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Everything posted by Beachbum1

  1. Taylor was getting an IV of Zoledronate, the bone strengthening drug, every 3 weeks. Unlike Pamidronate which takes up to 2 hours to infuse, the Zoledronate takes 15 minutes, and according to studies, is WAY more effective than Pamidronate.
  2. He still doesn't have much of an appetite. Last full meal was Thursday evening. They are offering him different foods, and maybe he will get a little more hungry soon. He has lots of attention and i comfortable, and is out walking from time to time. I was thinking of going there today(an hour and 20 minutes away) and try hand feeding him, but I know he would get very agitated and want to leave, and the chance of getting food into him when he is acting like that would be small. I know how he is like after the vet visits the past 3 months. When he comes out to see me after the visit, he is totally focused on OUT OF HERE! It's better to let him rest.
  3. They're going to keep him another day, at least. They want to keep IV fluids going since his urine is getting a redder color, which happens sometimes after surgery. He is on Amicar.
  4. The doctor called this morning at 9:00. Taylor is doing well and is on schedule for the 2:15 PM discharge appointment this afternoon.
  5. The doctor called at 9:15 AM: all is going well. Taylor gets up and down by himself, has been walked a 100 yards a few times to pee. He is young (only 6) and well muscled so that is helping him get around. He is off of IV pain medications and is now taking Tramadol and has a Fentanyl patch for pain. Bruising has spread, but it is normal for a greyhound, and swelling is minimal. He's on Amicar. He's not whining or crying, like a lot of greyhounds so after surgery, and today will be a quieter day in the building for him (less people coming and going). Taylor lays there and naps, or "observes". He still isn't eating that much, but that should be improving today without the IV pain medications. I will get called Monday morning around 9:00 AM with an update, and to confirm that he should be released on Monday afternoon. As of now, it looks like he will be well enough to come home Monday.
  6. Or you can make one of these out of 2" thick Styrofoam sheets from Home Depot, and your dog can trot up and down. You can make it whatever width, depth, height.
  7. Spoke with a doctor at 1:00. He assisted in the surgery Friday and will be there today and all day tomorrow. Taylor is doing quite well. He has been getting better balancing when he gets up, and they are starting to wean him off of inject-able pain medication to oral form. His appetite should improve when it's an oral form, and he's only eaten around 1/3 of a can of dog food today. He is getting fluids though his IV and he seems quite fine laying in his run with people around, but not as comfortable when there is a lot of noise or activity in the room. That's normal for him. He's a laid-back, mellow kind of BIG boy who kind of "stays out of the way" when things get busy. I will get an update Sunday morning around 9:00 AM and again on Monday around 9:00 AM, and at this time, it's still looking good for the discharge appointment Monday at 2:15. And here is how Face is managing with Taylor gone yesterday and today. Face has been with us 2 years. "Taylor? Taylor, who??" Face and I were out this morning to 2 strip malls, into 4 different stores for cookies, and went shopping at Lowe's.
  8. I just spoke with the surgeon at 9:00 AM: Taylor is doing VERY well. He had a comfortable night, and has gotten up on his own a few times this morning to walk out of his crate. Bruising is minimal, for a greyhound, and he has NOT been whiny and vocal like a lot of greyhounds are after surgery. The surgeon is very pleased with how he is so far, and as long as this continues to be the case, he should be ready to leave after our discharge appointment on Monday at 2:15.
  9. The surgeon just called me at 8:27 PM and he's OK. Surgery went well. They even got the lymph gland out, which is what they wanted. The doctor was so sorry about the delay, but Taylor surgery was held up by emergencies. He's sleeping comfortably, with an IV of pain med. The breathing tube will come out in a few minutes. The surgeon will be back in at 8:00 AM, and then someone will call me in the morning with the status, and if there are any emergenices overnight, I will be called. So I shall continue with "no news is good news" Thank you all for you thoughts, love, support.
  10. Surgery was delayed due to other emergencies. I got a call at 3:00 advising me that they hadn't even started surgery yet. Hopefully soon. Got a call at 6:05 that he was in surgery and I should get a call in an hour. It's been 2 hours.
  11. Taylor is having his front right leg amputated this afternoon. They did chest x-rays this morning and the lungs look fine. I should be hearing from the vet later this afternoon after the surgery.
  12. I need some advice about fitting a t-shirt to a male dog (88 pounds) with a front leg amputation. ​Pictures would be helpful, too. And if marking a bruise area to monitor the size of the area, do you use a Sharpie with permanent ink or not?
  13. And this little pharmacy ordered themselves a bottle of 100. Charged me $4.71 per 500 MG pill, for the 15 pills I needed.
  14. Just bought 240 Tramadol, 50 MG at Wal-Mart: $11.00 with the GoodRX pricing.
  15. The label says to use before 4/1/16, filled 4/3/15.
  16. Thanks for the info. I just ordered the assist harness from Carol, after speaking with her on the phone. We have met before. Carol said it is an excellent product, used successfully by many, many greyhound owners.
  17. Looking for suggestions for an assist harness for a front right leg amputation coming up. Also, how soon after surgery were you using the harness? If not right away, what did you do for assistance, if needed?
  18. I called around. Wal-Mart 5 minutes away said they had it in stock!!!! Had my vet call in the prescription. 2 hours later, I got a call from another pharmacy......they had been transferred the prescription. I went, "huh????.... why??" Was told because Wal-Mart did NOT have it in stock, but this other pharmacy would order it? GRRRRRRRRRRR. Called Wal-Mart. Their inventory was wrong. They called around. Found a place who would order it in for me. It's in and I will pick it up Saturday.
  19. ice cream.......not good for Face laying in the "danger zone"
  20. I need a source for Amicar. Please advise.
  21. It's time. Taylor is scheduled to have his right front leg amputated a week from Friday, on April 10. As long as his lungs are still OK, and one x-ray yesterday looked good. They will do more x-rays the day of the surgery to make sure, otherwise we won't do the surgery. It's been almost 3 months since the bone cancer diagnosis. His care has been palliative, as suggested by his oncologist. He had 4 weekly radiation treatments, which are for cancer and also pain, had been getting an IV of a bone strengthening drug every 3 weeks, and had his 3rd chemo yesterday. He has been taking Piroxicam for inflammation, and Tramadol for pain. Throughout this all, he has stayed a happy boy. Never seemed to be in any pain. Eating and sleeping and peeing and pooping, and loving and DEMANDING rides in the Tuscon with Face, 2-3 times a day. That would include short walks, and stops at stores for treats and hugs and kisses. Almost 8 weeks ago, when in the back yard, he developed a hairline fracture in his radius in the area of the bone cancer. He continued to be just as happy. Just walking/trotting/running easily on 3 legs. Last Tuesday evening, he slipped and fell in the house. X-rays the next day showed the original break had indeed healed, but the fall caused a hairline fracture in the non weight bearing ulna. That would heal, too. He hasn't used the leg in almost 8 weeks, other than to lightly put it down when standing. He gets around fine without using it. But it's time to remove the leg. That will remove any pain that he has been having, and remove the risk of a catastrophic, painful break. And I won't have to worry, as much, about what is going on with him. We knew the time would come. He's a happy 88 pound boy. My baby for 3 years and 3 months. He was 6 years old in December. I promised him the first night he came to me that I would love him, care for him, and keep him happy as long as possible. That's the plan.
  22. I refilled Taylor's Tramadol at Wal-Mart last week. It's already in the system for the GoodRX pricing of 7 cents each.
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