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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. Such a beautiful girl, and the quintessential broodie.
  2. Not even two weeks, and she looks more like two months!
  3. My first grey picked the back of the yard behind the citrus trees and all the others have just gone in the same area
  4. I can’t offer much advice on the alone training because it is not something I have had to deal with, fortunately! I do agree with Clare that he has been with you a very short time and everything is still very new. Also, at 1.5 years old he is still really a puppy. He won’t grow bigger physically but mentally, think of him as a teenager, not an adult . The reason general wisdom says to not leave greyhounds outside is that they have little body fat and usually thin coats, so they don’t adjust well to temperature extremes. Most greys seem to be more tolerant to cooler temps that hot, so be very, very careful about leaving him outside in the summer, even with shade and water. And by hot, many greys consider anything over the low 70’s (F) hot! That said, many of them like to go and lay out in the hot sun and bake, and greys we get from the farms have spent a lot of time outdoors and have heavier coats. I hope this helps clarify some of the “is it ok to leave him outside”.
  5. yes, yes, greyhound people are obsessed with their dog’s poop
  6. This is probably sacrilege, but Conner preferred Sonic tots to fries Val isn't really interested in either.
  7. Many pluses! It sounds like she is doing so well, all things considered. I hope the Previcox helps, I seem to recall she has done well on that in the past.
  8. Yay for a good night! And a little chicken! Can’t remember if you have tried chicken baby food, but that usually goes down well. As long as she is drinking, missing a few meals won’t hurt her, although it is very hard on you Before you know it she will be running around so well you won’t even notice she only has three legs and playing the “I just had surgery you know” card for treats
  9. I don’t have specific post amp experience, but it sounds like she is doing good. The anxiety about needing to pee and not being able to do it like she is used to is normal. I predict she will make great and rapid progress!
  10. I am sure he didn’t mind! Hoping for a good night Sweep
  11. I think your experience from her last surgery will be a big help for you in dealing with the first few weeks, and maybe the memory will help Sweep too.
  12. I struggle to breathe with the combo of heat and humidity, I can’t imagine how much worse it must be for a dog with LP! I am glad you caught it early and had good vets who knew what to do. I second the personal fan, Val doesn’t have LP but is very heat sensitive and the personal fan really helps with her panting.
  13. I am so sorry it came to this, but if anyone is a good candidate for amp, it is Sweep. She is so upbeat and positive We will be thinking of you all on Monday
  14. Hmm, I see your father’s point, but jam is slippery too! Waiting to hear the results of the comparison experiment
  15. What a nice vacation Buddy! And yes, cream first. You can’t have too much cream If I lived in England with daily access to scones and clotted cream I would weigh about 1000 lbs
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