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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. No better heart healer than a goofy puppy He looks like a hoot!
  2. My first grey, Sugar, had a small growth on his eyelid. appeared when she was 9? 10? around there. It didn't bother her, and I was reluctant to put her under because she had a heart valve problem, so we just left it. It never grew, or bothered her. Did they biopsy the growth when they removed it last time?
  3. Congratulations on your new baby! Also happy to hear King is doing so well. You are going to be busy
  4. As others have said, it is just a matter of terminology. Each cat and each dog will react differently. When I adopted my first grey, I had five cats, which varied from confidant and friendly to spooky and timid. Fortunately my first grey was timid herself and genuinely cat safe. Over the years I have had dogs that went from supposedly cat safe, but she lied (foster, who was quickly moved to a different home and had her status changed ) to dogs who totally ignore the cats. Cat workable usually means (but check with the group for specifics) 'during cat test, dog showed mild to no interest in cat' rather than 'here kitty kitty I am ready for a snack'. Self confidant and outgoing cats usually adapt faster, but the fact that yours are already used to dogs, even small ones, will be a big help as well.
  5. Well, of course, today he ate all his breakfast Once Val can eat crunchies again (Dr wants her on soft food for 2 weeks after her dental) I am thinking about leaving some dry out in the morning for him to snack on during the day, if he wants. I know she will eat a lot of it at first, but she could stand to add a couple of pounds, so that's ok. If he shows no interest and she starts to get fat, I'll stop. But as long as he eats dinner and is otherwise healthy, I can let it go
  6. Age isn't really a guarantee for activity level. I've seen very mellow 2 yr olds, and my newest girl, who turned 7 in June is more like a typical 3-4 year old I agree, go and meet him.
  7. Yes, the oldies get whatever they want but I keep saying (about Conner) "but he's only 10.5" I know that's not young, but it's barely senior, to me. On the other hand, he is an 'old' 10, while Val is a three year old in a seven year old body
  8. yes, most veggies have to be cooked for dogs to be able to get any benefit from them, plus I think carrots have a pretty high water content, so that wouldn't help with loose poop. The olewo carrots are dehydrated, and you don't add that much liquid back to feed them.
  9. What a handsome fellow, no wonder he likes looking at himself in the mirror
  10. I was having a discussion about this with my dental hygienist today, she has labs. She said she currently has a three yr old that most days doesn't eat breakfast. Just not a morning person, er dog, As long as everything else is ok, I am just not going to worry about it.
  11. We have some pumpkin in the freezer, I'll see if she wants some later
  12. When I adopted Val I knew she needed a dental and would lose some teeth. So, today was the day, she lost a couple of big molars, but it wasn't as bad as it could have been. Turns out she has an "extra" tooth way in the back, only on one side. I am sure she would appreciate any kind thoughts for a quick, uneventful recovery. I am looking forward to non stinky kisses
  13. Glad to hear it wasn't as bad as first thought! Lots of blood is always scary.
  14. can you try some of the anti-anxiety drugs just to see if they help, or would that mess with her blood pressure?
  15. :pepper These vague diagnosis can be frustrating, but so much better than the bad C!
  16. I never should have told him I was posting this He decided he didn't want dinner. So, after I fed everyone else, I gave him a little kibble and ground beef, which he ate. A little more, and then some goats milk. Sigh. He might as well be a cat As long as he checks out healthy, I will stop obsessing and let him eat when he wants.
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