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Everything posted by palmettobug

  1. Nope, sure don't! Don't have wattles, a beard, or a SNOOOODD either. However, I do like to gobble.
  2. Yep! Johnny hates wild, pushy dogs--he is master of the snark. He snarked at my mom's golden, she still hasn't learned to leave him alone.
  3. Jan, thank you for showing us the power of love once again.
  4. Do you have neighbors/close to a pedestrian path where someone could throw something into your yard and/or potty area?
  5. I have the Odyssey, I got it in case I added another houndie. My Element was nice with the flat floor (rumor has it is coming back for 2019), but Johnny needed a bigger cage and all, too.
  6. We came up to VA yesterday, about seven and a half hours. He got two pills and cookies. We stopped after about two hours, he tried eating grass, drank some water, and puked up it back up. And was just fine after that! Oh, and I was able to push the crate forward a few more inches. So I think I'll continue with the pills. Thanks everyone!
  7. I've found most children ask to pet, but I do warn them no hugs or snuggles, and he does jump and give kisses. I will go to the side and let other dogs pass first, I know how he can be around pushy, in your face dogs.
  8. I wish the Odyssey had the stow-and-go seats like the Chryslers, I'd have him perfectly positioned. I've got the snaps, going to give him some pills too, and have plenty of paper towels on hand.
  9. He can look out of the rear hatch (he's in a soft-sided crate) or the side windows. I've read that it can help to block what he sees outside of the van. Hmm, ginger snaps...I'll put that on my list. Of course, with Johnny he will not eat ANYTHING if he's really nervous or excited (loves car rides, they just make him sick!). Thanks everyone!
  10. Poor Johnny--he's started having some issues with car sickness in our new van. I think it's mostly caused by him standing up in stop & go traffic. Anyway, I spoke to my vet about it, we're going to try (generic) Dramamine, along with limiting his line of sight. Has anyone else used it? Did it work? Side effects? Thanks!
  11. I think a lot has to do with the area--we are a very dog-friendly city and I even have kids come up and want to pet him.
  12. I live in a second floor condo with open back stairs. Johnny was fostered in a fourth floor apartment with an elevator and closed stairs. He did balk at my stairs for the first few days, but once he learned that FOOD and BEDS were up those stairs, I couldn't stop him. He does walk on the side with the wall. Elevators he does without hesitation, too, after all these years.
  13. It can be canine dementia, my Lab would get restless at night in her old age. I think too her old eyes lost their night vision and she couldn't figure out where she was.
  14. Had a Weimeraner growing up, she had a super stubby tail. Never even missed it! Your boy will be just fine.
  15. Supposedly our native opossum likes to eat ticks. Or get some guinea fowl to peck around the yard.
  16. Was hoping for Parrot nosed bitch--but Old Fly is good. Dick, if you ever write a book, I want to read it!
  17. Diet can affect it--fishy food gets you fishy breath. Acid reflux can also make the breath awful. I've heard chlorophyll can help with the bad breath.
  18. Ducky said it's not diabetes, Charlie's T4 was low and they were going to do additional testing.
  19. No--it means you got the message and he won't progress to a lunge and bite. Couch privledges should be suspended for the time being. Johnny is space protective, he will growl at the cats who dare to get on the bed with him or touch his feet while he's resting. I can give him a quick belly scratch after first making sure he is awake and aware--and I've had him three years. So give him and yourself time, Rome wasn't built in a day!
  20. Prilosec can be used it pets--it is a proton pump inhibitor, which is a different mechanism than the acid reducing of Zantac or Pepcid.
  21. He is setting a boundary--he wants the pets, but not the touch or no physical contact in his space. You did the right thing by moving away. I would limit contact to the pets, maybe of short duration, ending with a positive note and your moving to a people-only spot. Do not allow him on the furniture or your bed, as he can become posessive of them too.
  22. Ducky, I'd have the vet test for diabetes anyway--maybe a glucose curve done over 8 hours? My oldest kitty has diabetes and he eats EVERYTHING he can get. His food, the dog's food, my food, you name it. When he was first diagnosed, I had not seen anything that pointed to diabetes, until he had an episode of ketoacidosis right after I left on vacation.
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