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Everything posted by HeyRunDog

  1. Grace didn't used to take treats from you if they were held out but would from the flat of your hand.
  2. Is that the surgery where the tendon to the toe is cut so it relieves the pressure on that toe? My worry is that it then puts added pressure on the remaining toes and what happens when they get corns? Grace is suffering with corns at the moment so I'm using Bazuka which is a verruca and wart treatment for humans which seems to be working.
  3. Welcome to your new home Jenny and I bet at 1.5 years old you've got enough bounce and energy to drive your new servants mad
  4. Grace's morning poop is nice and firm and she deposits it on short grass so it's easy to pick up. The afternoon poop is usually done on long grass but is more squidgy and moulds itself more easily around it....
  5. Yes go to the vet and get it rebandaged. They can check on the healing progress and more importantly it'll give you peace of mind. When Grace had her foot operation I used to cover the bandage with a food bag and then cover that with an old sock to give her some grip and protect the bag. The sock would go far enough up her leg to be gently fastened around her ankle with micropore tape stuck to the sock not her fur.
  6. Olewo carrots or pumpkin puree apparently help with runny stools and charcoal for dogs will help with the gas emissions.
  7. I often think wounds like this repair quicker without any dressing or cream on them but the problem is to stop him licking it. You could try an old clean sock with the toe cut out and tape it top and bottom around the sock not his fur, if you know what I mean, and change it regularly to try and keep it dry. Adding bitter apple to the dressing would persuade him not to lick it. And telling him NO every time he's about to go near the wound.
  8. Congratulations on your new boy. If what you're doing is working then that's great especially if you are getting results having only had him for two days and he's still got his youthful exuberance I use a quick flick/tug on the lead and "NO" to curb Grace's enthusiasm for greeting cats or any other situation I need her to stop what she's about to do. There will be many opinions on how to control/train your dog just find the one that works for you.
  9. No problem with changing Grace's name either. I'm not sure if they use their names when they're in the racing kennels the same as we do as our pets. They probably just name them to help identification when they are racing not to "control" them.
  10. I think I might have found a more addictive treat than peanut butter. I know it doesn't seem possible but bear with me. Greyhounds like chicken, greyhounds love sausages but if you put the two together you get chicken sausages mmmmmmm. The proof. I had some for tea and gave Grace a small end piece in her bowl after I had finished which she wolfed down. The following day I had the rest of the sausages and for the first time ever Grace came up to me whilst I was eating asking for a bit.
  11. I agree. Leave the doors open and she will eventually feel comfortable enough to explore. Grace ignored her toys for a long time then had a faze of playing with them now she's back to mostly ignoring them.
  12. I don't know if you can get it where you are but I've just put Grace onto Gain Maintenance and her stools have noticeably firmed up.
  13. You can also get pre moistened wipes specifically for dog's ears
  14. In this dog's case you would need a 6 feet 3 inch fence as it clears a 6 feet 2 inch one.
  15. The only comfort I can offer is that greyhounds have tremendous healing capabilities. When Grace had her foot operation to remove the webbing between two toes even the vet was surprised at how quickly the wound healed.
  16. Grace's favourite is an old double bed thick quilt/eiderdown folded up to fit on top of her foam bed.
  17. The throw on my couch seems to be doing a good job of getting rid of the loose hair.....
  18. As others have said he did what greyhounds have been bred for and I would take some consolation in that he killed quickly and not playing/tormenting like a cat would with a mouse.
  19. Don't be surprised if he ignores his toys to start with. It took Grace a couple of months to start playing with hers and then only stuffies that squeaked. I break milk and gravy bones in two as Grace always seems to think treats come in pairs, I don't know where she got that idea from Two things missing off your list are time and patience. Don't expect too much for the first few days, give him space and time to adjust into the alien world he's been dropped into. Don't make to much a fuss of him and let him come to you.
  20. There is no law that says greyhounds have to sleep upstairs, Grace sleeps downstairs quite happily knowing I'm in the house. I think that she whines because she knows that you'll come down, give her a bit of attention and a treat....result from her point of view. You have two choices. Either teach her how to do stairs and she sleeps in your bedroom (there goes your privacy) or tough it out. If you decide on the latter it might take a few nights for Arrow to work out that the treats are no longer at the end of a whine.
  21. First off. I think it was totally irresponsible of the foster home not to take Duchess back as soon as you had problems. I bet they had been trying to get Duchess off their hands for ages but that doesn't help you now. It'll take time for your Toffy to readjust but remember dogs take behaviour cues from their owners. Try and remain calm and ignore the cane corso, don't suddenly panic and call your dog in but calmly carry on. Also Toffy might be trying to protect you. How friendly is this dog? Could you make friends with it and let your hound see that this dog is OK?
  22. I agree a 4+ year old low energy dog would be good and dogs do exist who don't have separation anxiety despite the impression sometimes given. I know because I've got one. She looks forward to me going out because she gets her Kong full of kibble. As for elevators mine doesn't hesitate when I visit my mother in her flat (apartment) on the 3rd floor but get it used to stairs too for when the elevator breaks down. Remember a lot of patience, humour and time is needed when you first get your hound but the more you put in the greater the reward with these lovely animals.
  23. ....or safe. Whatever you use for flea/tick or worming treatment it is a poison of some form, it has to be otherwise it wouldn't kill the little blighters, and it is balancing act of administering enough to be effective without harming the dog. At least with the commercial treatments from the vets / pet store they have been tested and meet a set standard. I know there have been stories of ill effects on some dogs from these treatments but overall the number of affected animals is very small but it grabs the media's attention whereas the alternative remedies don't.
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