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Everything posted by Beachbum1

  1. Taylor had serious edema and bruising starting 2 days after surgery, with Amicar started the morning of surgery. The hospital kept him 6 nights instead of 2-3 nights because they have him on IV fluids to keep flushing his kidneys to prevent damage. He was peeing dark red from absorbing all the fluids.
  2. So very sorry for the loss of your sweet girl
  3. It's 10 months today since diagnosis with Osteo, and 7 months today since amputation. Last evening, around 11:00 PM, he was ROARING around the back yard. And leaping in the air many times "thinking" there was some critter on the top of the 6' tall privacy fence. If there was........he would have grabbed it. Then it was time for more sleep. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. He's a happy boy.
  4. I spoke with the company, after explaining that I was starting the hounds on Fresh Factors and Joint Health, and explained that I have been giving them one fish oil capsule daily. I wanted to know if I was "duplicating" a supplement. I was told no, so I have continued with the fish oil..
  5. I started Taylor & Face on Fresh Factors and Joint Health 4 weeks ago. Took around 6 days before it kicked-in!!!! There are times when I can't find Taylor's "off-switch", and then there is this:
  6. So very sorry for the loss of your pretty, special girl
  7. You might want to look into this. Lots of owners have had good results with it: https://www.etsy.com/listing/225448995/greyhound-assistance-harness?ref=shop_home_active_1
  8. I had a reply within 24 hours.
  9. hmmmm....if Molly was 50 pounds, then the 2 cups a day would not be enough
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