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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. Edited because I didn't read the whole post and what I wrote was redundant! Since she is going right back to sleep, I'm assuming that she's not waking up due to being cold, You could try covering her with a blanket at bedtime or putting a lightweight housecoat on her just to rule it out though. Some dogs will wake up due to being cold and may decide it's time to go out because that's what they do when they wake up, not because they necessarily have to.
  2. Note the really quick stinkeye when I tell her she can't tear the toy at about the 50 second mark.
  3. As the others have said, it's very early in his new life as a pet in a home. These dogs do not do well being closed off from the humans when home. When we adopted our first dog, we crated him in the bedroom at night with us, and eventually moved his crate else where and switched to a dog bed in the bedroom. The hounds are highly social, even if they aren't giving you the time of day, they still want to be able to see you and be nearby you. What the others suggest works as far as training, but only you can decide if this is the dog for you or not. There is no shame in realizing that this particular dog or this breed just isn't going to work out well in your home. You will be doing the dog a great disservice if you decide that but keep him. Your group should be there to help, offer advice and support, and ultimately re-home the dog if that's what needs to be done.
  4. Time4ANap


    I am so sorry to see this. I've followed his threads since he and Rocket were both diagnosed with kidney issues. He was a beautiful boy and we will think of him often since we have one of your portraits of him in our living room that we bought at Dewey. He and Rocket had very similar "ear functions" and the portrait reminded us so much of Rocket and his crazy ear positions that we had to have it. Run free, Felix. Go find Rocket at The Bridge and tell him that his old man sent you.
  5. I have actually been doing the hand signals for certain things. She does seem to respond to the signals.
  6. They are gorgeous! Happy Gotcha Day, ladies,
  7. Beautiful photo! So glad that Fernie was able to make the trip and be crowned!
  8. Sending good vibes to Cee Cee. Based on where she came from, she's tougher than all of us and will do just fine.
  9. Rocket loved it when he spotted kids on our walks. We used to get kids who were blocks away yelling "Hey Rocket, wait a minute!" and they would come running to see him. Punkin looks pretty happy with her new friend. I love Aiden's coat!
  10. She was with the adoption group from November until she came here, and I think the people who run the group had her in their house some during that time. She is definitely not used to home life as in being an only dog. I am still a little worried that she is lonely with a bunch of other hounds around, and she doesn't know too many words. Rocket had a huge vocabulary that he seemed to understand the meaning of. I can ask if she's hungry, if she wants to go outside, go for a walk etc and she has absolutely no reaction or trigger words. She follows me everywhere and will go outside if I motion for her to follow me or if I open the back door and go out, she will usually join me. She has also been attempting to roach but can't quite get all the way vertical yet. Yesterday DW left the house while I was still sleeping. Within a minute of her leaving I had an old broodie walk into the bedroom and give me 3 loud barks. She has never barked before. I just about jumped out of my skin. Yesterday was the first day that I have seen her sleep this peacefully. It's the first day that I've felt like she has relaxed and maybe knows that she;s home now. The broodie in her is definitely coming out though. Good thing she's really cute. Here is today's view from my chair. She loves it when the front door is open.
  11. I'm so sorry. Love her pictures! Run free, June.
  12. This afternoon with the front door open enjoying the breeze. Tonight since dinner - 3.5 hours ago. Edited to add the bed fail in front of me at the moment. Occasionally there's a little growl of contentment.
  13. WooooHoooooo! Stinky fish for everyone! Grilled? Fried? Omelets? What's the house specialty?
  14. Pretty sure there was someone on GT in Kingman AZ which isn't too far away. Not sure who or if they are still there.
  15. Thanks. Still can't find any process where an individual traveling with a pet is going to be asked for the cert, but every site I've looked at makes it sound like you should have one in your dog's records if you are crossing state lines where it's required. The various state sites don't seem to make an exception regarding an individual pet vs a transporter with a quantity of pets.
  16. Apparently it's been "a thing" for many years from what I can find online. I haven't found the details behind the person in Wisconsin getting fined. IL requires it, as that is where our vet always printed it out automatically when we checked out after a visit. (also double checked on the link I posted and IL is on there) She never did that until she computerized the office, so the software she was using automatically printed it out. We had the certificate when we moved to AZ but at that time didn't know we needed it. No one ever asked for it when we moved here, but I did send it with Rocket's records when we established with a vet here. I really don't think it's enforced in most places, but like you I have seen those Agriculture Inspection stations popped up at rest areas along interstates over the years. I'm thinking that the haulers bringing dogs to the group must have a certificate for each dog transported since they are more likely to be inspected than someone driving a passenger car with one or two dogs. Some airlines also require the certificate when a dog is flying from what I can find online. I figure it's no big deal, but I will carry one as part of Petunia's vet records when we travel just to be safe, and maybe prevent her being quarantined if her health is questioned for some reason. I will simply ask the vet to email one to me before a trip. I always take current vet records for any dog we travel with, so this is just one more piece of paper in that package and not a big deal. The main reason I even posted about this was learning that the rabies certificate isn't the only document required in many states, so figured it might save someone a headache if the issue did come up.
  17. Each state agriculture department has inspectors. The only thing I can think is that they can request the certificate after the fact if there's an incident like a bite etc. We were never asked for that certificate when licensing Rocket or Petunia with the county here, so I'm guessing (purely a guess) that it's one of those things that an incident report might trigger. It's on my list to ask my vet about at the next appointment since Petunia may be going to Kanab at some point and crossing into Utah. This came up in another forum because someone is moving to Phoenix and asked for info about the required document. As I checked into it, I found that it is required in many other states too, and without it your dog can end up in quarantine, fines levied etc. Since it's just a piece of paper, I plan to start getting one from the vet before we travel on trips to other states. I honestly think that it will never be asked for unless there is an incident. There are some states that have agricultural checkpoints, but it's usually commercial livestock shipments that are required to stop there. I have a feeling there's little to no enforcement unless they want to see the certificate after getting a dog bite report.
  18. For cement or solid surfaces, diluted bleach will work to clean the area. For soil/yard treatment, I have been looking at a product to spray the yard with using a garden hose sprayer called Wondercide Yard Pest COntrol. It;s a natural product that claims to kill the hookworm eggs in the soil. - Product link - https://www.wondercide.com/outdoor-natural-pest-control-concentrate-kills-repels-100s-of-pests-ecotreat I found this info in their blog regarding hookworm treatment for soil - https://blog.wondercide.com/hookworms/ We recently adopted a hookworm positive greyhound so I have been looking for something to treat our yard and artificial grass areas. I have not tried this product yet and have no affiliation with the company, so have no first hand knowledge of it other than the reviews on the site and the info from their blog while doing my own research. They do have a dealer list on the site and you can buy from Amazon as well. I usually spray down any residue from diarrhea with the hose immediately. As stools get back to normal, bag the poop and tie them shut. I keep a small 6 gallon trash can outside (you could also use a bucket) and keep the poop bags in there until trash night.
  19. Since we are coming into spring and summer travel season for greyhound events, just a reminder that some states (not all) require you to have a document called a CVI or Certificate of Veterinary Inspection to cross into their state. Each state agriculture department has their own requirements for this document, and chances are you aren't going to need it unless you end up having an "incident" where you need to present the dog's health documentation, whether that's a dog bite or an e-vet visit, The typical rabies certificate does not meet the requirement for this document as it needs to state that the dog is clear of other health issues and did not come from a quarantined area. Locally for us, Arizona and Utah require it, and I know that Illinois requires it as our previous vet there automatically printed it out with our invoice. Some states require the certificate to be no older than 30 days, so check requirements for the state(s) you will be driving into. I did find several references to people being fined for not having the document, one of them a rescue person who brought a dog into Wisconsin without the document and ended up with a $900 fine. Best to have it in the car and not need it than ending up wishing you had it. You can check the requirement for dogs, cats and livestock for each state using this link - https://www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/pet-travel/interstate-pet-travel
  20. In reading the reviews, it looks like they are working on another version to hold some thinner bully sticks. It sounds like the company is a very small startup so it could be a while before the improved model is released.
  21. He's still very new to living in a home and establishing a routine. Let him approach them when he's ready. If you haven't done so, I would make a crate available for him to go into when he isn't comfortable with his surroundings. Leave the crate door open and make sure he can get to it. He needs what he considers to be a safe space of his own. I might even crate him while students are in the house just to be safe, but will let others chime in with thoughts on that since none of us are there to observe his behavior firsthand. The growl is a warning that he isn't comfortable with the situation. Let the students know that he is still learning how to live in a home and have them pretty much ignore him for now. He will come to them on his own terms when he's ready. A year from now he may ignore them entirely because students going in and out will be old news. Good luck.
  22. Mary Pat, If it narrows it down for you at all, the tattoo you posted is the new format being used in Victoria, Australia. I found a reference to it in searching around and the new format there is 5 Letters, all in one ear only. The only search I found is by racing name, http://www.grv.org.au/racing/dog-search/
  23. Greyhound Data has the option to lookup Australian listings. Nothing comes back for the one you posted. In looking around, that tattoo doesn't seem to follow the formats that I've found posted for Australia, although one post I found indicated that every state in Australia has it's own format for "ear branding" as it's referred to there. I never did find another source to look them up. Maybe Dick has a source that can help? Hope you find it! edited typos
  24. I can see it being useful for certain situations like these. When it hit my Amazon Feed I got a pretty good chuckle out of it though. We always took the last part of the bully stick from Rocket because he would swallow it without completely chewing it, so something like this would have helped as long as he couldn't remove it. Imagine, this showing up on my Amazon feed just a few days after I ordered bully sticks for Petunia. Must be a coincidence....
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