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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. At certain angles Piper looks just like Rocket! The only thing missing is that Rocket's eyeliner also had a little line on each side of his eyes that looked like he was wearing glasses. Piper has those lines too but Rocket's were darker.
  2. You should be able to change the name of that bookmark folder. Right click on it, select properties, and there should be an option to edit the name to Ducky Bookmarks or whatever you want it to be. Jeff - I was looking at some help screens for Firefox and found this. Do you think this could be the issue that Ducky is having? DNS Prefetching Firefox attempts to speed up loading new websites by using DNS Prefetching, which can cause page load errors with some system configurations. To disable DNS Prefetching: In the address bar, type about:config and press Enter. The about:config "This might void your warranty!" warning page may appear. Click I accept the risk! to continue to the about:config page. Right-click in the list of preferences, select New, and then select Boolean. In the Enter the preference name field, enter network.dns.disablePrefetch and click OK. Select true when prompted to set the value and click OK.
  3. We give Petunia a large Milk Bone or other large cookie before bedtime. She still is more than ready for her breakfast in the AM, but doing so eliminated the tummy squeals and the eating of grass. She also gets a Pepcid about a half hour before each meal since she was having some reflux.
  4. Awesome to see so many from here going. A neighbor was in MD and DE this past week and brought me some Maryland tomatoes from someone's garden. So along with my MD tomato I pulled a MD crab cake out of the freezer for dinner. All I needed was a slice of Louie's Pizza from the Rehoboth Boardwalk to make my meal complete. Louie's will be my first stop when we get to Rehoboth.
  5. Petunia's stomach was really bad due to the hookworms she came here with. Our vet (same vet as Remolacha above) also put her on the Rx Vitamin products. These are the two we currently use and we have used their Rx Clay in the past for a different dog who had digestive issues and diarrhea. Probiotic - https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B007O1FHB0/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Digestive Enzymes - https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B007O1HGBO/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Petunia has done well on them. We are probably in month 4 or so of using them.
  6. Yup, Rocket was a Gable Dodge grandson, complete with the "morning ears." His Daddy was Dodgem By Design. There is no doubt that when you have a Gable Dodge or Dgdgem descendant, you are going to have a good time. Those traits must be passed on from Dutch Bahama and/or HB's Commander. We have recently met Miss Kate, a senior broodie who just came off the farm and is up for adoption locally. While she does not have the Gable Dodge line in her ancestry, she has those same traits and reminds me a lot of Rocket with her demeanor and the ever present "flipped over ears."
  7. One of these times we will actually get to meet! I've been wanting to go to Mountain Hounds for years so maybe we can meet up there eventually. We do try to go to Dewey every year. We put it on the calendar at the beginning of every year, but it seems like some years work-related stuff or life just gets in the way of that plan.
  8. Time to start the "who's going?" thread. Not that we are eager to get there or anything. Just a reminder that early registration has been extended until August 15th, so if you haven't registered you still have time to do so at the lower price. GRTB Website Chris and I will be there stealing time with other people's hounds since Petunia will stay home. Petunia will be staying with one of her friends here in AZ since she isn't much of a flyer. We missed going to Dewey last year, and as things have a way of doing so, it worked out for the best. The same week when we would have normally been at the beach, we had to help Rocket to The Bridge. We would never have been able to handle not being here to say goodbye. We hope to see many of you there, and will most likely be at the Ice Cream Social and few other events, as well as hanging at Camp Cocktail on the beach over the weekend. So, who's going?
  9. Love that curly tail. I'm so sorry for your loss of Ruby. Run-free sweet Ruby.
  10. Those treats might even hold up for a bit here in the desert. Petunia is willing to be the guinea pig.
  11. Happy Birthday Buster. Paddy Mayhem, we all miss you but I'm sure that Rocket and a few other friends are geared up to celebrate your 10th with you up there today. Miss Jan.
  12. I always suspected she might be a cougar....
  13. I'm very sorry for your loss. Run-free Fibi.
  14. Handsome dude and he gets to hang out with his sister. That;s awesome!
  15. That;s awesome! I've told the story here before about how Rocket picked us. There was not a second of doubt that we were his people about 30 seconds after he walked into that Meet & Greet and plastered himself against me. He was still plastered to me 3 hours later.
  16. Hey Sid, Petunia asked me to remind you that she is single....
  17. The strain of hookworms that is coming with dogs from the track and farms is taking 6 months to a year cases to get rid of in many cases. We are using a modified version of Dr Ng's protocol since our hound is 11 years old and recently was adopted from a racing farm (our timing on the meds is just spaced out a little further at the instruction of our vet) , but the combination of Advantage Multi and Drontal Plus is working. Her hookworm numbers are dropping significantly with each fecal test. We are now in month 4 of the modified protocol. The first few months there were obvious signs of hooks, however we no longer see the signs of them and are relying on the egg count in the fecal test to determine if there is still any activity. You will need several months of clear tests to be sure that you got rid of them. Not sure on the Seresto question. Hopefully someone who uses them regularly will be along to answer this.
  18. Welcome home, Kibo. You have hit the greyhound jackpot!
  19. Rocket had one also. He was a Dodgem By Design / Gable Dodge descendant.
  20. I ordered the Help Em Up Harness for Rocket when his back end was giving out. Upon receiving it I decided it was only going to be used as a a last resort because it it is heavy and cumbersome. It ended up never getting used. Some people have had success with it, but I knew that he wasn't going to put up with me trying to put that harness on him. I know that others here have had good experiences with it, but he was also a big boy, 85 lbs at the time and the harness. Hopefully some others will chime in with their experience, as that one gets suggested quite a bit for this situation.
  21. Welcome home, Jenny! Enjoy your couch!
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