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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. You put so much work into a spook, it can be really hard to let them go once they start to make some progress. And of course, he could not have landed in a better place
  2. I like the look of those fences, although obviously some would not work to keep your dogs safe. A few people in my neighborhood have fences like #6, it looks quite nice. I have to admit my introverted, antisocial self likes the 6ft block wall
  3. So glad to hear of Private Ryan’ recovery! It is amazing how quickly and completely they can recover from something like this. You may never know what caused it, and hopefully it will never happen again.
  4. I don’t know what the “norm” is for Maine. In some parts of the country back yard fences seem to be very rare, other places, like around here, it seems like everyone has something. I guess that might be a factor.
  5. Do you want privacy or a view? Most houses out here have 6’ block wall or 6’ solid wood (cedar) fences, good for privacy and keeping dogs in, but blocks any view. Some people have 4’ or 6’ chain link, sometimes with that vinyl stuff which doesn’t hold up well in our heat.
  6. I am glad you got the good two weeks, but it is never any easier
  7. When I took Conner to the specialty vet for his dental, because he was 12, they used something like that, but I don’t recall the name so I don’t know if it was exactly the same thing. The dental was over four years ago and my old brain… I will go see if I still have the paperwork in a bit. I can tell you that after 14 (!) extractions he had very little bleeding.
  8. Check out GALT, they are very big in the DFW area. Welcome to GT!
  9. Congratulations and welcome home Guinness Love those shiny black dogs!
  10. What a handsome lad Grace may have a few moments of “hey, I liked him ok at the kennel, but I didn’t know he was coming into my home”, or not, everything goes smoothly edited to add, I never had any problem bringing in a new dog, didn’t mean to scare you.
  11. I am so sorry you are having to deal with this. It sounds like you have a severe spook, not just a “shy” dog. I have never dealt with a spook personally, but I know there are people here on GT who have, and I hope they can give you some help.
  12. Could be worse. I have a friend who had a cat who would get feminine hygiene products out of her purse and bring them into the living room to play with. Usually when guests were there
  13. Time. That’s all you need now Tete, time to keep learning to be a dog
  14. Love the name! or at least a description!
  15. Honestly, yeah, probably for the best, but you don’t need to give up on the idea of a companion for Grace. Just look for a dog who is a better fit. ( enablers R us )
  16. I don’t have any advice about the dent in his pad except to mention it to the vet. Also tell him the foot is still swollen and he doesn’t want to put weight on it. That said, if it is truly sprained, not just “tweaked”, it will take longer than a week to heal. Plus, with arthritis and him being a senior, that could add to the healing time. Think about how long it would take your ankle/foot to heal if you sprained it rather than just twisted it. I hope your handsome boy starts feeling better soon!
  17. Sid’s story sounds perfectly reasonable to me!
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