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Everything posted by HeyRunDog

  1. I crated Grace for the first couple of nights but she started to take exception to it and would whine constantly so I left the door open and she was a lot happier. It appears she didn't like to be confined in a small space even if it was a large 48 inch crate. I still have Grace's crate up and covered with an old blanket as she still occasionally uses it as a safe place but I have removed the door so she can come and go as she wants. Could you do the same with Carmen?
  2. Grace is similar. I've had her for about 18 months and she took a little persuading at first to get on the sofa and now she sleeps at night on it, OK she sleeps in the day on it too, but she wouldn't let me sit next to her head and would go back to her bed if I tried to do so. I could sit at the bald bum end and give her tummy rubs all day, no problem, that was until a couple of days ago. Now she'll let me sit at the pointy end and make a fuss of her.
  3. Does it make any difference if the vendor is selling the merchandise to cover the costs of their hobby, raising funds for greyhound charities or are they a commercial enterprise just making a profit out of it? If the forum has rules and restrictions then exceptions are made, does that create problems for the future?
  4. If you're out walking a quick tug on the lead say NO firmly and keep on going.
  5. You don't say where you are. Grace did this once when the weather was on the warm side. It was quite worrying at the time and I had to lift her back onto her feet and then she walked back home as normal as if nothing had happened.
  6. Unfortunately the cleaner fairies, cousins of the crumple fairies, have removed all the evidence
  7. Great looking greyhound. I love the one of him eyeing the last piece of pudding and Grace is jealous of his hairy posterior as she's a fully paid up member of the bald bum club Another food you could try him on is Gain Maintenance which is slightly cheaper and is made specially for resting/retired greyhounds. I get it from Millbry Hill https://www.millbryhill.co.uk/pets-c6/gain-greyhound-maintenance-p5304
  8. Royal Canin 8+ has 27% protein which is high for a retired greyhound. The recommended amount is 20%. Feeding a high protein diet can cause kidney problems
  9. When we come back from a walk and Grace's feet are muddy I always wipe them before letting her into the house. She then goes and lies on her bed in front of the radiator. Apart from this morning when I didn't wipe her feet and she made straight for the freshly laundered throw on the sofa covering it in muddy paw prints. WHY?!! When asked about the decoupage paw design now randomly printed on the throw she gave me the innocent "Who, me?" look that greyhounds have mastered over the years. Ah well, back into the washer with the throw.
  10. Lovely photos. Now where's my camera? Grace please wake up and open your eyes. Here's some peanut butter.
  11. I think it's the tone of your voice and your actions, even the minutest ones including how fast you blink and breath, facial twitches etc as well as any odours that dogs pick up on.
  12. Even just a 10 minute walk at roughly the same time every day would satisfy him and would probably do you good giving you a break. Think of it as a hound break instead of a coffee break.
  13. Make it easier on yourselves and keep her in the room with you and as Batterseabrindl says "She may indicate by sniffing the ground or making small circles" and then rush her outside.
  14. I'm another who feeds twice a day. Half her food about 7:30 am and the rest about 4:30 pm
  15. I agree with greysmom and Bizeebee. I give Grace a chew or her Kong when I'm going to leave her and say "See you later" as I walk out of the door. It lets her know that I know I've left her but I'm coming back.
  16. She says she's looking forward to her next greyhound walk in Lichfield where she meets 40+ fellow sausage lovers and always gets at least two treats, sausages and pilchard flapjacks.
  17. I bought her this: https://www.amazon.co.uk/PnH-Veterinary-Bedding-NON-SLIP/dp/B010BEVZX0/ref=sr_1_17?keywords=vet+bed&qid=1570254305&sr=8-17
  18. I have just bought Grace a piece of veterinary bedding so we can take it with us when we visit friends and relatives so she has somewhere comfy to lie down that's not their sofa but doesn't take up to much room in her away bag. I thought I'd give her a chance to try it first. She gave it a quick sniff and promptly lay on it. Several hours later she's still there despite my/her sofa being unoccupied. She didn't even move when I vacuumed around her. I wonder if they do human size pieces?
  19. I did a similar thing with Grace when she growled at me soon after I got her. I growled back but louder, the look on her face was priceless, and as with your hound she hasn't growled at me since.
  20. Grace would like to wish her fellow black dogs a Happy Black Dog Day and hope you all get an extra peanut butter treat
  21. My Grace suffers with multiple corns so I know what you and Peggy are going through. Surgery doesn't help as 99% of the time as they come back. I use Bazuka corn and wart gel which I try and apply once a day. It's not an instant fix but over time it is reducing the size of the corns and every now and again I can pick out the hard core.
  22. Grace only goes twice a day, once at 6:30 on the morning walk and again at 6 pm on the second walk. Occasionally she has let me know very subtly she needs to go in between but very rarely. If there are noisy children visiting one of the neighbours Grace won't go out although she is slowly getting used it, but I can vacuum around her and she doesn't bat an eyelid, or she would if she woke up long enough not to do so. I've had Grace for 15 months and she still is developing and getting used to her "new" world. Accept Blue as a quirky greyhound and not as a dog.
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