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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. I'm sorry to hear about your loss of Joey. We've all been there at some point and it never gets any easier. Welcome back. Pretty sure that I remember Sweetie too.
  2. I've found that the seniors really like elbow macaroni that's overcooked a little. I just cook a box in half water and half chicken stock and leave it in a container in the refrigerator. I use that in place of rice. 20 seconds in the microwave warms it enough to mix with canned food.
  3. Apparently you opened the bag from the right this time so it was okay to eat. Bill Bella Our visitor Bella (almost 12) has been picking and choosing her food as well. Tonight the second try worked and consisted of elbow macaroni cooked in chicken stock and some Evenger's Canned chicken Dog Food which has to be served at room temperature, not cold. Glad she's not picky....
  4. Someone on here whose name I won't mention (coughFiveRooerscough) suggested I take a book along on Petunia's walks. I really do prefer the harness for Petunia. I feel like I have much more control. She is a great walker until she stops dead in her tracks. The harness lets me get her moving again. i could not do that with a martingale on her. I found that I preferred my own leash with the 2Hounds harness. I bought their double ended leash in case I needed both attachment points, but that leash with the extra hardware makes the leash much heavier than I like.
  5. We've all been there at some point and would love to see manufacturers offer a solution to safely keep the car running and temperature controlled for instances like this. At one point a few years ago I even checked into retrofitting my van with a K-9 cooling system like Police K-9 vehicles use but the the retrofit was way too expensive for my older vehicle. The benefit of that system was that it would start blowing the horn and send me a text message if the engine shut off or the temp went above a certain level. My best and least expensive option was to install an idle controller that had a hidden button. It would allow me to leave the vehicle running but remove the key. If anyone jumped in and stepped on the brake to put the vehicle in Drive, the engine would shut off. The hidden button had to be pushed before putting the key back in the ignition. I never went with that option once we moved to AZ and ended up going for far fewer rides with the dog due to the extreme temps here. I may explore that type of system for our next vehicle since we would like to do some long roadtrips. Edited to add - I finally found that idle controller again online. It is made primarily for fleet vehicles and does not work on any vehicle with a push button ignition, so is somewhat limited in scope. For anyone interested - here's the link. https://www.secure-idle.com/install.html This link is to the installation instructions which is the only place on their site that show which models and years the units are built for. if your model and year isn't listed, this unit isn't an option.
  6. Petunia loves to walk but as far as we can tell there is no rhyme or reason to why she statues. It can happen at any time during the walk. Sometimes she proceeds to walk after a few minutes of stopping, but sometimes I have had to have my wife bring the car because I can't move her. She is pretty much a stubborn broodie. There's a part of me that thinks after walking for a half mile or so that she might have some joint pain, but there were also days when she walked a mile and half without stopping and no sign of anything wrong. She is a great little walker until she statues - then it's a complete unknown as the whether we will make it home or not without calling for the car. We currently have a second hound staying with us, and she is much better when there is another hound along for the walk. I only put the harness on her for the walk or if we are going in the car. She does not need to wear it the rest of the time and usually just has a tag collar on in the house.
  7. They do it here too, but it's a law that has typically been on the books here for many years so remote starters weren't a thing when they were written. Emergency vehicles like police, fire and ambulance are almost always exempt from laws pertaining to unattended idling now because the computers, drug cabinets, K-9 cages and other equipment require constant power and temperature control to function properly. I was the remote starter for my Mom's car in Winter . I think it goes back to the days when it wasn't uncommon for vehicles to jump into gear when parked and running, especially reverse. I had a car that did that several times because Park would not always engage completely even though it felt like it had and looked like it had on the indicator. Now there are so many interlocks and safety systems on cars that it doesn't happen as often as it used to, but the law is still on the books in many places here and they will write the ticket for it in certain cases or if they get a complaint. There were also a number of these ordinances enacted to decrease pollution, so there is a wide variance by state and city. I was doing some other searching and found that 28 states here have some form of law that make it illegal to leave pets in a car. Some have conditions where it becomes illegal, and some just make it outright illegal. https://www.animallaw.info/topic/table-state-laws-protect-animals-left-parked-vehicles Oddly enough, while we add laws to the books constantly, it seems pretty rare to actually have many of them taken off the books when they no longer apply due to changes in technology or because they are obsolete.
  8. Did you adopt one of our Petunia's puppies? Get a harness. The only way you will be able to maintain control of the dog and force her to move will be with a harness. The collar is too risky for an injury. The 2 Hounds No Pull Freedom Harness is what we use for Petunia. She can plant her feet like they are cemented to the sidewalk. I can still move her using the harness and force her to take steps until she decides to walk willingly. The harness gives you much more control of the dog overall. Normally we try a high value treat first - something like dehydrated liver. That treat is only used for this one purpose - to get her to walk. We hold it in front of her and start moving. We hold it just far enough away that she has to follow it, and when we get to a landmark, like the next street sign or next shady spot, we will give her the treat with lots of praise. The process usually has to repeat multiple times to get her to walk. If she just flat out refuses and nothing works, I take control of the leash right where it meets the control loop of the harness, and only then will I pull her forward to get her moving. Using the harness, there is no strain on her like there would be with a collar.
  9. Even though we've all had to do it at one time or another when traveling or commuting with a pet, you need to be aware that in most states / cities, you can get a ticket for leaving a vehicle running and unattended. Laws have not been updated in most places to account for remote start systems or other tech. I've lived in 2 different places where I knew people who got tickets for letting their cars warm up in winter while they waited inside.
  10. Odin, you are one handsome dude! Happy Birthday from Petunia and Bella!
  11. Along with Petunia, we are going to be heartbroken when this girl goes home to her human. She has fit right in from the first minute we met her. She and Petunia both sleep in the living room instead of Petunia coming to bed in our room like usual, and in the morning the living room looks like there was a teenage slumber party during the night. We have beds in our bedroom for both of them, but they want to do their own thing apparently. They run & play together and where one goes the other follows. At least we know she's nearby now, so they can have some play dates once Bella goes home. Every morning when I get up, Bella gets up from her bed and comes over to snuggle against me. She definitely knows how to work the system. I think she learned from a Pro, or is channeling one.
  12. I've just started keeping the jar on the counter right next to the toaster. PB on toast is one of my favorites when I can't figure out what I want to eat, and is very often breakfast.
  13. OK. That was how the previous site displayed them so was hoping it was still an option. Probably not a big deal to leave it as it is. Thanks for checking.
  14. That's the one. I always found it easier to see the latest posts using that on the previous site when it only displayed the newest topics that had been posted until another new topic bumped the bottom one off. I think leaving all forums in is fine so that all posts get an equal chance at being viewed, but in it's current display it's just a constantly changing list, so it's easy to miss a new post for a day or two if I'm just skimming things. I guess what I'm asking is if it can be set to display only the Newest Topics posted instead of every response to every post. That would give pretty much every new post at least a few hours of visibility on the front page. Thanks.
  15. Jeff, Any chance the TOPICS list on the main page can be set to display New Topics only like the previous site? New posts that need visibility or more urgent replies, especially Health and Medical get pushed off of the list too quickly if Off Topic and C&F / Chat Club are really busy. Right now it is changing with every reply to a post. Thanks.
  16. We figured that Petunia would make the Kanab Newspaper front page when she statued in the middle of the street and brought the parade to a halt. They are hanging here with me this weekend but Mom went to Kanab with Trolley and her mom.
  17. Petunia and Bella waited until the hottest part of the day to go sunbathing.
  18. Time4ANap


    I'm very sorry for your loss. Run-free, Bisbee.
  19. ... Daddyman. Note the eye that is watching Daddyman from behind the blanket.
  20. I'm so sorry for your sudden loss. Run-free, Jax. You will be greatly missed.
  21. Rocket loved those. He didn't care for the chicken feet that I got at the butcher shop too much, but those dried duck feet were gold!
  22. Petunia says she has not heard from even one of those 21 brats...... One of her boys is too busy winning races and being handsome on the innerwebs. Meet MW's T-Rex.
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