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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. Tramadol can go either way. When I started Rocket on it, I was giving it to him late in the evening, figuring he would sleep better. It actually made him antsy during the night and he would be up at all hours pacing and trying to get me to be up with him. I started giving it to him with his 5PM dinner and that issue went away. It will help with pain, but not every dog respond the same to it. You might try giving it in the morning to see how she gets through the day. Hope it helps.
  2. Not being concerned about it is your first mistake. Get the dog out of the bed now. While your dog may be fine when she sees that it's you, there is still a high probability of an incident when you least expect it. This sets the dog up to fail and gets them labeled as a biter, brings in Animal Control etc when a bite happens, regardless of intent. I have the sweetest boy in the world, but due to his startle potential, he has bitten people several times just through accidental contact. I've been bitten, and other people he loves were bitten all when humans made the mistake of thinking he was awake.
  3. 9.5 is still young and strong enough to survive a tough surgery. Sending good thoughts for Mover.
  4. Thank you for all of the replies. We are all missing her. We are all so glad that she came to us when she did and that we were able to give her those great final months.
  5. Back in July we officially introduced Allie, a sweet, sassy girl who came to us in rough shape medically last May. We promised her on that first night that if her body healed, she would have a home where she could thrive for as long as she wanted. Allie was co-adopted by three greyhound families so that her medical costs and needs could be met without being a burden on any one person. Allie returned the favor by getting better and becoming a family member who greeted us with chattering teeth that sounded like a machine gun, yelled at us when we didn't throw the ball fast enough and gave us a stern talking-to if breakfast wasn't coming on the time schedule she wanted. We each loved every minute that this little girl was with us. This past week, her body could no longer support that spirit, and she let us know that it was time to move on. Allie went peacefully to the bridge surrounded by her 3 mommas. DW posted the following on Facebook, which sums up pretty much everything about this special girl. Celebrating Allie - 8/28/04-3/22/18 Our little Allie bug decided it was time to go to the bridge today. She came into our lives last May from a tough situation and was too sweet to let go. She gained three mamas and a daddy who spoiled her rotten. When she would see any of us, she would chatter with excitement. And being a great racer, she would fly through the yard, doing more zoomies than any of the other dogs. On walks, she would prance. If you threw a ball for Snickers, you darn well better throw one for Allie because she would assert her "old lady" rights and stomp her feet waiting for action. If there were a picture in the dictionary for "joy," this would be it. Thank you to my fellow mamas, Auntie Carol, and Mama-in-Chief, Lorinda. Thank you to my little girl, you were a blessing. I hope your spirit comes back to me someday. This video shows everything that you need to know about Allie. We weren;t sure that she would make it through the night when she arrived. This is her a short time later. A few pics from her time with us: Enjoying Rocket's Slumber Ball Enjoying a power nap And celebrating her 13th Birthday with her brother and sisters. During her time with us, we received a great deal of support from some very special friends here on GT that helped us deal with the issues of a fragile senior dog. Thank you all for your love and support of this special girl. Run-free, Allie. Thank you for letting us into your life.
  6. We miss your boy right along with you. His battle gave hope to many.
  7. Glad to see that the x-rays showed nothing. Hang in there, Stewie (and your people).
  8. I'm very sorry for the loss of your sweet girl. Run free, Brandy.
  9. Have him checked for a UTI or an infection from the neuter surgery. While some licking isn't uncommon, it's not constant and there should be no discharge.
  10. Merlin and Sagan were both part of our huge greyhound family. You have lots of family here who miss those boys along with you. Even if we never met them, we knew them well.
  11. Are you leaving a radio or tv on to mask the noises from outside and upstairs? Most of the track kennels play tv or radio around the clock for this reason. Are your neighbors hearing howling or barking as well? Just wondering how agitated the hound is.
  12. By weight, most very large dogs get 3 to 3 1/2 cups a day max on many of the foods that are out there. Look at the directions for the food you are feeding and go by the feeding guidelines for your dog's weight. After a few weeks adjust up or down by 1/4 cup at a time if an adjustment is needed. Don't forget to include treats when you are calculating total daily intake or calories. Your dog may just not be as hungry if she's had treats throughout the day and is being given more food than she needs. Also, as dogs become seniors, they seem to get a little pickier and sometimes skip a meal here and there. No big deal if it's not a constant thing.
  13. http://www.news-gazette.com/news/business/2018-02-24/general-mills-gets-back-pet-food-with-8b-purchase-blue-buffalo.html
  14. If they are loose all the time, then check the instructions for the food you are feeding to make sure you are feeding the correct amount for her weight. Overfeeding a richer food is often the most common cause of loose stools. If the stools just get looser through the day but are fine in the morning, that's pretty normal. You can try adding Olewo carrots to each meal. They are dehydrated carrots that help to firm the stool. Basically, 1 TBSP of carrots in about 6 ounces of hot or boiling water. This makes enough for both daily meals, just divide it between the meals. I make it every night for the next day. Others will suggest a food switch to something like IAMS green bag, but if your current food agrees with her otherwise, a food change may not be needed. Some people add pumpkin or yogurt as well, but it depends on the dog, In our case, those 2 things make the problem worse and do not work for Rocket. Also be sure to make only one change at a time including any change of treats given so you know what works and what doesn't.
  15. I recently had my doctor check out a small patch on my skin. She said it was an "old people barnacle." Great....Thanks Doc.... Doctor Rocket likes your prescription.
  16. That's what I was thinking. He had one on his hip at one point about the same size, but that ended up being huge when they removed it. It was just a benign lump of some type.
  17. I came home from a trip last night and found a large bump on Rocket's nose. He has a vet appointment coming up so I will have it checked further there. Was wondering if anyone has an idea what kind of growth this might be. There has always been the feeling a small bump under the fur there, but this popped up through the fur sometime in the last 4 days while I was gone. It is not hurting, as he always has me rub his nose and there is no reaction when I go over it. The bump in the center of the nose. The other little pink spot near the tip of the nose is just the color of the skin there.
  18. I'm very sorry for your loss. Run-free, Zilla.
  19. Research at the University of Illinois and the U of I Vet Med School has led to a possible cure for brain cancer. Dr Tim Fan who is quoted in the article is one of the doctors who consulted on Taylor's (Beachbum / Mark) Osteo Case. Thought some here may be interested in the article. http://www.illinoishomepage.net/news/local-news/a-cancer-cure-may-have-been-found-by-u-of-i-professor/972123074
  20. It's most likely a problem on your end, possibly a corrupt cache file. Here's info on possible fixes. https://www.easytechguides.com/google-chrome-connection-errors.html
  21. We use CVS baby wipes with no issue. I don't see why these would be much different. Since the first ingredients is water, the other ingredients are pretty much diluted anyway.
  22. Yup. We do whatever it takes. That's the promise we made them. Hope she's feeling better soon.
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