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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. I am so sorry I too had an independent old lady who hated being helped. I let her go before it came to that
  2. I don't think I've ever known a vet who didn't have at least one dog, so obviously there are ways to make it work When I was working, I was gone 9-6 most days, and once a week 12 (noon)-9:30. They did fine. I think you should go for it
  3. I am so sorry it is so hard to let them go when their body is failing but their spirit is still there
  4. I am so sorry you have lost your special boy
  5. I am so sorry cancer is a sneaky devil, stealing away our loves
  6. I have not given my seniors any special tests unless they were having problems. Seniors sometimes have those "well, something is not quite right, but I'm not sure what is going on". But, I don't really consider 10 a senior
  7. I am so sorry, Spriet was one of the most beautiful dogs on GT and had the best ears ever! She will,be missed by many
  8. I hope so, Conner has done something to his toe, but it's not broken, so I hope he'll be recovered by the time we go.
  9. When you are ready to make the leap to the dark side (go raw ) let me know and I will give you the information for Susie's co-op. Easier than running around to ten different grocery stores (to catch all the sales) and cheap than the commercial mixes.
  10. What a great looking family you have! Btw, no such thing as too many pictures
  11. Wow, what an interesting household you have
  12. I am so sorry fo your loss, but how fortunate to have those extra three years
  13. I am so sorry you have lost your special girl
  14. Is there some reason you stopped the Chinese herbs and acupuncture? Fletcher had IBS and we did taper his acupuncture down to about once a month, but didn't stop, and he stayed on his Chinese herbs for his whole life. I would have to ask my vet exactly what he was on, he passed in 2013, so I have forgotten exactly what he took. I also gave him canned pumpkin with every meal, I know it doesn't work for all dogs, but it worked for him. He was also raw fed. Anything processed just didn't agree with him, even if it was a protein source that he could eat just fine if it was raw. Good luck, dealing with IBS is a life long struggle Oh, I just saw what you said about the acupuncture, maybe start it again, but not as frequent?
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