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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. Mourning glory Glad she feels well enough to cause trouble
  2. Those look like they would work well if you had two people to carry. The one I bought when I had Fletcher ( because I knew I wasn’t carrying his 90 lb ass any where ) has a rigid frame and wheels so one person could manage it. It also has a net like restraint. But it was a lot more expensive!
  3. Welcome Adam, you are a handsome fellow
  4. I used to put a few drops on a treat for Conner when the thunders were booming, along with a bunch of other meds and stuff. I didn’t have any trouble getting him to eat it, but then Conner never met a food he didn’t like . Except raw carrots. I take it myownself for arthritis pain and it seems to help, as an add on.
  5. Where ever there is a definition of “broodie” there is a picture of Miss Kate
  6. Now you know she is on the mend After so many bad stories (including my own) I can not tell you how happy it makes me to see Sweep doing so well
  7. I am so sorry Not risking a break is definitely the right decision
  8. Wow Sweep, that is quite the break! How did you do that? so glad she is home and starting to eat a little. Hoping for a quick and drama free recovery
  9. The weather is probably a contributing factor. Indoor heated air in the winter is very dry. Fish oil is good, or just add some canned sardines to his food, he will probably love them
  10. As long as she is comfortable, better that they are able to take their time and not rush. Hard as it is on you
  11. I agree about trying not to show her you are stressed (hard, I know) Val’s (also 12) appetite has been iffy for the last few weeks, I never know when I put her food down if she will a) eagerly eat it, b) eat it after being coaxed, or c) look at it and walk away. Also, you can’t look at her while she eats . As long as she eats something each day, I try to be ok with that. Daisy’s mouth sores may very well be what started her not eating, now you just have to get her back in the habit. multiple small meals are best, as you have found out. Also, I will say, at this point don’t worry about balanced nutrition, just give her what she will eat. Good luck!
  12. Interesting. This drug was very helpful for Fletcher’s IBS related diarrhea, but I have noticed in other dogs, it affects their appetite, and my vet has become more cautious in proscribing it. I had it given to me once and had to stop, caused extreme dizziness.
  13. Love her spins I am sure you really meant those shoes for her
  14. Happy birthday beautiful girl. I can’t believe she is five!
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