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Everything posted by palmettobug

  1. Welcome Momo! My mom has one just about the same color and hair. He doesnt have a thick undercoat, so he mats mainly under the front legs. A furminator or kong brush should do. Oh, and hairball treatment is a must!
  2. Hassenpfeffer for dinner?? I love when cats wake you up with the hurk-hurk right beside you in bed, you go from 0-60 to get them off before they puke on you!
  3. palmettobug


    You have mi corazon, vato. Run free, Iker.
  4. Dick! That grey's Dam is Johnny's aunt!
  5. Kristie, I remember how hard you fought to get him back to normal after his first illness. What an amazing hound, he will be missed.
  6. Yes, it can be a gradual blooming! Johnny has been a roacher almost since the beginning, along with following me everywhere! It's only been within the last few months he has been able to share my bed without issue. He puts his head in my lap for ear skritches while he stands on the floor, also a new behavior. I think when my oldest cat died, he saw a big gap and grew to fill it.
  7. I agree! My Lab, who was a narcotics K9 and then my pet, had her favorites. She disliked most men, and she knew which ones to avoid. Good girl Paisley! Now if I could only get Johnny to stop loving up all visitors...
  8. The ears are the giveaway--it does resemble one of your girls or Iker!
  9. She's got Dutch Bahama, so welcome cousin Petunia!
  10. Thank you, Pam, you have the biggest heart! Yes, I agree, surgery is in order. I have two cats with FLUTD, I think with them it's crystals, not actual stones, and diet controls them. We'll get Ducky to send you her Charlie, then those two can go out all night together.
  11. That sounds more like space guarding--a lot of dogs don't like people near their beds or crates or kennels. Any dog with a mouth can bite--there are some little dogs I'd not trust around children or adults! Also, look at how rambunctious the dog is--Johnny is a jumper, he just gets so excited sometimes and forgets himself. He can knock me down, and I'm not a small person.
  12. My late boy Terry was the same color as yours. Johnny only tried to chase him and his brother once, when they were playing. NO CAT, I yelled, he stopped. Terry was never the bravest of the bunch, he was more likely to hide than swat, but the others showed Johnny that cats are ouchy and to be avoided. I agree with the others, slow intros and muzzles to start. All bets are off with outdoor cats, he thinks our local strays/ferals are super interesting, regardless of the color. Squirrels are boring, but possums and raccoons are worth a look.
  13. I always knew brindles had a different coat! I think they feel thicker and stiffer than other colors.
  14. Hmm, another interesting quirk in the Gable Dodge line?
  15. I know Johnny was bumped and fell at least once, but continued to race. He does show pain and tenderness in that right shoulder and neck, but it doesn't stop him from roaching and bed failing!
  16. Yep, I tell Johnny, "all this red hair is not mine or the ginger cat's, it's yours, buddy!" He stress sheds at meet and greets, so potential inductees can see what they're getting into.
  17. Goodness! What a pair! You know, I grew up surrounded by dogs and cats, I hate it when people give up their pets for kids. They can coexist!
  18. Maybe--Johnny has decided, after 3+ years, that sharing with Mom is awesome! But it's been a process, letting him decide where he'd like to be. I allowed him to sleep on the extra bed when we travelled, or to sit with me on my bed while the light was on, or to get in my lap on the couch. He's really mellowed out lately.
  19. Kristen, we are so sorry. This year has just been awful for you.
  20. Jan, I cannot believe the size of your heart. You bring them home, for a day or a month or a year, then see them off again.
  21. The ears and legs say grey, maybe with shepard? I'd say he maybe younger than they think,, unless they have docs.
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