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Everything posted by Patsy

  1. You can just tell how soft he was from the pix. Send your folks a sign, sweetie.
  2. Patsy


    Definitely The Queen. I sat in MSP airport all teared up when I finally could catch up and saw the news.
  3. Patsy


    Speechless. Everyone has said it so well.
  4. I had a kitty long years ago now who would gnaw thru bread wrappers just like that. Just bread, nothing else.
  5. That definitely needed a spoot warning!
  6. "Don't even think about it!" is big here. Also "beep beep" when I'm trying to get by. I also always say as I'm leaving "I'll be back". Why would you not talk to your animals? What would be the point of having them?
  7. Falling in love once again. That's hysterical about that chikken.
  8. Oh my! The allergies are great with this one.
  9. We'll happily take a couple bad ones to begin.
  10. Holy cow! She has only added grey eyebrows after nine years. You're working it girl!
  11. Shades of being at my daughter's in Maryland when it was hotter than hell standing on the back deck yelling "KK go poop" over and over.
  12. I'm loving that the chikken made the office visit too. I thought I had it safely stashed on the counter at Kestralyn's after the Petco order arrived in Maryland but one day I looked over and KitKat had chikken in her jaws. Yikes! Moved it immediately to a safer spot and felt silly for thinking a golden retriever couldn't find *everything*
  13. Looking great Lexie!! Older women do it with class. 😜
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