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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. Here is the Lexie video embedded in the post. Lexie's Mom had some issues trying to post it - maybe it depends on the device being used as it's working from my laptop.
  2. Lexie - you are carrying on the tradition of the Pimpmaster himself - Gustopher P Jones! Hard to believe it's been 10 years since this video of Pimpmaster G was posted.
  3. He was just making sure you were okay and testing your pain level.
  4. Happy Birthday Bella. Seems like you just arrived here yesterday. Spoil that girl, Mom.
  5. The cream box had been in the bin for a day or two so any residual was likely sour. she may get one the next time but that will likely just encourage her. We just went for our walk and when we came back in she decided to shop through the boxes of chicken stock on the shelf since we walk through the utility/pantry room to come in from the garage. Another minute and I'm sure she would have been playing with a box of chicken stock on her bed.
  6. If Petunia's friend Abby who lives next door is any indication, Labs will play 24/7/365. There is no way we can get tired of him.
  7. Happy Double Digits, Aiden! You don't look a day over 6.
  8. She is gradually getting some weight on. She was all bones when she first arrived due to the hookworms. Maybe she figured cream would help her put a little weight on.
  9. Petunia has stealthily gone to the recycling bin twice today to remove the empty cream carton and take it to her bed. The second time, we did what any good parent would do - took pics before taking it from her. I'm not sure what the obsession with the carton is, but she waited until neither of us was looking to go in and retrieve it. Brat. Broodies... EDIT - Look who just went shopping again.....
  10. I think they are used to being turned out in a group and let back in as a group, so asking to come in is not normal for them and takes some training. I can only remember Rocket barking once or twice at the back door when I had walked away and actually forgot he was out there. He finally barked when he felt the waiting time was unacceptable, but I have no idea how long he had been waiting there.
  11. There is nothing scarier. So glad she's safe.
  12. Google found this - https://pebblesmart.com/ May be exactly what you are looking for.
  13. I think I would allow some time between the two just to monitor for any side effects. I do not know if they should be given together or not, but I never give more than one thing on a given day and usually wait at least a day or two in order to know if there are any side effects. We are currently treating Petunia for hookworms and after giving the Advantage Multi we had almost a month of bloody diarrhea to contend with. She was absolutely loaded with hooks and eggs. We knew her stomach was having issues as a result and ended up delaying the Drontal Plus on the advice of our vet until her stools were better. This was her first dose of both, so we are hoping subsequent dosing will be less harsh on her system since so much came out of her on the first treatment. As it turned out, the Drontal Plus made her hyper. Had we followed the Prison Protocol, we wouldn't have known which med was causing either issue. I look at it like changing foods, only one change at a time so you know what is happening and what the cause is. Good luck! These hooks are nasty.
  14. Maybe instead of Dewey we should all just show up at CG and surprise Ms Jan.
  15. I suspect there will be 6 Roooers. He looks like the type who might end up leading the chorus.
  16. Try one of these with the motion detector placed at a level by the back door where the dogs will trip it as they approach the door. https://www.harborfreight.com/wireless-security-alert-system-62447.html The receiver can go anywhere in your house. We used to have one of these on my parent's house because you couldn't see the driveway from inside. it worked well except when there was a storm blowing through, then it picked up too much other stuff as movement.
  17. I saw something similar earlier. So far it has only displayed stuff that I typed or quoted but didn't actually post, almost like it saved a draft. That may be some text you didn't post or backed out of before posting that you are seeing. Therefore, it's a feature, not a bug.
  18. Can't blame him. They taste like chicken. Welcome home Cletus. You've won the lottery of homes!
  19. We have a variety and it seems like each one works differently on each dog. Rocket had the thickest coat I've ever seen on a greyhound. For him The Furminator worked best. Petunia has a very thin coat, and the Furminator works best to get the undercoat, bu the loose hair on top seems to come off much better with the Zoom Groom. We also have the curry comb and a glove with lots of little rubber teeth on it, and both of those move a lot of fur. It seems like the Furminator gets the stuff that's down deep, and the brushes that are more rubbery get a lot of the loose stuff off.
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