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WFUBCC - #229 - June busting out

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Fizzer needs Vegemite, as she iz frum Down Under! And whut's a leetle tinkle between friendlies?

Wiki, dat's da sad storee ob maples, dey are beuatimus, but fragile.

Current Crew: Gino-Gene-Eugene! (Eastnor Rebel: Makeshift x Celtic Dream); Fuzzy the Goo-Goo Girl (BGR Fuzzy Navel: Boc's Blast Off x Superior Peace); Roman the Giant Galoot! (Imark Roman: Crossfire Clyde x Shana Wookie); Kitties Archie and Dixie

Forever Missed: K9 Sasha (2001-2015); Johnny (John Reese--Gable Dodge x O'Jays) (2011-19); the kitties Terry and Bibbi; and all the others I've had the privilege to know


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Hello my Friendlies!!

Gonna be hawthawthawt in the 90lebendees today.  <_<  Then almost 20 degrees cooler with cloudings tamarrow.  <_<  This weather is nutso!!!!  :sowhat 

Miss Ivy we sure hope those docters can figger out something to help get rid of your lumpy salivary gland without having sergery!!  :eek  

Miss Wiki, we gots a gate like that too.  In the chain link next to the house.  The trees and fence have shifted so much that the latch can't go up and down anymore without being a weight lifter with big mussels!!!  :yikes  Momma thinks she needs to find somebody to just make the gate a little less wide so it can work again.  {{{sigh}}}  Anuther chore she's gotta get done.  :rolleyes: 

Mister Nate, maybe Miss Loosy needs to make a ramping for you instead of stairs???  I wunner if those Ushy chupacabra doggos will come by to vizit the new dood???  :dunno   We hope she feels more betterer soon!  :kiss2  

Mam, that's really inneresting about the Pivo thingy!!  They are using wearable sensors on racing horsies to diagnose ishoos with their galloping before they turn into something serious, and Momma sawed on the FB that they are also thinking about that for houndie racings too!!  Momma finds that kind of stuff FASSinating!!!  :rolleyes: 

Enjoy your hotel vaycayshuning Miss Patsy!!  :yay  

Miss Cindy we couldn't be more happy for alla you if we tried!!  :confetti  It all sounds so normill for a new houndie and everything.  It just takes em a while to settle down.  She is very pretty, but she really looks more like Flizzie than me.  I am really more browner than fawner, cause I gots the sabling on my furs, and I never hadded lotsa make up on my face - which is all gone now anyway.  This is ME :D  a coupla weeks ago:

53759042384_157640519f.jpg20240530_163220 by Greysmom6, on Flickr

This is Flizz back in 2017 when she comed here:
36599807995_8630d11e5c.jpgIMG_20170727_144850301 by Chris Harper, on Flickr


We're getting lumtsch delivery so I gotta put my ordering in!!  :chow 

Wishings for a Tasty Toozday for all my Friendlies!!


:rivethead   Andipants


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Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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Chris!  I have one of these.  Is this what the race horse trainers use?   It is an amazing thing and very accurate.  I don’t use it every ride..only every couple of weeks.  



Nancy...Mom to Sid (Peteles Tiger), Kibo (112 Carlota Galgos) and Joshi.  Missing Casey, Gomer, Mona, Penelope, BillieJean, Bandit, Nixon (Starz Sammie),  Ruby (Watch Me Dash) Nigel (Nigel), and especially little Mario, waiting at the Bridge.




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What a difference a day makes we all know it once we reach our twenty’s or so but sometimes it is hard to remember when we are in the storm of “nothing more can…..” then oh yah take this and this to, that life throws at us.  I think this falls under “ What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”

Today was the day the pieces all came together, the plumber came and replaced the drain pipe with the hole in it. He was in and out in under 2 hours had to work in a crawl space.  So I finally got to run the dishwasher after 48hr window to send it back if needed.  It is going now and everything is still dry both under the sink and in the crawl space.

Fence guy picked up the deposit so we are all good there he will work to get 811 out to find the underground utilities marked.  We will find out when they will start the fence on Thursday.

So thing’s inside can now be put back in the closet (access to crawl space) and under the sink and I can move on to other projects.

Has anyone used sniffspot the vet recommended it as an idea to find Journey a place to run while our fence is down.  Will have to look into it more when the weather gets cooler.

Now to find out what is up with Journeys cheeks (might be salivary gland/stone as there has not been much change with the steroid drops)  The swelling in Chai’s ear has started to go down still not eating much and now scared of where she hurt when she tried to eat.  She is coming around more still hides just not as much.

Thanks for the good thoughts.  Hope things are working out for our friends too.  We can all use some boring ho hum days with nice weather.  That is our wish for all our friends and hugs lots of hugs.

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Well, we started off in the ;ow 90s this morning, then the clouds came in and that's where we're staying.  I still have to take water out to the birdies for their baffings that they like in the afternoon.  The dew point is still hovering around the mid-60s.  Supposed to have t-storms tonight and cooler temps.  

Ivy, hope that saliva gland does better without surgery.  We want it to go away and never come back to bother our gorgeous girl.  

Oh, speaking of gorgeous!  Fizzle has a beautimous face, those eyes!  Hope she and Lacy continue to get along and be good playmates.  

Rest up, MIss Patsy.  Three days of reading and laundromat sounds pretty nice -- you can't beat clean clothes and a good book!

I should wash the dishes and see about unpacking the battery bath brush to get it ready for use. 

My eldest cousin passed away in hospice just after dawn on Saturday.  He was a Lutheran minister for almost 60 years.  The family reunions won't be the same without him.  His lovely wife is also in hospice.  They were married for 67 years.  :brokenheart

Miss Noo Carol

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Cindy, I have to use a pill grinder to get heartworm pills in my crew, even though they are the chewable kind. I add a smidge of people food in the bowl to ensure the bowls get licked clean.


Freshy (Droopys Fresh), NoAh the podenco orito, Howie the portuguese podengo maneto
Angels: Rita the podenco maneta, Lila, the podenco, Mr X aka Denali, Lulu the podenco andaluz, Hada the podenco maneta, Georgie Girl (UMR Cordella),  Charlie the iggy,  Mazy (CBR Crazy Girl), Potato, my mystery ibizan girl, Allen (M's Pretty Boy), Percy (Fast But True), Mikey (Doray's Patuti), Pudge le mutt, Tessa the iggy, Possum (Apostle), Gracie (Dusty Lady), Harold (Slatex Harold), "Cousin" Simon our step-iggy, Little Dude the iggy ,Bandit (Bb Blue Jay), Niña the galgo, Wally (Allen Hogg), Thane (Pog Mo Thoine), Oliver (JJ Special Agent), Comet, & Rosie our original mutt.

tiny hada siggy.png

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Miss Elizabeth, Momma wants to know how and where you found a caregivers support group on Zoom?

Today started out cool and now it is in the high eightylebens.    Momma finally hooked up the hose to water plants outside cuz we habs knot had rainy rains in AGES! and eberything is bery dry.  We might get thunderboomers tomorrow afternoon though!

Isn't Fizzie (soon to be renamed) a pretty girlhoundie?   I'm glad that Lacy is a happy girlie again!

Miss Noo Carol, I am sorry that your cousin passed away.  :cry1 

Uh oh, does Journey habs a salivary gland problem too?

Ivy 51033670718_0c81b1b4d2_o.png  




Humans Kathy and Jim with our girls, Ivy (Carolina Spoon) and Cherry (Fly Cherry Pie)

Missing our beautiful angel Breeze (Dighton Breeze) and angel Beka (BM Beko) - you are forever in our hearts.

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24 minutes ago, Potomacpupsmom said:


Uh oh, does Journey habs a salivary gland problem too?

Not sure trying to rule things out at the moment. Kinda looks like the mandibular gland is swollen.  What did they do to find that was the issue for Ivy?  I am sure we will be back to the vet when the antibiotics are done in a few more days.

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59 minutes ago, 1Moregrey said:

Not sure trying to rule things out at the moment. Kinda looks like the mandibular gland is swollen.  What did they do to find that was the issue for Ivy?  I am sure we will be back to the vet when the antibiotics are done in a few more days.

Her vet did an aspiration biopsy and the results came back as saliva with no abnormal cells.   The appearance of the enlarged gland is under her chin and it jiggles as though filled with fluid.  There is no palpable solid tissue.



Humans Kathy and Jim with our girls, Ivy (Carolina Spoon) and Cherry (Fly Cherry Pie)

Missing our beautiful angel Breeze (Dighton Breeze) and angel Beka (BM Beko) - you are forever in our hearts.

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2 minutes ago, Potomacpupsmom said:

Her vet did an aspiration biopsy and the results came back as saliva with no abnormal cells.   The appearance of the enlarged gland is under her chin and it jiggles as though filled with fluid.  There is no palpable solid tissue.

Thanks then maybe hers is something else it does not feel fluid filled.  I know the vet has a few things to check.  She goes in on August 8th for dental and x rays.  I do not wait well….. will hope the antibiotics work and go in on the 8th or before if needed.

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Tiller update

Made it for the surgical consult. In my opinion it was totally unnecessary to put my baby through that transport and pain. They ignored him except to weigh him and do his bp.

The vet that has been taking  care of him could have done that. The surgeon did not even try to engage him at all.  The surgeon was discussed I would not do the more expensive double surgical repair. And left the room. The tech was supposed to answer any questions after that. That did not go well either. I asked about the Amicure. Took her 30 minutes to get an answer. I asked about what exactly was covered in the estimate since it was not itemized. Another absence of 20 minutes. I finally got Tiller to quit trying to lean on me so hard and lay down. He put his head no my foot. By the time I got satisfactory answers it was 5 pm. Our appt was 1pm.

Tiller will stay at our vet until Thursday afternoon and we will take him back to spend the night. Surgery to fuse his wrist. Since he has never ran or trotted since going blind no need for expensive double surgeries. 

He will return to our vet Saturday morning until he adapts to walking with his bandages. My vet charges $80 for medical boarding while surgical center charges $280. I asked what they did for medical boarding and said medicate and kennel. My vet can do that and more! And they constantly have staff that spoil the dogs as well as the volunteers from the regular boarding sneek in to spend time with the greyhound. Did I tell you several staff used to volunteer at our old kennel?

Finally my pt starts tomorrow. About time!

I need to figure out how to boost Tiller into my van for follow up visits after he comes home. Maybe by the end of next week. Any suggestions?

Oh dear, glands misbehaving at several different friends. And Lupin has complications from getting bit. Not cool that stupid woman without a leash. 

And so many friendlies are busy with lots of activities from home chores to trips. Please don't over do and stay cool.

Take care!




Missing our pups at the Bridge--Amandas Kelsey 03-15-1996 to 05-02-2008; Melissa May 07-17-1998 to 11-23-2009; Emily's Maggie 10-05-1995 to 05-20-2010; Flying Kendra 01-13-2003 to 02-28-2011; Izzy (Smile Please) 06-27-2002 to 03-28-2012: Senator (EF Rob Statesman) 04-30-2000 to 12-30-2013: Secret (Seperate Secrets) 04-10-2003 to 08-03-2014: Tugboat (Thugboat) 06-07-2007 to 07-27-2015; Betsy (Bee Better Now) 12-04-2004 to 07-02-2017: Dottie ( Rooftop Spottie) 08-08-2004 to 05-11-2018:Abby (WW's Dear Abby) 11/2008-08/2020: Tiny (Piccadilly Girl) 08/2007-10/2020:  Tiller (Kelsos Tillerson) 10/30/2018: Heart (Lions Heart) 03/08/2014

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Sigh. Sherrie.  Just sigh.  Poor Tiller.  And you  :(   

Your Vet clinic and staff sound positively wonderful and he'll be in good, kind and loving hands.  We shall commence Back'n'Forthing on Thursday. 

Meanwhile  :bighug


I am 100 pages into the Grocery Store book and really enjoying it.

PattyKake has crunched the outside edge of my left foot.  OuchyOuch.  Thank goodness we were outside in the sand ring which was fairly soft as it was pouring rain.  I just caught my foot on a divet in the sand as I was stepping her ahead.  She moved - as she was supposed to - but my foot did not.  It's quite puffy and a few shades of purkle.  Ice has been applied.  It's been a long ling time since I've broken a foot.    That all said - we had a fabulous ride in the rain - which kept us cool - and her canter just gets better every ride  :)



Nancy...Mom to Sid (Peteles Tiger), Kibo (112 Carlota Galgos) and Joshi.  Missing Casey, Gomer, Mona, Penelope, BillieJean, Bandit, Nixon (Starz Sammie),  Ruby (Watch Me Dash) Nigel (Nigel), and especially little Mario, waiting at the Bridge.




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Welcome FizzerNameToBeDetermined! :yay ca1a20_58d0a9dcfedc48c18a6226fae02ace95~  I was SO happy when I read your post, Cindy! Oh my. So, so happy for you (and Lacy). Fizzer is so beautiful, and I love her eyes and her expression. I can't wait to see more photos when they're available. I love the name Lizzie, Fizzy, Figgy and Fitzi, and pretty much anything that sounds like it. Whatever you end up calling her, one thing's for sure, those beautiful eyes are going to break hearts everywhere. :wub: 

Cynthia, so happy for you that you're so close to moving now! It sounds as though you and the pups are very ready for a new chapter (and a new house! And a new yard! And no obnoxious Akitas... oops did I say that out loud? ca1a20_630b38799f574f7d821640d4da3451b1~ :evil  

Poor Ivy and poor Kathy. It's hard to make decisions when it comes to surgery and older dogs. I'm sure you'll do whatever is best for Ivy. :grouphug 

Poor Miss Noo Carol in that ghastly heat! Days like that are only okay when they're OVER :eek Hope you can stay cool. 

On 6/23/2024 at 9:52 PM, palmettobug said:

Lupin, iffn yoo can, an owld t-shirt or pajama top iz bettah dan dat old cone. Dat's whut Mom put on me when da Galoot culdn't keep himz toofers to himself.

Thank you! Great idea. So far he's only tried to lick once and I said NO and he stopped. I'm sure that as it gets itchier, he will try again. I do have a t-shirt on stand-by :) 

On 6/24/2024 at 12:28 AM, greysmom said:

We're glad Mister Lupin is gonna be okey dokey and sekind Mister Gino's suggeschun of an old teeze shirt over his booboo.  I'm sure you can find a sootably stylishakal one in Mister Unka NIkks drawers!!  ;) 

AndiPants,yoo cood KNOT be moor wrong. I haff me own wardrobe :rofl I haff a nice stripey tee frum Houndtees dat will do da job nicely :colgate  

On 6/24/2024 at 8:25 AM, macoduck said:

Regarding Lupin's histiocytoma, let it go away on its own. I've had 3 hounds have them here and each time my vet declined removing them, saying there's not much skin to stretch and cover the area post removal and reassuring me that they would go away on their own. That took about 3 months and they never came back.

Thanks a lot for this advice, Ducky. I plan to leave it well alone. I'm just going to put the topical cream my vet gave me on it twice a day. His collar stays off for now. He has tags on his harness as well as his collar so that's one less thing to do.

12 hours ago, BatterseaBrindl said:

I have never done Zoom.  And have no intentions of starting.  

:lol I understand that it's not a great substitute for in-person get-togethers, but I will say that it's perfect for work meetings, most of which are painfully boring or downright unnecessary. I can zone out during a Zoom meeting - or do actual work :P and I don't have to indulge in tedious chit chat. Ain't nobody got time for that, as the meme goes :rofl 

9 hours ago, Jerilyn said:

Nate! You stay outside for 10 minits by yourownself? :blink: My record is like 2. I even require my Mistress to excort me to the back of the yard so I can go potty. :rolleyes: I don’t trust that she won’t try to get away. 

Wiki :rofl 

Lucy, I hope you're feeling a bit better by now! 

I just know that I've missed a lot of other things, but it's been a really busy day, and I'm 'zorsted! I have at least 6 messages to send, I'm always so behind with my messages :crying  I'm so sick of being tied to that :censored phone...


Kerry with Lupin in beautiful coastal Maine. Missing Pippin, my best friend and sweet little heart-healer :brokenheart 2013-2023 :brokenheart 
Also missing the best wizard in the world, Merlin, and my sweet 80lb limpet, Sagan, every single day. 

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Mam, there are several companies providing wearable tech for racing horses right now.  It's still in a very preliminary stage, but very interesting.

Miss Cindy, I furgot to say before that Flizzie's Daddy is from Auwstralia!!  His name's Surf Lorien.  I wunner if the two Fizzes are related somehow??

Miss Kerry, how are you feeling lately?  :kiss2

That's all from here for today my Friendlies!!

Kibble kisses and Buddy Bisket dreams!!


:nappy   Andipants 

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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:coffee Good morning!

Daddy had a bad night last night so none on us got much sleep.   I will be :nappy today and Momma will be :twd:   :cry1 

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Humans Kathy and Jim with our girls, Ivy (Carolina Spoon) and Cherry (Fly Cherry Pie)

Missing our beautiful angel Breeze (Dighton Breeze) and angel Beka (BM Beko) - you are forever in our hearts.

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Oops, I was not to clear.   Tiller is dropped off Thursday, surgery is Friday, and if no complications back to my vet Saturday. 

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Missing our pups at the Bridge--Amandas Kelsey 03-15-1996 to 05-02-2008; Melissa May 07-17-1998 to 11-23-2009; Emily's Maggie 10-05-1995 to 05-20-2010; Flying Kendra 01-13-2003 to 02-28-2011; Izzy (Smile Please) 06-27-2002 to 03-28-2012: Senator (EF Rob Statesman) 04-30-2000 to 12-30-2013: Secret (Seperate Secrets) 04-10-2003 to 08-03-2014: Tugboat (Thugboat) 06-07-2007 to 07-27-2015; Betsy (Bee Better Now) 12-04-2004 to 07-02-2017: Dottie ( Rooftop Spottie) 08-08-2004 to 05-11-2018:Abby (WW's Dear Abby) 11/2008-08/2020: Tiny (Piccadilly Girl) 08/2007-10/2020:  Tiller (Kelsos Tillerson) 10/30/2018: Heart (Lions Heart) 03/08/2014

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Goodness!  A lot of good and bad stuff going on in the Club.

Fizzer/Whizzer/lizard/Flizzie/Lizzie is a very pretty girl.  When you said "Aussie" I thought you meant an Australian Shepherd.  She's a houndie from Australia. :brick Silly me.

Lacifur seems to have perked up since getting a new girlfriend.  And so has :brushteeth

Kathy, I found the group via the VA.  You may remember I was asking about finding one but they were all for dementia or diabetes.  Then, I was on hold with the VA and the recorded message mentioned it. We had a temporary PC doctor and she'd never heard of it but I persisted.  It's quite the lifeline.

Poor Tiller and Miss Sherrie. :(  It sounds like your regular vet staff is where you want your boy but I suppose you need an overnight with the surgical team.  I do think a strong Yelp review is in order when this is done. angry-sign.png

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Momma to Jupiter.  Mummy to my Bridge Angels, Mercury and Liberty, the world's best blackngreylabhound

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Mostly sunny :coffee

My first thoughts also went to Australian Shepherd as they are always known as Aussie’s up here too.

Sorry Jim is having some not-so-good days  :(     

I’m heading to Patty’s barn. Not sure if I can get my riding boot on….

Then I’m meeting my kayak friend in Napanee and paddling up the Napanee River :)  I’ll just have to wear some flip flops.



Nancy...Mom to Sid (Peteles Tiger), Kibo (112 Carlota Galgos) and Joshi.  Missing Casey, Gomer, Mona, Penelope, BillieJean, Bandit, Nixon (Starz Sammie),  Ruby (Watch Me Dash) Nigel (Nigel), and especially little Mario, waiting at the Bridge.




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GUd hoomid Woesday! Dere wuz a chance ob rain yesterday, owr walk got cut short, but den dat storm did nuttin but grumble and move on.

Current Crew: Gino-Gene-Eugene! (Eastnor Rebel: Makeshift x Celtic Dream); Fuzzy the Goo-Goo Girl (BGR Fuzzy Navel: Boc's Blast Off x Superior Peace); Roman the Giant Galoot! (Imark Roman: Crossfire Clyde x Shana Wookie); Kitties Archie and Dixie

Forever Missed: K9 Sasha (2001-2015); Johnny (John Reese--Gable Dodge x O'Jays) (2011-19); the kitties Terry and Bibbi; and all the others I've had the privilege to know


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Miss Elizabeth, I'm bery glad that you've found a good support group. :kiss2
Jupiter, I can't decide whether to decry your aim or congratulate you. :D

Bounty!  Fizzer!  :rotfl  Great aim!
Cindy, her eyes are riveting and, even in photos, seem to touch ones soul. :wub:  I'm so glad that she likes David and that he's already in love.

Yeah, Wiki, I kinda like to wander about in my yard.  I sniff the smells, hunt for cat poop and chase the squirrels!  When Ma lets me out there's often a squirrel on the deck...they drink and eat and sun there wif the birdies.  I say WOOF at them when they run and sometimes I eben chase 'em.  Im really bad about knot wanting to hang wif Ma when she's in the yard.  I don't much worry about Ma getting away from me or abandoning me.  Why would she eber leave ME? :D  I do keep an eye on him out there, but at a distance.  When we went to Mountain Hounds, his favorite thing was the fenced dog area when I could take the leash off and let him wander with the other dogs. 

FancyToo, your Mom and Dad really lub you a lot, don't they. :wub:  I hope that the prefect Kentucky property finds them soonest.

Miss Patsy, enjoy the luxury ob an hotel room and laundry and showers and all those good things! 

Great photos ob AndiPants and Flizzie.

Journey, you're habing mouf problems too. :kiss2 
I'm so glad that some ob the bigger home repairs hab been done or are at least seeing progress. :yay

Miss Noo Carol, I'm so very sorry about the loss ob your cousin.  He sounds like a person who made the whirled a better place. :grouphug
Baff Brush...hum, so you use it on yourownself in the baff or do you use it to clean the baff tub?  I'm a nosy curious guy!

Miss Kathy, how wise to consider a caretaker support group yourownself, though I wish it were knot so. :kiss2  
Ivy, I'm sorry last night was a bad night.  Ma say that pretty moon whilst trying to get me to come in and though ob Mister Jim. :grouphug

Miss Sherrie, what a horrible experience wif the vet surgeon. :angryfire  I'm so glad you hab your own vet who can take great care ob Tiller after the surgery.  Tiller, good luck wif the surgery and you'll be home before you know it!

Mam, I'm sorry about the hurt foot butt aren't you proud ob PattyKake's improvements! :yay  Enjoy your paddle in flip flops. :D 

Ma really felt pretty awful yesterday...aches, fever, headache, general malaise.  She's feeling considerably better today butt decided that she'd knot try to go the her gym class today.

Nate, off nursing duty

Lucy with Greyhound Nate and OSH Tinker. With loving memories of MoMo (FTH Chyna Moon), Spirit, Miles the slinky kitty (OSH), Piper "The Perfect" (Oneco Chaplin), Winston, Yoda, Hector, and Claire.

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Gud mornings to all mah frenz.

Miss NOO Carol, soree to heer abowt da loss...

Oh, Tiller....  Miss Sherrie, mama sez dat you could uze a towel unner Tiller's bellee like a sling to lift da back end if you can get himz frunt feets into da van...KNOT shur ubz how much wates yu can put down anyweer.

Gino- too ad da walke got cut short fur a storm dat wuzn't!

Journey.....hope ebbery wuns glands an eers get all better sOON.

Fanks, Nate....dey doo lubz me lots an lots....

Yu, too, Ivy.  We hopes yur daddy habz a better day tooday, too!

Edited by mychip1


Robin, EZ (Tribal Track), JJ (What a Story), Dustin (E's Full House) and our beautiful Jack (Mana Black Jack) and Lily (Chip's Little Miss Lily) both at the Bridge
The WFUBCC honors our beautiful friends at the bridge. Godspeed sweet angels.

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Mornink!  It seems like a nice day. Not too hot and no rainy rains. This has not happined in a long time so we are kinda skeptical bout it.

I had a great Wiki walkie! We saw Mr Curt who is the father of Mistress’ childhood best friend and he lives crost the street from the Danger Danish and that lady was talking to Mr Curt so we stopped to chat. Mistress toll em all about me and my histree and all bout houndies. Mr Curt let me look round in his garaj, I lub lookin in garajs! :gmark And then he gave me a cookie! A reel peeple sammich cookie! :gmark Then when we came home I conned my Mistress oudda her yogurt by breathing my hot dog breath on the back of her arm. :P

Miss Noo Carol my Mistress is always fillin the wader for the birdies too. We gots a good size baff for em but the stoopid robins splash it all out when they take a baff. Two robin baffs pritty much empty it out!

Journey, I’m glad thins are bit bedder at your house.

Oh deer Miss Sherrie! Good job advocatin for Tiller. It seems like thins are all mutch more diffycult in Texizz.

Miss Mam! :ohno Is your fut broken? Or juss hurt?

Nate, I like to wander and lounge in the yard too. But only if I know my Mistress isn’t up to somethin bedder or trying to get away.

Mistress went to the zoo lass nite, not to werk, juss for meetink. They gots two possum pups that are gonna be edumacayshun aminals so they need socializin. Mistress offered to do that and mite be able to! Seems they are kinda too bitey now but hopefully they will chill out. Their momma got kilt by a car so they’ve had a ruff start but now they gonna be loved and spoilt.

Wiki :ph34r

Lila Football
Jerilyn, missing Lila (Good Looking), new Mistress to Wiki (PJ Wicked).



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Welp, my fall-down-go-boom bruise from nearly-my-belly button to my butt crack has almost faded away, and I can sleep on my right side without pain from the hematoma having gone bye bye.
So, Mam, I see now that has made our newest booboo person becuz at least one of us has to be hurting, it seems.

PT is going good. I can now put my left sock on without using the sock-putting-on device. We'll continue with strength, flexibility, and balancing exercises.

Elizabeth, of all those zooms - what is the Camp one? 

GUd hoomid Woesday! Dere wuz a chance ob rain yesterday, owr walk got cut short, but den dat storm did nuttin but grumble and move on.  Yup, Vanessa, and it just kept grumbling as it came up the coast without raining.

I also thought Cindy meant aussie shepherd knot aussie from down under. Did I miss the persuasive argument story of how this miracle happened? We need da deets, Cindy, just for future reference in case any of us need to use a similar ploy.

Chris and Lucy, what else should I do about one of my plants, a Rio Dipladenia. It was in a planter half barrel and doing well. Two days ago I saw the little orange dots on many of the stems and some leaves and Google says its orange fungus. I cut back everywhere I saw orange but saw some new spots yesterday so I've dug it up and tossed it. I initially tried Neem oil as an antifungal, but decided it would be a losing battle.
Once I'd removed the plant and some of the soil I sprayed the top layer of soil with the Neem. But I'm wondering, how soon could I plant something else there? The Dipladenia was more woody, than soft stemmed. I want to replace it with Gailardia (Blanket Flower) since I have one now that is doing well. I have checked all my other plants and there is no sign of the fungus.
My other battle has been with whatever is eating the leaves on my grow bag potato plants. Spraying that with a pest killer is helping and new growth looks okay. I've only found 2 kinda stripey caterpillars less than an inch long but they don't look like ones that become potato beetles. I check the plants several times a day and after dark too. This is my first time growing potatoes so :dunno

Wishing cooler days, happy hounds, and hurty friends feeling better.


Freshy (Droopys Fresh), NoAh the podenco orito, Howie the portuguese podengo maneto
Angels: Rita the podenco maneta, Lila, the podenco, Mr X aka Denali, Lulu the podenco andaluz, Hada the podenco maneta, Georgie Girl (UMR Cordella),  Charlie the iggy,  Mazy (CBR Crazy Girl), Potato, my mystery ibizan girl, Allen (M's Pretty Boy), Percy (Fast But True), Mikey (Doray's Patuti), Pudge le mutt, Tessa the iggy, Possum (Apostle), Gracie (Dusty Lady), Harold (Slatex Harold), "Cousin" Simon our step-iggy, Little Dude the iggy ,Bandit (Bb Blue Jay), Niña the galgo, Wally (Allen Hogg), Thane (Pog Mo Thoine), Oliver (JJ Special Agent), Comet, & Rosie our original mutt.

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Wiki SCORED a sammich cookie!  :wow  And yogurt. :chow  I hope Mistress has fun wif those 'possums at the zoo.

Miss Sherrie, Ma lifts my front end in and then, if I don't hop in myownself, she boosts my behind.  Wif Tillers leg and your ouchies as well, I wonder if those new red neck neighbors might be willing to lift Tiller into the van?

Miz Ducky, Ma's got no eggsperience growing potatoes.  FWIW, she usually does knot sweat some leaf nibbling. Most plants survive fine.  She's also knot experienced wif that fungus.  Did Google say orange peel fungus or orange mold?  Ma's also wondering if they were spider mites.  Sorry she's so useless.


Lucy with Greyhound Nate and OSH Tinker. With loving memories of MoMo (FTH Chyna Moon), Spirit, Miles the slinky kitty (OSH), Piper "The Perfect" (Oneco Chaplin), Winston, Yoda, Hector, and Claire.

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