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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. crumple fairy! she has visited our house a time or two
  2. I think you are doing a good job with her freezing, and eventually she will get better, but she may always be a bit squirrelly on that issue. I don't think trying to train her to get off the bed by this weekend is going work, and may do more harm than good. The best solution would be to block her from the bed so she never gets up there to begin with, but I have no ideas on how you can do that and still use the bed yourself There are some very experienced dog trainers on GT, hopefully some of them will chime in with some better suggestions. She is a cutie!
  3. I am so sorry you didn’t have a better outcome
  4. What good girls! Love the crosses paws. As my grandmother would say, butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth
  5. I think closers are the most exciting racers to watch. When the afterburners kick in, it is just amazing!
  6. Thank you Dick, that was beautiful. No one can write like Dennis!
  7. What a handsome fellow! How lucky he was to have you, how lucky you were to have him.
  8. Vet is coming this afternoon, I thought I had better write this while I still could. Conner was the sweetest, easiest dog I ever had. He went along with anything, was always happy, especially if there was food involved. He never met a food he didn't like, except raw carrots. He and his brother Ares were returned to our group due to a death in the family, and I was in the market for a big goofy boy. He was 9, almost 10, just the age I like. His foster mom handed me the leash, said here are the keys, and that was that I never in my wildest dreams thought He would still be here with me at 14.4. Unfortunately, his poor old body has just worn out. I wish I could keep him with me forever (don't we all wish that) but we can't control his pain any more, in fairness to him, I have to let him go. Go find your buddy Rocket, the two of you can sit up in your balcony and complain about the rowdy whippersnappers (Muppet reference) I'll miss you old man
  9. White rice (cooked very “wet”), runny oatmeal, mushy pasta, different dogs like/do well on different things, just make sure which ever you use is over cooked and mushy. Helps add water which he will need, diarrhea makes them dehydrated and easier to digest. Sorry if I am repeating the obvious, but not everyone knows this stuff
  10. I agree, need a return vet visit or new vet. X-ray won't show a lot of soft tissue things, he probably needs an ultrsound and different tests. You have done all the standard things, time to search further. Good luck!
  11. Ooo Cletus, a fancy chikkin coloring book! I think your Mama should get you some turkey so you can compare tastes.
  12. I am so sorry! Way, way too young
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