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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. Sorry for the delay in responding. I had to use Drontal Plus one time for Rocket when something was waving back at me in one of his stools. it was a one-time treatment and it took care of the issue.
  2. Pretty sure you only need one dose for most dogs. That was always the selling point of Drontal Plus. Here is the FAQ for the medication., it looks like the dose now depends on which version of the pill/tablet you are using https://www.petbasics.com/dog-products/drontal-plus/product-detail/
  3. What Greysmom said. Note that changing foods doesn't always mean a "better" food, but a different or better protein for your particular dog. It takes some trial and error. The food could be one that everyone considers to be crap, but if it works well for your dog, then it's a good food for your dog. There is no rhyme or reason to what works for each dog and it can be frustrating finding that one food, so the best bet is to try different protein sources and narrow it down from there. Hooks are frustrating. Good luck and you will conquer them, it just takes time and diligent monitoring.
  4. Very sorry to read this. Lots of good vibes coming Mystic's way.
  5. Kind of like the view next to my chair except the Slumber Ball is much flatter now.
  6. You guys were slammed when we were there and then we never got back to the hotel a second time. DW bought that pretty fast when she saw it because it looks like Rocket, and then cleared out to make room for more people to shop. This year is on our calendar but will be a last minute decision due to medical and work issues happening. We hope to be able to go so fingers are crossed that we can make it work.
  7. He's quite the catcher! Was Felix the model for this? I think we bought this picture from you at Dewey.
  8. https://arstechnica.com/science/2018/08/us-invaded-by-savage-tick-that-sucks-animals-dry-spawns-without-mating/ Posted as an FYI. No known diseases in the US from them yet according to the article, but they are known to carry numerous diseases where they originated overseas.
  9. We just got an order of the filling from them to re-stuff Rocket's Slumber Ball last week . Anyone want to go into the Slumber Ball Business? As i recall, they were recently bought by PetSmart (from this point forward known as PetFart.) I guess this is the first of great decisions that will ruin a good company.
  10. I'm very sorry for your loss. Run free, Max.
  11. Same here when we needed some x-rays reviewed. Hope Jeff is feeling better and home with you soon.
  12. Parasites/worms will also cause this in addition to the things others posted, so the vet check is the way to go. I usually know when Rocket's stomach issues are coming as his breath gets bad with a very distinctive odor.
  13. My money would still be on hookworms or some other worm since it's only a couple days at a time. That negative fecal test really doesn't mean a whole lot and seems to mean less and less every year that I've had a greyhound. Sometimes it takes months of trying to hit that worm hatching cycle just right with the meds. Hope your pup is feeling better soon.
  14. I've just started Rocket on Gabapentin this week. He somehow ended up with a lumbar strain while doing zoomies in the back yard, or slipped when he came in. I'm not sure what happened since I stepped away for 30 seconds to fill his water bowl, He was already on Tramadol once a day for some leg pain, but the Gabapentin seems to be making a difference. We are introducing it slowly and lowering the Tramadol dose a little at a time since he's been on it for a while. He could barely get up and down on Sunday night and Monday. By Tuesday night / Wednesday morning, he had started roaching again after starting the Gabapentin. I'm also pretty sure that he popped his low back into place on Monday night while laying down, as he let out a yelp as he lowered on to the bed, and then was moving much better. I guess he went to the Pawmer School of Chiropractic. Sometimes a boy forgets he's almost 13 and has to do some zoomies.
  15. Info at the link below. Xylitol is only a concern in liquid form or if the prescription was compounded using a product containing xylitol. Gabapentin capsules and tablets do not contain it. https://atwork.avma.org/2017/05/30/eliminate-xylitol-from-canine-prescriptions/
  16. He will get used to new schedule eventually, but be sure to check the package of the food you are feeding. Feeding guidelines are somewhat general, but they are also based on the dog's weight and caloric need. Every food will be different. Start with the suggested amount on the package for your dog's weight and adjust up or down from there slowly after about 10 days if an adjustment is needed. Some dogs are just naturally food motivated and will do anything to get food all day long. Edited typos because...typed before coffee
  17. Any limp in a greyhound is of concern until you know what's going on. If that's the foot with the bad toe, you have some idea what might be going on, but it still needs to be checked. The new vet may have setup your appointment in August as a new patient because those are scheduled for more time than a routine appt. Make sure they know there is an issue when you call and you need to get him in ASAP. If they can't see him within a day or two for a problem, that's a good indication that this isn't a vet you want to use or rely on. If you post your location (city and state), there may be someone here who can suggest a greyhound-savvy vet in your area. If the vet you are trying to get into was suggested by the adoption group, let them know that the vet isn't getting you in quickly enough for this issue.
  18. The gurgling is because the tummy is empty. He may well feel nauseous with the empty tummy. Definitely try a snack right before bedtime like a large Milk Bone, or a little more of his regular food. We split Rocket's meals into 3 meals a day instead of two for this reason. If we do two meals, the gurgles and stomach issues appear.
  19. I'm so sorry to hear about Conrad. I loved Conrad stories. The boy was a character! Congrats on your new girl. Hopefully, Conrad left her some notes about how to run things around there.
  20. You might try spreading food grade Diatomaceous Earth to the grass/soil with a hand spreader or bulb spreader. It doesn't take much, except you will need to re-do it when it rains. Info - here: https://www.hunker.com/13405975/how-to-treat-your-yard-for-hookworms We use it for fire ants. I buy mine on Amazon and the 20 lb bag i bought several years ago is still going strong. A little goes a long way. Also - it won't hurt the dogs.
  21. Good luck and watch for overheating even on on a short turnout in this heat. Have some old towels available that you can wet down quickly with cold water if the dog overheats. I have had Rocket overheat one time in 9 years (oddly enough, in Illinois, not here) and kept rotating cold wet towels on him with a fan blowing over him to remove the heat. Be sure to wipe the cold towels over the belly, legs and paws if your dog will let you, should you need to get him cooled down quickly. Since our water here isn't overly cold in the summer, I always have some bottles of water in the frig just in case.
  22. I'm very sorry for the loss of your beautiful girl. Run-free, Lola.
  23. Not to hijack, but for anyone who does need a kidney diet on this thread, Rocket loves the Purina RX Kidney Diet, both the canned food and the kibble. I really thought we would would face the same obstacles and he wouldn't eat the Rx food. He scarfed it down from day one. I'm not sure what's in the kibble, but when Trolley and others are here, they are constantly trying to get into his Rx food - they love it too. Worth a try if you haven't tried it and need an RX kidney food. Rx is required but you can get the food from Chewy.com with the Rx. Hope Felix continues his sandwiches and ball playing for a very long time.
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