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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. I would say, get as cheap as possible, because different hounds like different types of beds and you won’t know what yours prefers until you have him. I’ve had some that loved the squishy ball type, a great aid to roaching , some that like the bolster beds so they have a “pillow” . It really just depends. And if it turns out you have a nester, you’ll need something with a sturdy cover. My first greyhound preferred a pile of rugs in the corner of the living room Oh, yes, the couch! I’ve had some that never showed any interest and a couple that practically lived on the couch. If you don’t want him on the couch or the bed be sure you start out that way.
  2. Val feels the same way about veggies I have learned that anything that has visible pieces of carrot, potato, peas, anything like that, will be rejected She is now off duck, kicked chicken to the curb months ago, and never much liked turkey. Lamb is good for now, we’ll see how long that lasts. I feel for you and hope you have better luck than I have had!
  3. Oh my If I were able to handle a young dog… Good thing he is in MN
  4. Missing Paddy, but Saoirse and Abu are stunning
  5. Very nice, I always love when you Brits post pictures of your walks, you have such great places to go! I like the pictures in your blog, even the ones without Buddy and I like the useful info in the descriptions, like how hard/easy the stairs are, where the “facilities” are located, all very helpful.
  6. Another thing, although you may have trouble finding it if you live in a small town/rural area, is canned green tripe. It stinks like nothing on this earth, but most dogs love it! Chewy carries all these things, but of course, you do have to but a case. Maybe if you rotate flavors?
  7. Dave’s is pretty reasonable, for decent food. Val ate the beef and chicken for several months. A brand called Lotus is more expensive but they have interesting flavors like sardine. Princess Val will currently only eat frozen raw food, and only duck, with a little Evanger’s lamb and rice canned. But she’s 13, so gets whatever keeps her eating.
  8. I agree that the personality of the cat makes a big difference. The cats used by kennels for cat testing are, by definition, very used too dogs in general and greyhounds in particular. My second grey came as cat safe because he had been fostered with a cat. (He was 2 yrs old, my only young dog) The cat was used to dogs and took no guff from anyone. So when he came to me, with my confident, “you and what army” cats he was fine. With my spook cat that ran from him, he really, really wanted to chase her, but very quickly, in like less than a week, learned chasing was not allowed. One thing that helped my shyer cats adjust was installing a baby gate across the doorway of one room, about a foot above the floor. The cats could run under the gate to get to their safe room and the gate stopped the dog. Now, a really determined cat chaser will either try to crawl under the gate or jump over. That is a dog I personally would not consider to ever be able to live with cats. All my dogs became so used to that room being off limits that they never tried to go in even when the gate was open. I am saying all this to help you understand some of the cat/greyhound dynamics, but really, so much depends on the individual animal.
  9. I think fostering, and having the dog actually living with a cat (or other small animal) is safer than cat tests. As you found out, they can lie on those cat tests
  10. I will add my voice that you did the right thing to return her, that was the best thing for you, your cat, and for her. She will find the right home, and if you are willing to try again, you can find the right dog. I had five cats when I got my first greyhound The cats ranged from confident to a true spook. She was an older dog and everyone got along fine, so the right dog is out there. I also want to add, don’t think you gave up on her too soon. Returning her as soon as it became obvious that she wasn’t working out made it easier on her and your cat. Good luck!
  11. Thanks for posting this! Val is a big time panter and I wasn’t sure why. I am pretty sure, and watching this video confirms, she is very heat sensitive. I have found a fan is a big help.
  12. Happy Birthday Petunia She is so beautiful
  13. I agree, I would not muzzle him as long as he is on leash. Your control is a much better solution, he can still hurt a small animal with a muzzle on. I never muzzled Fletcher except for play dates, and that has nothing to do with aggression, but greyhound’s paper thin skin.
  14. Yes, first thing, deep breath. I know how you feel, the exact same thing happened to me except that my dog did not initially get a killing grip on the small dog and I was able to eventually pry his mouth open and the small dog ran away, apparently not seriously hurt. I looked for the dog, but never saw it again. My other two dogs were in the yard and just watched everything calmly, mildly interested. It still upsets me, more than ten years later. Neither you nor your dog did anything wrong. I would continue with the leash training and always be alert when he is around small animals, although he may not be as reactive on leash as in his own backyard. Or he may be worse, but now you know to be careful. Fletcher was always very leash reactive to strange dogs of any size, and chased any cats in his yard, but lived peacefully with five indoor cats, so you just never know ahead of time how any individual dog will react.
  15. He can drool all over Buffalo Chikken and get him smelling right again!
  16. It is never easy, but losing your heart dog Run with the wind Paddy
  17. Glad she is home, I hope there are no “afters” this time!
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