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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. Sounds like it is indeed behavioral. What ever the trigger was, it is now probably an ingrained habit. If only they could talk! Good luck with the water restriction and let us know how it goes
  2. This! My two black dogs have been the most heat sensitive, and have had the thickest fur.
  3. I bought one several years ago when they first became a “thing” but none of my dogs were interested, so it got thrown out and I never tried another one.
  4. Val’s favorite temperature range is about 40-55. I think she would love the snow. Me, not so much All of my greyhounds have been heat sensitive to a certain degree, and all have refused to wear coats. Of course, in Phoenix, they don’t really need them!
  5. Fletcher was a notorious paper eater, I was finally able to legitimately say “the dog ate my homework”
  6. Glad she has stabilized and will be coming home soon! Now that it is not cancer.
  7. I am so sorry to hear this. It happened to Molly, the spleen bleeds so much. They actually called me in to say goodbye, but she finally stopped bleeding and after a few days I was able to bring her home. I hope your girl can do the same.
  8. There are a lot of theories out there but no one really knows why some dogs eat poop. I have had one poop eater, and he got giardia from eating feral cat poop (before I realized what was going on). It is a good idea to discourage it just because you never know what nasties they might pick up, plus, eeuuw! You can try some of the remedies, they work for some dogs, none of them discouraged Fletcher. I do love hearing people say “it makes it taste bad” it makes the poop taste bad?
  9. It is wonderful that there are so many more options for treatment now, but yes, after a few years it can seem like you are half way to a medical degree In my case probably more so since I have always (except once) adopted older dogs. My cats always started with me young and luckily lived long lives before passing of old age, so I know more dog diseases/injuries/treatments.
  10. Good update! When Molly had her spleen removed they could see right away that it had spread, so seeing nothing but an inflamed pancreas (not surprising given what she’s been through) is a great sign. Hoping she is home soon and back to her old self!
  11. He is gorgeous, Irish greyhounds seem to have the most interesting coat colors, I believe most with the snowflake pattern are Irish. Those are usually black and white but I have seen pictures of a few with a brown and white pattern. I was going to say, many black dogs come off the farm with a thick coat that looks brown, but when that sheds off they are shiny black, but I see that he has shed his kennel coat and is still that unusual color
  12. (for the meds) Sounds like she is making the typical Sweep recovery, spectacular! I was beginning to worry since you hadn’t posted recently, glad to hear everyone I’d hanging in there.
  13. It must be so frustrating and worrying to not know the cause. I hope you can get some answers and it is treatable.
  14. My group has started having meet & greets again, I don’t dare go even though I have Val as an excuse. I won’t bring in another dog while she is still here, she is too old and wobbly, but I just know if I go I will fall for a big goofy boy, my weakness.
  15. I have never raised a puppy, so I can’t help with his diet, but I just wanted to say, what a handsome lad and yes, very stylish boots!
  16. Shakespeare, and apparently Kemp, had the best insults and compliments! Must be an Elizabethan thing. I would be thrilled with that comparison.
  17. Saoirse must be thrilled to have someone as active as she is to play with. Since Abu usually seems less than enthusiastic
  18. I have not personally dealt with this in dogs (had a cat with dementia) but I know there a some anti-anxiety meds that may help. Not sure of the names but some here on GT will know. I would ask my vet about that.
  19. This what I do, “regift” for an auction And to anyone who might think this is tacky, some of my favorite items have come from greyhound auctions and were not new
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