someone walking their hound down the street just to talk the them and pet the hound... People will talk to you when you walk your grey. There are so many sighthound lovers or just curious folks out there. Even here in Germany where greyhounds are rare random people often ask me about my pack, kids coming over to pet them. Greyhounds draw people in. It's in their nature.
  16. Your grey just told that golden that he is a total jerk and he won't tolerate this impolite behaviour. It is normal behaviour. Your boy seems to expect manners from his friends. He is a true gentleman.
  17. Imagine someone grabs you and puts you on a distsant planet with only a couple of aliens as company. You don't know what they expect of you, you don't know the dos and donts and not even the language. That's how Ami feels. Give him time to figure out what it means to be a pet. Take him for little walks, only to do his buisness, let him watch how you do things at home, the coming and going, the strange noises, smells. Everything is new to him. He needs time and patience and lots of understanding.
  18. I hate that article. Trust is the foundation of living with a dog. I want my dogs to trust me and I have to trust in return. Trust is essential and it is not the same as irresponsibility. I trust my greys to not destroy our home when I'm out - so they don't need muzzles or crates. But I won't let them run off lead in unknown territory - not because I don't trust them but because I trust my judgement of the situation.
  19. Tell your vet to look into suc-therapy by a company called Heel. It works wonders on kidneys and has zero side effects. Solidago, Ubichinon and Co-enzyme (suc). If it is only normal kidney problems due to age the Solidago alone might be enough.
  20. He looks so much like my boy Paddy. Hello from Germany.
  21. I'm so sorry for your loss. Godspeed, Moonshine.
  22. All my greys get cold laser therapy. It is great. I used mine for accupuncture and also for treating injuries like all kinds of open wounds. Due to their high level of red blood cells greyhounds react pretty well to laser therapy and the healing speeds up quite well. Paddy cut his paw pretty bad. 2 days later the cut was closed.
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