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Everything posted by smurfette

  1. Saoirse tried that with Paddy once and ended up snapping at me because I sat in the middle. I moved her off the sofa and followed her around the house always making her move whenever she started to lie down. I did this for 10 minutes. Since than the issue was solved.
  2. Saoirse thinks she is a bird. Birdseed is her favourite snack... when I am not looking....grrr.
  3. Welcome from Germany. And like AnneGTS wrote... We love to see pictures of Archer and of course of his little greyhound friend, too... as soon as he has arrived.
  4. Welcome from Germany. I am one of those raw feeding people. Just ask if you have questions. One of these nice greyhound people is always awake... ...different time zones are quite handy...
  5. You can try to sit in the same room as her, on the floor, with your back to her. Take a book with you or something else silent. Prepared for a long sit in. When you have some really great treats like smelly cheese you can lay it next to you (as long as your arm reaches, next one a little nearer...). Than wait until she approaches you. Use the back of your hand for contact - It's less scary. I know a woman who works with severly abused dogs. She spends days sitting like this in her living room, even sleeping on the floor. They come around - always. But you need patience and time.
  6. What a lovely tribute for a gorgeous girl. Run free, beautiful Allie. Sending hugs to your loving family (who you brought together) from across the ocean.
  7. I close the bathroom door. As much as I love my guys we can't all fit inside and still move freely. But at night I just leave the doors open. Andy always sleeps in the living-room, Oaddy always sleeps in his dog bed next to mine or in the guest room and Saoirse changes her sleeping pattern every other day.
  8. And you can leave a nightlight on and perhaps the radio. Sometimes they get anxious in the dark.
  9. Thinking of you and sending prayers and healing thoughts.
  10. When she is obsessed with food is it possible for your husband to carry some super tasty yummie treats with him and accidently drop one whenever he encounters her - not looking at her, Not talking to her, just losing the treat. Even if it is from a little away so that she sees that he drops something tasty from her hiding place. He can also sit with his treats and his back to her on the floor and justblay some treats next to himself - again deliberetly ignorant her, maybe reading, or just sitting on the floor calmly. It may take hours or even days for her to come to him but she will with time and patience she will. Perhaps try some Bach's rescue remedy in her drinking water until a vet can help you with anxiety medication. I always use Bach's flowers for emotional problems, with people, animals (and even on my plants) being a certified therapist. The bach's flowers for panic and the feeling of being absolutely, completely und utterly on somebody's mercy is 'Rock Rose which is one of the 5 ingredience of Rescue.
  11. Hello and Welcome from Germany.
  12. I buy it from a holistic vet. They come in a big brown bottle and have to be kept in the fridge. For spraying I mix them 2:100 with bottles water because chloride makes them ineffective.
  13. Normally the bacteria live in the soil and help plants to ingest minerals and nutrients for their growth and flowering. They are the messenger between the inorganic and the organic world. Those bacteria that live in the dogs' intestines are important for health, fur, immune system but also for mental stability. During their lives the bacteria are slowly killed by meds like antibiotics, due to illness and sometimes food.I add it to their food 2 a day. 0,2 ml per kilogram. They are like pro-biotic but not alone from one source.
  14. I started my hounds on effective microorganisms and I am astounded how greyt they work. Since adding them to my dogs' food there issues like loose poop or nightly gas attacks just vanished. I even spray Andy with it because he has some problems with his fur. Bis für still looks like he lost a fight with an angry moth but it feels more healthy to the touch. He developed these fur problems after an allergic reaction to the christmas tree. Did someone else have experiences with em?
  15. Physiotherapy,laser accupuncture, msm, hypericum perforatum and onsior as a pain med. It works like metacam but has less side effects. Metacam can make tired but one dose works for 24 hours. When I give it I always give it before bed time. The pain relief is still there in the morning but the tiredness has been slept off.
  16. Your pups are absolutely gorgeous. But Mc Cleary.... be still my heart, what a beauty.
  17. Give him time. He is fairly new and needs you for reassurance. Mine started to sleep in the bedroom with us but in time wander all around the house for their favourite spots. Andy now sleeps in the living room because he decided that he doesn' t want to do the stairs anymore. Paddy and Saoirse share the dog bed in front of the fire place or the bed in the guest room. And sometimes they still stay in the bed room.
  18. I'm so sorry for your loss. Godspeed, Zilla.
  19. I'm so sorry for your loss. Hugs to you and your family.
  20. Poor Shine - get better soon. Arnica will help if it is a pulled muscle. And pain meds for a few days.
  21. Another thought. Your wife might want to be able to lift the dog up of even carry him some steps if need arises. One of the scariest things is having an injured dog and not being able to help him because he is too heavy to lift up - when anyone else is around. Just my opinion.
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