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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. I'm coming to your house for my birthday with that menu.... Happy Birthday gorgeous Emma!
  2. We had a boy for 10 years who was this way. The sweetest dog you ever met but he could not be petted or touched when on a bed or lying down. We invoked a hard and fast rule for all household members and visitors of NO PETTING UNLESS HE'S STANDING UP. I put it in all caps because it was not optional. He was my best buddy and would even snuggle with his legs wrapped around mine when I was in my chair and he was on the floor. He would sleep that way for hours, but we still did not pet unless he was standing. He bit twice over the years, including me. Both times that he bit were because someone forgot or ignored the rule, so not his fault. He was simply used to his space being his, and that's okay.
  3. A negative fecal only means that the sample tested at the time was negative, not that he's clear of the hooks. He may still have them, but they will appear less frequently depending where he is in the worm cycle, so I would suggest several more fecals over the coming months before declaring him "all clear" just to be on the safe side. We are also dealing with hooks and are about to do the 3rd round of topical and oral treatments this month. Food is really trial and error, but if you want to address a soft stool, many people here will tell you that IAMS green bag is the way to go. Some have great results from it, but some also will start to see a dull coat or flaking dandruff a few months after starting it, so it all depends on the dog. We also had great luck with the Purina Pro Plan line with Rocket who had a very sensitive stomach and stress colitis. There were other hounds here on GT who also had stomach issues and the Pro Plan worked well for them too. Good Luck!
  4. I remember when the fence company installed Rocket's turnout area at our house in IL. 10 flaming bags of charcoal on the ground to thaw each post location. They went away and came back a few hours later when the big auger could actually get through the thawed spots to install the posts. Was worth every penny to have that area connected to the house in the middle of winter.
  5. Sweep! Gorgeous even first thing in the morning!
  6. A very kind person here on GT has been able to send a message to Dave The Dog's owner for me. Thanks for your help!
  7. Petunia had a play date today with Bella, the hound we were taking care of when her owner broke a hip. The girls were excited to see each other although there wasn't enough "play" to take any pictures. We mostly watched them sleep on beds while we talked with Bella's owner. Bella's owner had the book with all of her records and we found that her racing name was Phoenix Chomper. Her daddy was none other than Dave The Dog! I'm thinking that Dave The Dog's owner either is or used to be here on GT but don't remember if it was his racing owner or retirement owner. I think it's cool that Bella is one of Dave The Dog's offspring. I seem to remember that Dave The Dog was pretty entertaining and was pretty popular here when his owner posted things about him . Just curious if his owner is still here on GT. (edited to fix typo) Bella looks a lot like her daddy.
  8. I'm so sorry for the loss of your sweet girl. Love her name. Run-free Zelda.
  9. Handsome dude! Good to hear that he is adjusting to home life.
  10. There are several similar trials going on across the country right now. Some of them are inter-connected among several universities and some, like this one appear to be a different trial. Here's one connected to several universities including Arizona State University and University of Wisconsin which I think was posted here a few weeks ago. https://asunow.asu.edu/20190508-discoveries-world’s-largest-canine-cancer-vaccine-trial-begins Can't wait to see if one or more of these have good results. The sooner we get rid of this dreadful disease, the better.
  11. We've come to know it to mean "My dinner is late again."
  12. I say she's entitled to be bossy after having 21 pups that we know of. No idea if there were more who didn't race. Life with a broodie is WAY DIFFERENT than life with my big goofy boy was, but it's still fun.
  13. Not until we know if Bella's Mom is going to be able to continue to take care of her. Bella has a home here if she needs it and we want to wait a while and make sure that her mom makes a full recovery that allows her to continue to care for Bella, walk her, etc. We will help out in the meantime so that we get some "Bella-time. " Bella's mom does not use the internet, so GT isn't an option. Petunia gets very vocal and also starts flinging toys when she doesn't like what's going on. She is bossy. She was not happy when Bella didn't come back yesterday. While she is okay here as an only-dog, it's been pretty obvious that she likes being around other dogs after being on the track and living at the farm for most of her 10 years. Bella is the first hound that Petunia has completely chilled-out with, played with etc. When other hounds are here she usually tries to intimidate or control them being the broodie that she is, and most visiting hounds don't like it. She and Bella were just like long lost friends, and every night was a slumber party in the living room for them. We will need to find a hound with that same dynamic before adopting another.
  14. Playdate = 2 minutes of running with each other in the yard and 4 hours of napping on dog beds.
  15. Bella went home to her Mom this morning. She is such a sweet girl and her Mom was more than ready to see her. She and Petunia will have some play dates scheduled soon. Petunia was not happy that Bella left and let us know all about it. Here are the girls on their walk this morning.
  16. Our visitor, Bella has settled in like she's always lived here. She's been here for 2 weeks as of yesterday. She has roached a few times but tonight I finally got a decent pic of our guest enjoying her stay. Sadly for us, she may be leaving us tomorrow to go back home, but we will make sure that she and Petunia get some playtime scheduled since they have hit if off like long lost friends. We are going to miss this girl. Sorry for the dark pic.
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