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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. Thanks for the update, sounds like she is doing well so far
  2. Broodies My first greyhound was a 7 yr old broodie. She was generally a pretty shy, quiet dog, very polite, but when I got a big, rowdy 2yr old, she could put him in his place with “the look” She never growled, just shot him the look and he was “Ma’am, yes Ma’am, sorry Ma’am!”
  3. Val eats a fancy-schmancy frozen food from the indie pet store, I’ve only had a problem getting that once, but I recall a month or so ago Costco put a one bag per customer limit on all their pet food. They have since lifted it, but it could come back any time. I guess this is our new normal. Plus, the cost
  4. Perhaps the one Benadryl broke the cycle, sometimes it becomes a habit and interrupting makes them “forget”. Whatever, it keeps working. edited to add, I did have one dog, I think it was Fletcher, that Zyrtec worked better with, I guess just like everything else, it depends on the individual.
  5. Now that y’all mention it, Val did have to have her anal glands expressed once. I had forgotten, it was a few years ago. Something worth mentioning to your vet. (Vets just love to express anal glands )
  6. Put down some rugs in high traffic areas (high traffic for her) and be sure they are non skid rugs with rubber backing. She should do fine.
  7. The only one of my dogs who had his doom claws removed was ADHD klutz Fletcher I was so glad there was at least one thing he couldn’t injure! Not that I am saying Doolin would do any such thing
  8. Angus has always been a favorite of mine! edited to add, Kevin isn’t on your list, but he kind of looks like a Kevin to me
  9. and also They are kind of like toddlers. When they are tired, they just fall asleep wherever they are
  10. Good point, and every product is going to have a few dogs (or people, or whatever) that have a bad reaction. We used Seresto for several years on several dogs with no problems.
  11. I was told that the back leg amps are a little easier for them because so much of their body weight is in the front. Made sense to me.
  12. I am so sorry for your loss, but I know she had the best 9 years of her life with you
  13. Val used to be that way too, trying to pull me across the street to say hello As long as it was older children or adults, that is. She is afraid of babies and small children. I am pretty sure in that first picture Punkin is rolling her eyes and saying “we are not with her”
  14. I admit I have a weakness for the goofy boys When you go back next week and spend some time with both of them (if they are both still there!) you will know who is the right one.
  15. What a beauty I love the grey faced black houndies Happy Birthday ms. Grace!
  16. All of mine were fostered, because of the cat thing, but I will remind you, some of them lie on their cat test Fletcher actually lived with a cat in his foster home but we still had a few issues when he met Ethel, my spook cat. Everything worked out with no harm done to anyone. To me, the most important thing is the individual personality of the dog and the cat(s). Go back and get her! (Enablers R Us)
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