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Everything posted by Beachbum1

  1. A couple of years ago, Taylor grabbed a robin in the grass. DROP IT.....didn't work. Trying to pry his mouth open..............nope. There was nothing else available to "trade up to". He chomped it 3 times and swallowed it whole No reaction.
  2. Taylor had his every 3 month exam and chest x-rays with his oncologist on Wednesday afternoon.......ALL CLEAR!!!!!!!!!! It's coming up to 1 year since the diagnosis of Osteo in his front right leg, and almost 9 months after amputation. He's a HAPPY boy. Loves and demands his rides and walks 2-3 times and day, and runs around the back yard like a lunatic, hopping up and down and leaping in the air and spinning. Next checkup in 3 months.
  3. 4 ounces of boiling water added to 1 tablespoon of the Olewo.
  4. Today is 11 months after being diagnosed with Osteo in Taylor's right front wrist, and it is 8 months after amputation. The other evening, after having a 2 hour after dinner nap, I let the hounds out in the back yard. Taylor was at the far end of the yard. All of a sudden, he went FLYING past me almost the whole length of the yard (around 150') and was pouncing on something in the grass. I yelled out "DROP IT!!!!!" and I went to get closer to him. I was afraid it was one of those idiot squirrels that try to commit suicide in the back yard. Taylor did drop it. It was a little mouse that then ran the 2 feet to the wooden privacy fence, ran up the fence, and then up a tree. Taylor was SOOOOOOO happy with himself. He was prancing all over the yard. Just like the almost 4 years with me, he loves and demands to go out for rides and walks 2-3 times a day. We go walking at the beach boardwalk, downtown, strip malls, Lowe's, and other stores. MANY people come up to us and don't even notice right away that he is missing his leg. He loves the attention. Loves the hugs. Loves the kisses on his head. People are always telling how how "strong he is", and "what a good boy" Tomorrow, December 11 is his 7th birthday. His next every 3 month checkup with his oncologist is December 30, and they will do chest x-rays again. He has been "clean". He is a happy boy.
  5. So very sorry for your loss.
  6. According to customer service at Science Diet, 11/30/15 at 12:37, the food in the cans matches the labels. There is NO safety issue. There is NO packaging or labeling problem. Customer service said they would pass along my comment from the Pet Smart store employee on 11/29, because he knows nothing about what Pet Smart is saying.
  7. I spoke to someone at the Naples store. Per corporate, they put up the notice in their store. I was told that the items in question have the wrong labels on them, and they are waiting for the new labels to come in.
  8. Beachbum1

    Darby Hill

    So very sorry for your loss
  9. I am so very sorry about the loss of your sweet, special girl
  10. Raw and also cooked hamburger worked for Taylor. Raw works well for giving pills. Which baby food did you try? I was getting the jars of Gerber 2nd foods in the ham & gravy, turkey & gravy, and beef & gravy. You could also talk to your vet about an appetite stimulant, such as Mritazapine. Have you ever checked out http://www.goodrx.com/ for buying medications? I found meds for Taylor a LOT cheaper than buying them from the vet.
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