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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. Honestly, yeah, probably for the best, but you don’t need to give up on the idea of a companion for Grace. Just look for a dog who is a better fit. ( enablers R us )
  2. I don’t have any advice about the dent in his pad except to mention it to the vet. Also tell him the foot is still swollen and he doesn’t want to put weight on it. That said, if it is truly sprained, not just “tweaked”, it will take longer than a week to heal. Plus, with arthritis and him being a senior, that could add to the healing time. Think about how long it would take your ankle/foot to heal if you sprained it rather than just twisted it. I hope your handsome boy starts feeling better soon!
  3. Sid’s story sounds perfectly reasonable to me!
  4. Sugar, my first greyhound, had MVD, diagnosed when she was 9. She was 7 when I adopted her, so she could have had a mild case before she was diagnosed. She was on enalipril and lasex for several years with regular checkups and was stable, but when she finally started to get worse she was put on vetmedin. It did help, and she was on it for about a year, but by then she had other health issues and developed CHF. She passed from kidney failure at 12.5. The vetmedin could have contributed to her kidneys going, but she was already in CHF, so I think it was worth it.
  5. I am so sorry, Poppy was a beautiful girl
  6. Isn’t it great to watch them run? You are right to be cautious, bad things can happen to a greyhound in a dog park, but with just one or two other dogs you are pretty safe, if they seem like “nice” dogs. And yes, they are terrible breed snobs
  7. Who could forget Paddy Mayhem! Nice to see Annie carrying on the tradition
  8. Not that we get a lot of rain, but sure, sounds sensible to me
  9. I am very sorry We never have them long enough
  10. I think you are on the right track to managing this. He may get less reactive over time, but many don’t. As long as you have your protocols in place (doesn’t that sound fancy! ) everything should be fine. Fletcher got along with most greyhounds, over the years he met two that he just didn’t like personality clash, I guess. People will tell you that greyhounds aren’t territorial but Fletcher certainly was, territorial and very protective. Good luck, I can guarantee life with your boy will never be boring!
  11. My Fletcher was pretty big, around 90 lbs (40 kg) and very leash reactive to other dogs, so I understand what you are dealing with. He pulled me off my feet many times, but luckily never broke anything. As you have discovered , the harness gives much better control than a collar and the Ruffwear ones mention above are good, but no harness is going to help you control his head. A wide (2") cloth collar will help you control his head/neck with much less chance of injuring his neck or spine. A leash attached to the collar and another leash attached to the harness will give you the most control. If you haven't already, trying the "look at me" training is worth a try, it can be very effective. Unfortunately, it didn't work for Fletcher, so it may not help your boy, but worth a try. The only other thing I can add is I learned to be hyper vigilant on our walks looking for other dogs. If I spotted the other dog before he did I had much better control. The times I got pulled off my feet and he almost got to the other dog is when I didn't see them coming. Good luck!
  12. You and Chris “foster” like I do. Which is why I don’t foster anymore welcome lovely lady
  13. Great to see the ladies again, and Starbuck. The sound track makes it!
  14. I just heard on the news that today is national peanut butter day! Thought all houndies should know
  15. You did the right thing keeping those bonded girls together! Give them time and they will warm up to you.
  16. I am so very sorry You did everything you could for her
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