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Everything posted by palmettobug

  1. GUd hoomid Woesday! Dere wuz a chance ob rain yesterday, owr walk got cut short, but den dat storm did nuttin but grumble and move on.
  2. Fizzer needs Vegemite, as she iz frum Down Under! And whut's a leetle tinkle between friendlies? Wiki, dat's da sad storee ob maples, dey are beuatimus, but fragile.
  3. Gud hoomid Toesday! We had thunnerboomers last nite, but it didn't change a fing. Hmm, salivate--does da name Pavlov ring a bell?
  4. Happens a LOT more than you'd think, there's a guy in this area who's been convicted of wildlife trafficking more than once, box turtles mostly.
  5. Gud nawt as hoomid Moansday! Tho we did try to get Mom up early by lik-likkin. She sez, eben IF she got up eerlyer, we wuldn't get fed enny earlier!
  6. Lupin, iffn yoo can, an owld t-shirt or pajama top iz bettah dan dat old cone. Dat's whut Mom put on me when da Galoot culdn't keep himz toofers to himself.
  7. GUd sweaty and hoomid Sunnyday! Lots ob hurties and stuff again in da whirld.
  8. Rachel, we were deeply honored to be Willa's Secret Santa, she was one of a kind and we were laughing and crying along with you on your journey.
  9. Gud hoomid affer da rain Satonday! We were nauhtee yesterday, first da Galoot wuz tryin to get a skwirrels, den we were barking at da whipper-snapper. Gud Stichin, Mizz Elizabeth!
  10. Posting dis for Mizz Cindy : https://petharbor.com/pet.asp?uaid=CARR.A104934 Oh Tiller, buddy, to yoo.
  11. TGIF! Mom iz off to da big howse, hopefully dey habs chillee airs. We will be Poppin in to check on Tiller and ebberyone else.
  12. Mom's meeting wuz a waste, but da snax were gud. Lupin, Aldi habs a coolin mat for pets diz week on da AOS. Mom habs a fan or a white noise machine, herbs has tinnitus, plus it blocks owt da Stoopid neybors.
  13. Gud Thorsday! Mom habs a meeting dis moanin, dere will be snackings, dat will make it tolerable. Mom sez herbs schools had da a/c, but da busesss didn't. Herbs howse didn't habs it until she wuz in high school! And even den, it wuz window a/c that didn't werk too well. Now it habs central air, but Nan keeps it warm, cos she iz like an old kitteh.
  14. Andi, Nate & Tiller won't be seeing ENNY fin, but dey can smell dem! I know whut I smell in dis howse--tiny tommmytooes!
  15. Gud Thorsday and Happy Juneteenth! Not too hawt rite now, da hoomids seem to be stuck at Nate's place. Wow, Mizz Ducky, I'm guessing a smart watch wulda been outta range and yoo couldn't call dat way? Hope yoo are feelin bettah tuday. Yeah! Tiller iz comin home!
  16. We dat bootiful angel Clarkie, too. Mizz Sherrie, iz dat until Tiller comes home?
  17. Gud Sunny and sum breeze Toesday! Ivy, yoo need a lemon drop to suck on, dat iz whut dey recommend for hoomans!
  18. Gud nawt az bad Moansday! Hoping for a little rain, tho.
  19. Zorro, yoo are berry strong to resist da call ob da meet-cupcake! We are doin fine, Mom got sum noo beds for us at Ollie's tuday.
  20. Gud hoomid Sunny day! Hoping for a much bettah day for ebberyone.
  21. My girl Fuzzy can out-mark my two boys--G is very polite, one maybe two pees per walk; R thinks he's king of the neighborhood, but boy howdy can Fuzzy put him to shame. If we go on a new-to-them trail, or a dog park, she is getting out every drop of pee and poop she can.
  22. Gud job, gurls! Rosie reppin da tuxie hounds, gettin da werd owt dat black dogs are NAWT scary. Ohh, Andi, Dere were a lot ob does what we call red-hot pokers in Virginia, dey were blooming ebberywhere!
  23. Gud Satonday! Where iz Jupe? I hope ebberyfin iz hokay.
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