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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. I use a mobile vet, Dr Peg LaCombe, http://www.atyourbarkandcall.net/ 602-418-6545 There is, or was, a vet clinic in south Phoenix (so, near you) that a lot of people use because one of the vets was a former track vet, so very greyhound savvy. Unfortunately, I've never used them, so I don't remember the name Perhaps some other Phoenix peeps will remember.
  2. For what it is worth, it sounds to me like you are making the right decision. We never want to let them go, but doing what is best for her quality of life is not giving up on her, it is putting her first
  3. Sallie had no problems with it, and neither does Conner, and they both had problems with Tramadol. However, everyone (dog or human) reacts a little differently, and it does sound like side effects.
  4. I am so sorry. This is a horrible situation, you just have to make the best decision can for your girl
  5. I am so sorry you didn't get better news Hopefully you will have some good quality time with him
  6. One of the first things my dogs learn is "move", but that's just because I have a small house They also learn "wait" and "leave it", and eventually recall. I don't formally train them, these are just things they learn as we work out living together. I'd probably say wait and recall are the most important, for safety reasons. Reminds me, I need to get to work on reinforcing their recall! The tip about taking some kind of mat for obedience classes is good, a yoga mat is a good choice if you have one.
  7. I use "grain free" as a convenient short cut, and really need to stop All dry dog foods have some sort of carb, and tapioca or pea aren't necessarily better than wheat or rice. The only thing I would avoid is corn and any food that has grain/carb as the first ingredient or two. Most of my dogs have done well on food with rice or oats, when I was feeding dry.
  8. You say his first poop is pretty firm, but gets loose later. Is this on walks? Because, it is normal if they poop more than once on a walk for the later output to be softer/looser. Have you tried adding either canned pumpkin or yogurt to his food? That can help with the gas and poop, but it doesn't always work. I prefer the grain free foods, but some of the high end brands can be too rich. I've never had a dog with SA, so can't help you there
  9. They can eat any and all chicken bones as long as the bones are not cooked! I used to be able to find Cornish Game hens on sale sometimes, and I would just cut them down the middle and give each dog half a bird. Will definitely check out the Safeway sale!
  10. This is a separate issue from the one I mentioned in Sweep's thread (I think!) A couple of months ago his chiropractor noticed one of his "knuckles" on a back toe was swollen and bruised. It looked like it was broken, but when we x-rayed, there was no fracture or break, and neither her or my regular vet could figure out what was going on. A sprung toe is a sprain of one or both ligaments along side the toe joint. The book did mention that there could be pressure sores on the surrounding toes, but this is obvious, the knuckle is swollen and hard. He says he'd rather have fries
  11. Finally got a diagnosis for Conner's wonky toe. His chiropractor is studying for her boards, and her study group was going through Care of the Racing and Retired Greyhound. They got to the section that included sprung toes and she said, that's it! that's Conner's toe! Turns out we have been doing the right things, rest in the beginning, and cold laser. That and time. It's a relief to have an answer
  12. As long as he checks out medically, you'll just have to try and figure out what is going on in his head Getting the rugs (make sure they have rubber backing) is a good idea. You might also try changing where he eats or the bowl he eats from. Both of those things have worked for me with dogs that suddenly started not eating. I suspect it may have started with all the activity and change in routine over the holidays. I hope you figure it out!
  13. I think maybe the hardest situation is when their body starts to fail them, but their spirit is still strong. I don't know if it is the same with dogs, but I have had several cats with kidney disease (very common in older cats) and have been told that it is not painful.
  14. I don't "do" puppies, but omg, I would make an exception for her
  15. I was so pleased when Val decided she would sleep with me. I am still pleased, but... Lately she goes to bed immediately after dinner . By 7, she is in the bedroom. She doesn't always get on the bed, but when she does, she nests all the sheets, blankets, throws, everything but the fitted bottom sheet into a nice pile in the middle of the bed and plops down. When I go in to bed several hours later, I have to try and tug at least the sheet out from under her, and shove her over enough to give me a little space. I already have extra blankets piled up nearby Conner is such a velcro dog that the first thing he learned was "move!" The cold nose thing!
  16. I use Fresh Factors and regular Joint Health. I have tried the Advanced Joint Health, but none of my dogs liked it.
  17. While osteo is the most likely cause, it could be some rare random thing. His rapid improvement would make that more likely, cancer doesn't get better! I hope he continues to improve
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