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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. I hope she can get past this, the soft sided dog house sounds like a good safe space for her. I know things must be confusing and scary for her right now but she will learn that she has landed in clover, in time
  2. Oh, you are asking a bunch of enablers here . Greyhound to greyhound introductions usually go very well as ex-racers have been used to being around other greys all their lives. Its best to take your current dog along and let him "pick out" his new friend if possible. If you do that and he shows no preference, then take whoever you like. I had my first grey as an only dog for about 6 months and after that I always had multiples, either my own or fosters, and never had any problems. You should still keep an eye on the at first, muzzle or crate them when you aren't around, because even if they get along, at first there can be squabbles as they sort things out. for how long? It depends, and you will know by watching the dogs, probably only a couple of weeks. Go for it!
  3. Already reaching on the couch He has settled right in. Welcome very handsome dude
  4. Milo Helping clean up crumbs and leftovers is one thing, but to steal the food right out of you brother’s mouth? That’s low. Glad to hear Jeter is still eating!
  5. I have heard (no scientific sources) that a food with too high a protein % can cause problems. That said my dogs have all been fed a mostly raw diet which is around 88% meat, and raw at that, with no diet related health problems. I would say, stick with what he is doing well on. edited to add, my old girl is currently eating a canned lamb and rice food with no issues. I don’t see a percentage of meat listed, but I am sure it is fairly high.
  6. Welcome to GT! What an interesting dog life you have had. Looking forward to more George stories
  7. I am so sorry, he sounds like a wonderful horse.
  8. I am so sorry They are all special but there is something about your first greyhound
  9. I have never had dogs that were strongly bonded but I definitely noticed when I lost one the remaining dog was subdued. It lasted anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. As long as no one seemed seriously depressed I just gave them time and they went back to being normal. She is probably picking up on your sadness too.
  10. I would also say be careful of too much fat, even though it offers a lot of calories. I would give him as much as he wants to eat as long as it is something you know his system does ok with. it is such a roller coaster
  11. Some of mine that didn’t like rice would eat oatmeal. I cooked it in chicken stock instead of water and added a little goat milk. Mild on the stomach, tasty (for a dog ) and some calories.
  12. we will be thinking of Punkin tomorrow. I am sure she will do just fine with fewer teeth!
  13. I think it is just in the nature of vets (and people doctors) to want to find out everything and fix everything. I once had a vet (not our regular one) who suggested I take my 18 yr old cat for an MRI to see if he had a tumor in his sinus/nasal cavities. Why? We weren’t going to do head surgery on an 18 yr old cat! (He lived to 21, btw) I agree with you that quality of Daisy’s life is the most important thing. You want to do what you can to help her feel better and live as long as she comfortably can, but a bunch of expensive tests and such is probably not in her best interest. I surely would hesitate to put a 13 yr old dog through an 18 hr fast. Listen to your instincts, you are doing what’s best for Daisy.
  14. for some eating! Sadly many of us here know what you are going through, I am beginning that journey with Val. And she generally doesn’t like people food so it should be a fun ride. Hoping Jeter continues to eat
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