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Everything posted by palmettobug

  1. Can confirm, IE is messing up the page something awful. Chrome is fine.
  2. Anyone tried goat's milk for nutritional support? I've read that it is easily digestible, and good for cancer patients. Although the patient is a kitty, I'm putting it here in case anyone else wants to try it for theirs .
  3. Vet check--he may be having some pain issues (and we all know how well they hide it!). My boy Gino has issues with one rear foot, which provokes a bite reaction with me, but he is perfectly fine with the chiropractor and the nail-clipper lady. I've been bitten by both my big boys, and yes, it's terrible and shocking and all those emotions, but at the end of the day, I know it's my fault and they are just being dogs.
  4. I've met and been accepted by Spirit, he is such a sweetie, even if he is Chicken Little sometimes. He has become a good big brother, too.
  5. Sweet Spirit, your friends down here on the coast are sending all their good energy your way.
  6. Panting (other than heat related), inability to settle down, change of walking pace, dragging feet, are signs I've seen in my own dogs.
  7. Lila, nothing could detract from your beauty. You were aptly named from the start.
  8. Oh no, we were so hoping for good news. You are in our thoughts.
  9. Oh, yes, dealing with G's right rear foot and toes. The chiro said they were stiff, he does tend to favor that foot, and heavens forbid if I even LOOK at it. No breaks, no obvious injury, but you can tell it's not normal.
  10. Bea, you were truly one of a kind. That family has no idea what they missed. I can't pass a Jack-Be(a)-Little pumpkin and not think of you and smile. Run free and fast, sweet Momma. Jan and the campers, we hold you in our hearts.
  11. I'm working to address his pain first. It's difficult as a single person to handle the feet and treat at the same time, maybe put some PB in the muzzle while I'm back there? When he is getting his nails trimmed and his cold laser treatment, I hold him in place and he doesn't move, lift a lip, snarl, whatever, so I think that eventually he may associate that with good things. Anyhow, he did do some roaching this evening, which means he is feeling better.
  12. Others can speak to the corn issues, but I have experience w/the pain biting. My boy has problems getting things stuck in his feet, and then overreacting when I try to get them out. Vet exam and x-rays didn't show anything abnormal. The immediate solution is to put his basket muzzle on for walks and any time someone will be examining back there--although he doesn't react at others, go figure. I'm also pursuing cold laser, professional nail trims, chiro, CBD oil. I'm hoping with time and exposure to having GOOD things happen when someone is touching his feet, I can get him to stop reacting.
  13. I looked at the recommend ones from Amazon, they had a nice colorblock one that I got for the hall. So far, so good! I think the one I had there was catching too much dust and debris and the air handler was sucking it up.
  14. Oh, no, we were all hoping for a better outcome. We will look for his bright star tonite.
  15. That looks more like a sebaceous cyst, sort of pimply to me.
  16. I get some at Ollie's, or get the rubber underlays. I got a front door mat from Amazon called Gorilla Grip, it doesn't move, but boy does it stink.
  17. Minnie Pearl would like a word with you...HOW-DEE!! I'm always wary of picking up furniture, with bedbugs being so widespread. I will pick up friendly cats tho!
  18. I thought you meant the only one not begging to come back in at the door (That's Beautimous Bea, correct?)
  19. Irene, I know what you are feeling now. Johnny went so suddenly and so young as well, just gone and no clear answers. We hope your sweet memories bring you comfort.
  20. Of course it wasn't him, those look like turkey feathers!
  21. She may like a soft cone better, or muzzle with stool cup. Get well soon girls! Many, many years ago, our beagle and golden retriever half-grown puppy cornered a groundhog. The beagle was baying at it, the golden lunged in, grabbed it by the nose, two shakes, all over.
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