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Everything posted by Beachbum1

  1. It's always good to elevate your legs, Taylor.
  2. Digesting breakfast. Face (against the couch) spends more time upside down then rightside up. Taylor (4 weeks since amputation), used to roach in a bolster bed, or up against some furniture, but for the past week, he's roaching EVERYWHERE!!
  3. Taylor swallowed a robin whole one time. ​No feathers. No diarrhea. No nothing.
  4. "Sure.....you can go to the beach now.....I'm fine". 3 weeks after amputation.
  5. The rare "3-legged" roach. (3 weeks post surgery)
  6. All is good. Originally, at diagnosis time in mid-January, Taylor oncologist suggested doing 6 rounds. Ohio State, the source of the 4 free rounds of chemo, suggests 4 rounds in their program. Many other greyhound owners have done only 4. According to his doctor, and other doctors, there is not that much of a difference in survival rate between 4 rounds and 6 rounds. His lymph node came back negative for cancer, and his lungs were fine 3 weeks ago today on the day of surgery. He continues on Piroxicam, which is an anti-inflammatory, has some pain relief, and is one of the drugs used in ongoing metronomic therapy. When he goes back in 4 weeks to check his blood work, we will discuss adding Cytoxan, which is an oral form of a chemo maintenance drug.
  7. Chemo #4 was Wednesday, and that will be the last chemo.
  8. 20 days after surgery......Taylor is a happy boy, back to going to all kinds of stores for hugs and kisses and COOKIES!!!
  9. 19 days after surgery, and this morning we went to the bank to deposit the insurance refund check for the amputation/hospitalization. Taylor went marching in, and went ROARING over to the lady at the desk who HAS THE COOKIES!!! We've been back to rides 2-3 times a day for a week and a half, and just started jumping out of the Tuscon 5 days ago and visiting all of our favorite stores. The boys get hugs and kisses and treats. Chemo #4 out of 6 (every 4 weeks) is scheduled this afternoon, as long as the blood work is OK.
  10. The lymph node came back negative for cancer, and it's taking a little longer for the biopsy of the leg, but we know it was bone cancer.
  11. 15 days after surgery, and Taylor easily jumps in and out of the Tuscon (30" height), and we are already out and about stopping at some of his favorite stores, with him going in and getting hugs and kisses and treats. He's eating well, and sleeping well. Just had his groomer come to the house to dremel his nails, and it's nap time again.
  12. ​I've been splitting them, or quartering them, and putting them in "something" for 2+ years. Appears to be effective
  13. Taylor had his sutures out today, 2 weeks after surgery. Healing well, nice and clean and dry.
  14. Their adoption agency likes to "assign" godparents to new adopters, such as myself, with NO greyhound experience. Plus my only other dog was a Miniature Schnauzer when I was growing up, and he's been gone 30 years. And everyone in the neighborhood thought his name was "SHUT UP G_D DA_N YOU", because that's all they ever heard my mother calling the dog
  15. Good news for Taylor: the biopsy for the lymph node removed shows NO cancer.
  16. We went to the PIE STORE this morning!!! Joan and Brandy-Lynn and Jessica came out to the Tuscon, with cookies, and Taylor and Face were standing there so HAPPY to see them. And I got 2 pies!!!!!! http://joansperfectpie.com/content/chocolate-peanutbutter http://joansperfectpie.com/content/four-berry-pie
  17. That's a large t-shirt that hardly fits my BIG (88 pound) boy.
  18. Because they have COOKIES!!! It's in a strip mall we walk at often, and all the people who work there LOVE my boys. (I don't have a pool )
  19. This is Taylor, getting ready to digest dinner, 11 days post-amputation. 2 days ago, Taylor would be laying on the carpet, and I would put a plate down with maybe a half a can of dog food, and he would lift his head a little and eat it and then stop and go back to sleep. He would then eat another couple of hours later, a little more. Dinner tonight, was almost two cans of dog food on a plate being held while he stood, and then when I was preparing Face's dinner, dry food, Taylor was standing there. I gave him a piece. Gulp. Gave him another piece. Gulp. Put a cup of that food in a bowl, with water, and he stood there at his table eating. Good boy.
  20. Monday: 3 rides, plus a visit from his (and Face's) godparents and my friends from South Florida. Taylor hadn't seen them in 10 months and he was SOOOOO happy to see them. The boys got lots of hugs and kisses.
  21. This morning, Taylor ate almost 2 cans of dog food, and a jar of baby food. At around 10:00 AM, after they went out to pee, I asked if he wanted to go for a ride (that's the normal time).......YESSSSSS. He went right to the back door, out into the garage, and up the steps into the back of the Tuscon. He then laid right down and we went for a ride. Even stopped at one of their favorite places, the pool supply store, and one of the guys that works there came out to see him. Now he's resting comfortably. 9 days after surgery.
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