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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. If Sam were jealous, I think you would know it If he is just ignoring the new dog, he is probably fine. i do think most dogs like having another dog around, even if they are not BFFs.
  2. Several of us were talking at a M&G today about that special dog, the one that you know instantly is yours, and you are theirs. The one you have a deeper connection with that can't really be explained in words. I am so sorry you have lost your special boy
  3. Fingers crossed that everything goes well! If he has extractions, he may have some bloody drool today and tonight. It should be gone by tomorrow. He may or may not want to eat tonight, soft food for awhile (my vet said two weeks) but he will probably be back to normal in a day or so. Your vet should give him something for the pain, Val got Metacam and Tramadol.
  4. I am so sorry You were lucky to have her for so long, but I know it is never long enough
  5. Glad to see things have worked out so well!
  6. I have no advice for your problem, but you might want to post your question in the "Training and Behavior" forum, more people are likely to see it, including some who know a lot about behavior issues
  7. The idea of stopping the meds was probably to see if she could do without daily medication. You always want to go with the least amount of meds that is effective. That said, if arthritis is the cause, she probably will need to be on something on a regular basis, arthritis can't be cured. Are you giving her any supplements, like glucosamine or MSM?
  8. I don't know why they would tell you that, I think they should sleep in your room, especially at first. Some of mine have chosen to sleep in the living room occasionally, but that was after they had been here awhile. Sleeping in the room with you will help the two,of you bond
  9. I have no better advice than you have already gotten, but I do know how hard this is
  10. She's a beauty! Sounds like it was meant to be
  11. Sounds like Twiggy is a real fighter hoping for a full recovery!
  12. How frustrating! I (sadly) know just how you feel. Glad she is feeling better, though.
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