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Everything posted by Beachbum1

  1. So very sorry for your loss
  2. So very sorry for the loss of your sweet boy.
  3. Taylor leans forward to pee 90% of the time for the past 4 years. He never hits his front leg. Face has never lifted his leg in the 2-1/2 years with me. They're both big boys. 90 pounds each.
  4. 13 months since diagnosis of Osteo in his right front leg. 10 months since amputation. This morning, Taylor was running/leaping/spinning in the back yard. This afternoon, we went "shopping" downtown, and he met around a dozen people. Lots of hugs and kisses on his head, and people telling him what a good boy he is. Then he came home to rest with his monkey. Taylor's a happy boy.
  5. I have had Embrace for both dogs for over 2-1/2 years. ​Taylor's Osteo care in 2015 was reimbursed to me in the amount of $10,000.00 and per my policy, that was 80% of the vet bills. Every test and every procedure and every office visit and all medications were covered. That was at a premium cost of $500.00 a year. That's $1.37 a day. Still less than the cost of a gallon of gas. Way less than a cup of something at Starbucks. Your husband's argument of setting premium money aside would mean that it would take around 8 years of saving to cover 4 chemo treatments. One year of savings might cover around 2/3 of ONE radiation treatment. One year of savings would pay for maybe one day's stay at a hospital after a catastrophic injury or a surgery. All of my claims were completed within 1 week, and I would have a check a few days later. Last winter and spring, Taylor and Face and I were going to the bank all the time to cash or deposit the checks (they have cookies there). I am a firm believer in pet insurance. So are the vets (many were specialists), too. Embrace also has additional coverage called Wellness. Available in 3 different levels. Covers a LOT of routine annual costs. Even nail trimming!! Basically, you're paying up front for "credit" to be used in claims, and you get a discounted price on that amount. So if you're going to pay for the stuff anyway, might as well save a little money.
  6. We have the choice to do what is best for our pets. She knows she is loved.
  7. Which is what we did with Taylor's oncologist, within 1 week of his regular vet doing the initial x-rays and advising that it was Osteo.
  8. Taylor's free Carboplatin chemo came from Ohio State University. I just spoke with my contact there, and I was told they are no longer providing the chemo, BUT chemo is still offered through here: http://greyhoundhealthinitiative.org/
  9. FYI, most dogs do not have any side effects from chemo. It is not the same as with humans.
  10. So very sorry for the loss of your sweet girl
  11. Today is one year since my heart sank when Taylor was diagnosed with Osteo in his right front leg. Today is 9 months since his leg was amputated. Last night at 11:30 PM, he was FLYING around the back yard, leaping and spinning and running. Then it was time to zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. He's a happy boy.
  12. Any updates from anyone on using Toegrips? Including, does your dog try to remove them?
  13. So very sorry for the loss of your sweet girl
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