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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. I have found this ideal for giving cats access to (or from) a room that you don’t want the dogs in or out of. I have a dog door, so obviously I don’t close the bedroom door, but once most of my dogs settle in for the night they don’t leave until we get up the next morning, although they do sometimes switch beds during the night. The only exception was Fletcher, who was, unlike most greyhounds, was very territorial and protective. If he heard a noise in the yard he would jump up off his bed, bolt out the dog door, and search for the noise. He made so much noise he never caught anything
  2. Val would say, it’s the boys that ain’t right She thanks everyone for the birthday wishes!
  3. My little princess turns 14 today! There have been several times over the last couple of years I wasn’t sure you would make it, but you just keep bouncing back In the six and a half years you have been with me Val you have been such a good dog Happy 14th Birthday
  4. You may have a point, although I have known a few messy ladies
  5. I understand that there is a business side to running a vet clinic, and it must be very hard these days to be an independent. It still sucks to loose a good vet when something like this happens. I hope you can find a new vet that is either sight hound experienced or willing to learn.
  6. I know you said she wasn’t a broodie, but that is broodie stink eye if I ever saw it
  7. Oh, yes, she clearly needs rose petals scattered over her bed!
  8. I can still see the floor, so obviously, she needs more toys!
  9. That’s just beautiful Sweep is having her say!
  10. I can’t see anything in the middle video, but the first one, I thought I was going to see Nessie
  11. Sometimes they are not ready to go even when their body is failing them. It makes a heartbreaking time even harder if that is possible, but that is when we really have to step up and be the adult. I know exactly how you are feeling, but try not to second guess, you did do the right thing In time, the memories of all the good times will overshadow the sadness (most of it anyway) Damn, now I am crying again!
  12. Oh no, I am so sorry Sweep was one of those special dogs that I fell in love with even though I never met her. She will be missed by her many fans, but so much more by her own people
  13. I would never call Wiki a weirdo, but she is definitely not your average dog!
  14. What is it with black dogs that like to bake in the hot sun? We were up at the butt-crack of dawn to walk, it was still pretty nice at 5 a.m. but neither one of us is a morning person/dog
  15. I gave up refilling years ago, but I don’t have nice soft sand! I think my big digger was disappointed that I quit playing the game
  16. I am sure the training makes a difference, but have no idea how much. I do know the difference between a fast, consistently in the money racer and one who retires early because they are not quite fast enough is literally seconds.
  17. It gets easier to bear, but the grief never really leaves you. I have lost several hounds, and several cats before that, but losing my first greyhound hit me in a way I didn’t expect. Something about these dogs just gets into your soul.
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