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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. I was trying to come up with this in my head before I suggested removing the crate lip entirely. A small incline on a ramp going in, and maybe a piece of plywood inside the crate, raised to a height where the lip doesn't get in the way. My only concern with trying something like that would be that the soft crate cushion might catch if he did drag his foot across it. Without actually trying it, removing the lip seemed like the easier option, but doing something like this may also work fine.
  2. One other thought - is it possible to alter a crate so that he can go in without there being a lip to get over? Maybe have a local welding shop alter one to remove the lip but still ensure that the crate is solid? I think at most it's a minor alteration to the crate and might require a couple of braces along the area where the metal was removed. A welding shop came to mind because they would have the tools to cut the bars, but if you know someone who welds it may be an easy project for them.
  3. I would order a flannel housecoat from Houndtime.com They are lightweight but provide some additional warmth if he is cold. He will not overheat in one. Anytime that Rocket got restless during the night, putting a housecoat on him was all it took to get him to sleep through the night. The coats are not expensive, so you won't really be out much if he hates it and you end up donating it to your group. Be sure to let Irene know that he's a tripod in case she needs to make an adjustment on the housecoat for that. I also think that the closed door contributes to his issue. He wants to know where you are. Any chance of using a gate to keep the cats out (I figure they can jump a gate but it would be worth asking just to confirm.) while leaving the door open? If nothing else, put a bed in your bedroom for him and let him find it. He may decide that it is his new hiding place during the day and will get used to using it. For what it's worth, we have had a number of hounds stay with us over the past 10 years while their owners are away, none of them tolerate closed doors. They may not want to be in the room with you, but they want the option to be available. Thank you for taking in this sweet boy. His whole life has been turned upside down. While whining gets old fast, it sounds like he's doing great considering everything he's been through.
  4. Stick with the boiled meat and over-cooked mushy rice or pasts for a few days before adding anything like pumpkin or carrots. If you throw all of that in at once, you have no idea what actually works. Rice and pasta work best when cooked with lots of excess water and are overcooked, almost mushy. Make sure he keeps drinking and monitor him for dehydration given the big poops / diarrhea. If he won't drink, you can try putting some chicken broth in his water to get him to drink.
  5. What a beautiful tribute to a very special boy. I love his indifference toward the cats and your descriptions of the funny things he did. There is nothing that brings more laughter to a home than a goofy greyhound boy. Run-free Monty.
  6. Rocket had stress colitis and the Olewo Carrots became part of his regular diet. We saw a big improvement after adding them to his diet. Not sure about the deworming claim or the science to back it up, but it has always been part of their marketing info.
  7. Could be a pollen allergy or some other type of allergy. Some dogs are also just naturally pink looking depending on fur color, but since she is licking I'm guessing it's probably allergy or irritant related. . Take a look at pollen.com and put your zip code in to see if allergy potential is high. Rocket used to have a bad reaction to ragweed pollen when the count for that got higher and usually needed medication to reduce the symptoms.
  8. I'm so sorry, Greg. I remember meeting Tessa at one of the GPA picnics along with Ellie and Bijou. They were all "Daddy's Girls," and it was obvious how much they loved their Daddyman. Too many of our long-time GT kids have made the trip to the bridge lately. I hope they are having one crazy party together. Run-free, sweet Tessa.
  9. I'm so sorry for your loss, Bill. Run-free, Bug.
  10. It could be just about anything. Don't go directly to Osteo, although I know that it's always in the back of our minds. Rocket had lots of little limps, stumbles and other crazy things happen a few times after running in the back yard or after a walk. Let the vet do his or her work. Also, remember that if you are still uncertain after x-rays or other diagnostics, you can send the images to Dr. Cuoto for a second opinion. We did that at one point for Rocket because the x-rays really showed nothing according to the vet. Basically, Dr Cuoto concurred, the x-rays showed nothing, so it was a good lesson for us not to jump to the Osteo conclusion. A second opinion from Dr. Cuoto is money well spent. Also, remember that membership in the Greyhound Health Initiative at certain levels will get you discounts on a consult with Dr Cuoto should you need it. https://www.greyhoundhealthinitiative.org/membership/ Paws crossed here for Jasper! Keep us updated. .
  11. Well, a certain Soos Chef and a big Red Brindle Boy are going to have their hands full at The Bridge Welcome Party tonight. The ladies at the bridge are going to be swooning over Mr. Doubleheart. Run pain free Trevor. Rocket will show you around. Jan, I'm so sorry that Trevor had to leave so suddenly. Thank you for giving him such a great home and taking such great care of him. He will be missed here too.
  12. If he wasn't a racer and ended up in Kentucky, he could have also been bred in an Amish Puppy Mill and sold as a pet. Southern IL, Indiana and Kentucky are loaded with Amish Puppy Mills that cause all kinds of problems for shelters when people buy a cute little puppy then find out they adopted a very active puppy that they can't handle as he grows and grows. Unfortunately, these dogs end up in shelters all the time in those areas. He could very well be a great pet. I'm betting that he won't be used to having his teeth cleaned and may not let you brush them. Once you have had him vet checked and know that his teeth are okay, you might start giving him some CET chews (not rawhide) or Bully Sticks to chew on, but only while supervised. Never leave a dog alone with access to any chew, as they can choke quickly. Some chewing of these items may help a great deal, or he may need a dental to get back to optimal health. It is not unusual for a 9 year old dog to need a dental if his teeth haven't been cared for. The muzzle will be trial and error depending on whether or not he has worn one. Make sure to use one of the plastic muzzles or basket type muzzles that will allow him to still drink. Not a cloth muzzle that goes over the snout. Good luck with your new pal!
  13. Haven't seen this one. Is it a magic band that you wear or a miracle cream that you apply to your neck? i can't tell you how many times i will see an article or a headline online and think it has something to do with dogs when in fact, NOPE. It will be totally unrelated.
  14. I'm so sorry for your loss. Run free JenJen.
  15. I think it had stopped but some loyal fans of the event are making it happen again. All the more reason to support it!
  16. He will go potty when he has to. This is somewhat common when a hound arrives in a new home. We've had posts here over the years where some won't go for close to 24 hours after they arrive. Everything is new to your hound, including a whole new routine. The more you can structure the outings at regular intervals and structured times, the easier it will get. Edited typos -
  17. Although it seems to have faded away somewhat, it used to be an accepted practice at greyhound events that a dog wearing a red bandana had issues of some sort and that was an acceptable warning to others so that they didn't let their own hounds wander up to or get in the face of the other dog, and was also a warning not to pet the dog without checking with the owner. Unfortunately, this practice seems to be fading away at events, or at least isn't communicated as often, so isn't as well known any longer. Probably one of those things that needs to be reinforced so that we do have some kind of a standard warning that people will recognize.
  18. Just wanted to add: We had a bandana made for Rocket that he would wear to public events that had the following embroidered on it: "Please ask before petting me." Not everyone read or heeded the message, but most did. There are also hi-viz collars and leashes available online that have things printed on them like, DO NOT PET, or I HAVE SPACE ISSUES, if you need something to help display a warning. You could do the same thing with a housecoat / jacket in cooler weather.
  19. Greyhound owners often have a sense of complacency because most of them haven't had a dog with the quirks you mention. There are many of these hounds who will let you do literally anything with them. Our Rocket had certain quirks, mostly involving not wanting to be petted when he was laying down and as he got older, not wanting to be rubbed on his shoulders because they were sometimes sore. We had a rule about only petting him when he was standing and that worked well, but as we would meet neighbors on our walks it was somewhat normal for them to want to give him a hug which he also did not like. I always had to ask them to just pet him on his head and ears and for a basic explanation would just tell them that he had some arthritis and was sore in other areas.
  20. I'm so sorry. Trolley is here visiting, so extra cookies will be be dispensed in honor of Star. Run- free, Star.
  21. His paws will toughen up but Mushers Secret or ant Paw Wax will help keep his pads pliable and protect them. Depending on the type of worm he had, you may not be done with them yet. Be sure to keep testing if the poop remains mushy. The current generation of hookworms is very resistant to treatment and may take multiple treatments over many months to eradicate. A clean fecal only means that one sample was clean, not that the worms are gone, so repeat testing is needed. 4 cups sounds like a little much but it depends on the food. Over-feeding will result in mushy poops. Since you are trying to put some weight on him, check the bag and feed the amount for his current weight, plus maybe 1/2 cup. You may need to adjust, and be sure to factor in treats / snacks so you know how much food he is getting daily. Whenever you add something to the diet, whether a treat, supplement, oil etc, you only want to add one thing at a time and give it 10 days or so to make sure that it doesn't cause issues. If you add more than one thing at a time, you have no idea which thing is causing an issue when one crops up. You might try some salmon oil or similar as an additive for the flaky coat. There are lots of things that will work, but salmon oil was always our go-to for that.
  22. We are losing way too many of our long-time GT hounds. I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful girl. Run pain-free, sweet Tosca.
  23. I'm so sorry, Jan. Sounds like she had a pretty perfect send off and knew how much she was loved at Camp Greyhound. Run pain-free, Dottie B.
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