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Everything posted by Beachbum1

  1. So very sorry for the loss of your sweet girl.
  2. Taylor swallowed a dead robin once. 3 chomps and down the hatch. No feathers......no diarrhea.....no nothing.
  3. Taylor saw his oncologist Wednesday for a checkup and chest x-rays. The chest x-rays are CLEAR!!!!! Confirmed by the radiologist's report today. That is 3 months after amputation, and 6 months after original diagnosis of Osteosarcoma (bone cancer), with 4 rounds of Carboplatin chemo. VERY GOOD NEWS!!! He RUNS around the back yard just as fast on 3 legs as on 4. Next checkup and chest x-rays in 3 months.
  4. For Taylor's amputation, he started Amicar the morning of the surgery, and that surgery was done later in the afternoon. I gave it to him at 7:00 AM before we left for the vet practice, an hour and 20 minutes away. It was given to him 3 times a day for 5 days.
  5. Taylor swallowed a robin whole one time. No big deal. No feathers the next day. No nothing.
  6. My feelings about pet insurance are: YES. I've taken out pet insurance on each dog right after adoption. Taylor was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma, front right leg, on January 10. Embrace has paid out close to $10,000, at 80% of billed costs. His insurance premium cost (he's 6-1/2 years old) ? $500.00 a year. That's $1.37 a day. Not even a half a gallon of gas in most parts of the country, and even though I don't drink coffee, I believe that is way less than a drink at Starbucks. It's insurance. You hope you don't have to ever use it, but it sure paid off in my case. I would fax in a claim form after every visit, along with the invoice. Within 24 hours I would get an e-mailed acknowledgment. Within a week I would get an email showing the claim has been approved (they all were approved for this situation), and a few days later, I would have a check. Checks were flying in all the time, and that meant the boys and I could go to the bank and they could get COOKIES!! And for the people who say they would rather just save the money each month and set it aside in case it's needed, that $500.00 will pay for one radiation treatment. That's about it.
  7. So very sorry for your loss
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